chapter 6 ✩₊

to sum up the lesson, it was basically. a mess. and not in a silly quirky fun way. 

after the lesson was over you were one hundred percent sure that this lockhart guy was generally incompetent and you were quite shocked to see hermione try and defend him as you walked out of the class with harry and ron. 

"he just wanted to give us some first hand experience!" hermione said. like no tf he did not. 

"i don't thing him fucking up the whole classroom was intentional,," you muttered, giving a quick side eye to hermione. you truly did wonder what hermione saw in lockhart. he was just average looking at BEST. 

harry and ron were on your side but hermione persisted that professor lockhart was completely competent and cool and awesome. even though he clearly wasn't. 

you gave up on trying to convince her after a while as your words went in one ear and went out the other. 

the next day, you woke up about 1 hour earlier than usual. there was no real reason for your choice. well, the only 'reason' was that you had decided to get your life together the night before at 2 in the morning. ("i'll be THE it girl of this school. from tomorrow. i WILL study 3 hours a day and i WILL look gorgeous every single second of every single day!" you had affirmed in the mirror. )

and so you took a quick shower and got ready for the day, taking extra care of yourself on this particular morning. you looked in the mirror to admire yourself before going down to the great hall to get breakfast. 

it was emptier than usual which was a pleasant change. you were about to take a seat at the gryffindor table before you got interrupted by someone. 

"hey! l/n, is it?." you turned around to see malfoy, surprisingly alone, smiling at you in a way you guessed was supposed to be sweet. it was more off-putting to you if anything. seeing this guys face at 7 in the morning was NOT a pleasant change at all. 

"yes,,?" you questioned what he could possibly want. "all alone, huh?" he said, looking a bit too happy for comfort.

",,yes?" you responded. "what, are you gonna jump me at 7 in the morning?"

"of course not, why would i ever do that?" he said and you were sure there was something wrong with him. either he accidently got high or he's just generally a strange guy. or maybe your decision of becoming the best version of yourself was already affecting your appearance so much that you were simply unresistible. you highly doubted that was the case though.

"right." you said as you looked at him intensely, trying to figure out what he was up to. "i mean, i've just been thinking." he started. "you think?" you interrupted but he simply ignored you and continued, " and i think we've started off on the wrong foot. let's re-do out introduction."

"ooookay? im y/n l/n. nice to. meet you?" this has got to be the weirdest thing that has happened all week. and you just had class with lockhart yesterday. 

"im drace malfoy, feel free to call me draco." he extended a hand and you took it. he held on for a a few seconds too long and let go with a grin. "i'll be seeing you around." and then he left, leaving you confused. "what the hell,," you thought to yourself. 

draco grinned, showing off his white teeth as he walked towards his group of friends at the slytherin table. "how did it go?" said goyle as he shoved bacon down his throat. 

draco responded with a sigh. "honestly, not the best. but ! not the worst either." 

"she wants you so bad man" crabbe said with a mouth full of bread. draco glanced at him with a look of disgust. "chew before you talk." and then he looked at the gryffindor table, trying to find you. he spotted you sitting alone, cutting a piece of cake and putting it on your plate. the view of you was such a contrast to his ugly ass friend. 

he didn't know why but he had immediately regretted arguing with you. he didn't want you to think badly of him. sure, he was a bit of an asshole but. you don't need to know about that in full detail. 

he talked to his friends last night about how he wanted to try to be your friend and they had given him absolutely terrible advice. but it was fine, it didn't go that badly in the end anyways. (at least that's what he thought.) 

you might have been friends with people he hates and you might also be in the house that he hates but somehow he wanted you to approve of him. he wanted you to notice the best parts about him and admire him. you could say he just has a little harmless crush on you, that's all. 

he admired you while he sat in a really awkward position to face you until you looked up and noticed. he then went back to eating his breakfast.

"really,, what is up with this guy?" you thought to yourself. you didn't have too much time to dwell on it as harry, ron and hermione came over to where you were sitting. "morning!" you looked up with a smile a greeted them.

"morning! why did you wake up so early, you were already gone by the time i woke up!" hermione said as she sat down besides you. harry and ron sat infront of you. 

"oh well you know. hot girl shit and what not." you winked. "by the way hermione, can you help me on this one subject after classes,," and the school day way over before you knew it.

you got help from hermione to do a bit of studying, which was very tiring. you still felt proud of yourself. but also studying had worn you out so much that you fell asleep as soon as you back hit the common room couch. you ended up sleeping at 8 pm which resulted in you waking up way earlier than usual.

you layed on the couch and stared at the ceiling for a couple of seconds before hearing footsteps. you sat up and saw the quidditch team. "where are you going,,? the suns barely out yet." you asked and proceeded to yawn. 

"ask that lunatic!" fred said as he pointed at the captain of their team. harry had already informed you that he was called olived wood. "waking us up at ungodly hours!" george fake sobbed.

"we need to practice. this year will be our year." oliver said strictly, frowning at fred and george. 

"yeah guys, listen to your captain!!" you backed him up and got up from the couch. "can i come and watch?" you smiled at oliver. and he agreed. 

"honestly you all need to be more grateful for having such a fine dedicated captain,," you shook your head. 

a/n; i would rizz oliver up but since were supposed to be in second year that would be kinda weird. man. also idrk how to feel abt this chapter it's literally way too late for me to be writing this shit.

anw have a good day<3!
