chapter 13 ✩₊

the rest of your stay at the weasly house or whatever? lovely! (listen i forgot about everything that i wrote so were gonna skip to getting on the goddamn train because i do not have time. sorry for being a busy girlboss.. i guess.) (also this is about to be really uhm. not according to plot so my bad gang)

you hold hermiones hand as you walk onto the train. "is it colder than normal or what?" you say as you move closer to her, ron and harry walking behind you. 

"it is a bit colder huh.. you should've put on a jacket y/n." hermiones squeezes your hand as she frowns at you. "i would do a warming spell but-" 

you shake your head. "nahh its not THAT cold. just a little cold. i like it like this."

she hesitantly nods. 

"bloody hell, all these seats are taken." ron mutters as you look for an empty compartment. finally you reach the end of the train. theres a single compartment left. surely this one has to be empty right? wrong. 

theres an older man asleep in the corner of the compartment. "better than sitting with a bunch of first years.." you shrug and enter, lift your luggage on to the overhead space, and then proceed to sit down.

"you say that as if you're so much older." says ron as they all enter the compartment. "its not about age, it's about the maturity levels." you reply.

"as if youre so mature."

you stand up, since you're not about to be called immature by ron fucking weasly. a man. not even a man, a boy. 

"hey what, where are you going?" he asks. "someplace where bullying is not normalized."

as you exit the compartment, you realise you have no idea where you should go to now. it would just be straight up lame if you went back in. it would ruin the joke. well, it wasn't a very good joke to begin with but hey, you're already committed. 

you lurk around, looking for people that you know, but no luck. who are all these randos anyways. you're almost regretting being born with such a lame sense of humour. key word almost. becuase suddenly you come across the most beautiful gorgeous charming handsome i-dont-even-know-what-other-adjective-to-use boy you've ever seen. sitting alone. in a compartment. alone.

do you understand the implications of that. it means that he wants you. for realsies. he probably set this up just for you to talk to him. hell yeah lets go y/n!

"hey do you mind if i sit here, i kinda lost my friends haha.. no idea where they could be." you say, knowing damn well that your friends are sitting in a compartment about 15 meters to your right. 

"oh its fine, i think my friends are probably already in another compartment anyways." he smiles at you. oh my god, theres no reason for this random guy to look so fine. 

"aha.. really?.. why don't you go look for them." not that you want him to go look for them. why would bro need friends if he had you.

"kinda wanted to be alone."

is he telling you to fuck off right now. are you gonna let him disrespect you like that? are you just gonna take that, queen?

"i wouldn't mind if you're here though.. im cedric. cedric diggory. hm i don't think i've seen you before?" 

ok hes not telling you to fuck off. he so wants you, queen.

"im y/n l/n.. in my third year here." 

"huh.. you would think that i would have remembered such a.." pretty girl, he wants to say. but is it too forward? is he coming off way too strong? he feels like gojo in those tiktoks where gojo is a super senior. you know. the . im not even gonna continue that. 

the point is, he's nervous. cedric diggory is baffled at the fact that he's never noticed you before, and he's not about to waste this opportunity that god has sent him from above. 

"such a..?" you question, unsure of what he's getting at. 

"oh you know-" before he can continue the door to the compartment slams open. 

"hey cedric i got the snacks you wanted!" the guy that slammed the door open exclaims. cedric tries to signal him to go away, widening his eyes and slightly moving his head as if to say 'get the fuck out'. 

"uhmm, you dont want your chocolate frog limited hogwarts edition version 2?" the guy asks. this is why you should make smart friends guys. they're gonna scare away your hoes.

"yeah cedric why don't you want your chocolate frog?" you say. 

"who said i don't want it?" he gets up from his seat and goes out the compartment, pulling his friend along with him. you hear him whisper yell a bunch of things to his friend. the friends whisper yells some things back. something along the lines of 'hey thats not for you!' and 'i got that for myself.' 

its silent for a few seconds before cedric comes back to the compartment with a bag full of snacks in hand. "take anything you want." he sets the bag next to you.

"where's the limited edition chocolate frog anyways? i've never even heard of that."

and then he starts yapping on about chocolate frogs or whatever, i mean who cares as long as he sits there and looks pretty. 

".. and so the first edition was more of a test to see who would want to buy something like this and when the second version came out..." blah blah blah lets just make out.

"what?" he pauses.

".. uh what what?"

"what did you just say?"

"cool story bro?" 

".. no you definitely just said ' lets just make'-" he can't finish his sentence when the lights go out and theres a sudden sound of screaming. 


"..... wanna make out before we die cedric?"

a/n; don't even question whats going on. im just a girl. ok. cedric out of character? DOOONT CAAAREEEEE .i might fix it later but uh im just trying to get some moments in before he fucking dies. although that doesnt happen for a while but wtv
