chapter 2 ✩₊

summer holidays passes by in a blink of an eye, and the start of a new school year was only a few days away. 

normally, you wouldn't be that thrilled to attend school, but your mother had spent most of the summer telling you more stories about her years at hogwarts. you wanted to experience the things she once had experienced too. so when you got your hogwarts letter a few days ago and it was confirmed that you would be going to hogwarts, you were over the moon.

you already had most of the required supplies from the last school year, except for gilderoy lockharts books and some new robes, which you had to make a visit to diagon alley to buy. you were way too excited to sit around without anything to do so you convinced your parents to take you shopping for the books and new robes as soon as possible.

you were also permitted to bring a pet with you, therefor you begged your mom to buy you a cat. which she did, and you named the cat sprite. it was a gray cat with big brown eyes. 

after you'd bought everything, you counted days for the whole week until it was finally September 1st. your first day at hogwarts. 

you woke up extra early for the special occasion, ate a scrumptious breakfast , made sure that your uniform and hair looked good, you smelled nice and all your books and clothes were packed. you look into the mirror one last time before your mother calls you. "hurry up y/n, we need to leave soon!" she shouted from the front door. 

you carried your cat with one hand and your luggage with the other hand, hurrying to where your mom was standing. 

the car ride felt like it took absolutely forever, you couldn't sit still for the whole entire time, much to your parents annoyance. "ah sprite, how can you be sleeping right now? you know how important today is? hm?" you asked your sleeping cat as you gently pet her head. in the last few days, you had came to the conclusion that your cat was a big fan of sleep. very real of her. 

when you finally arrived at the train station, your mother guided you through the whole 9 and 3/4 platform process. she and your father reminded you to take care and write to them one last time before you got on to hogwarts express. at last, you were finally on the train to hogwarts.

this is when you started to get nervous. i mean, everyone else in your grade had already spent a whole year together, and you were probably the only new student. it looked as if most people had already formed their little friend groups. but then, you realized that there's nothing to be nervous about, since you're the most spectacular amazing out-standing cool awesome witch that has ever existed. (period.)

"making friends can't be that hard." you said to yourself, looking for the most approachable group of people to, well, approach and sit with.

as you walked through the train, glancing inside different compartments, you ran into a girl with fluffy brown hair and two big front teeth. cute! she had a red and yellow tie on, so you assumed -from the knowledge you had obtained from your mother priory- that she must have been in gryffindor.

she looked as if she was looking for something or someone particular so you decided to ask her about it. "hello, are you looking for something? maybe i can help?" you told her with a smile.

she looked at you for a second before replying. "ah yes im looking for my friends. i don't believe i've ever seen you before, well im hermione granger,a second year, and youre a first year i assume?"

"i'm y/n l/n, nice to meet you! actually, this is my second year as well, its just that i got expelled from my school last year and had to transfer,," you said.

this seemed to be quite a shock to hermione, as her eyes visibly widened. " expelled?? you don't look like the type,, expelled for what?"

"well, its a bit of a long story,,," you started. you and hermione found an empty compartment to sit in as you told her about how you got expelled, stories from your last school and gossip about your last school-mates. she also filled you in on what had happened in her first year at hogwarts. 

you two talked about many things, ranging from school to summer activities to teachers and what you had studied over the summer. well, you personally hadn't studied all that much but hermione seemed quite prepared to absolutely destroy everyone else in all subjects. as she should. 

talking with you made hermione forget all about who she was looking for in the first place. "harry and ron are probably fine anyways,," she thought to herself. oh how wrong she was. 

a few minutes before arriving at your destination, hermione reminded you to changed into your uniform and robes. once you were done changing, the train had already stopped and students were excitedly getting out. 

you grabbed hermiones hand as you both walked out the train and got into a boat with two other students. 

as soon as your boat had reached hogwarts, a much older woman grabbed your hand and pulled you towards where all the first years were standing. you only had time to turn back and quickly wave to hermione as a brief goodbye.

from what hermione had told you on the train about the teachers, you recognized her as professor Mcgonagall. she instructed you to walk in after the first years to get sorted. personally, you didn't have a bias towards any of the houses but you thought it would be fun to be in the same house as hermione, as she was your first friend here. and also the only person that you knew.

you stared at the first years that were getting sorted as you wondered which house would suit you the most. 

a/n; i love hermione. the love of my life for real. shout out to hermione. love her. so much. anw have a nice day <3
