chapter 8 ✩₊

The whole ron situation was a mess. Harry and hermione decided that the best decision would be to bring him over to hagrids house. You helped ron get there with hermione and harry and walked back to the castle by yourself after dropping him off. You WOULD accompany them if you didn't have so much homework to catch up on.

Your plan was to study in the library for as long as possible and get everything done since you hadn't even touched the homework that was slowly but surely pilling up.

After arriving at the library you sat down on one of the tables with a sigh and pulled out your books and some parchment. About 2 hours into your study session, you noticed someone sitting in front of you.

"Hi." you looked up to see Neville smiling nervously at you with a flushed face. "Do you think you could help me with this?" he pointed to the charms book in his right hand. "You're quite good at charms,, from what I've noticed." he said looking down, avoiding eye contact.

And of course you agreed. How could you not?

He tried to not bother you too much as you answered questions that he had and did your own homework at the same time. You both took 15 minute breaks after every hour or so and had silly little conversations. By the time it was 7 pm you felt as if you had grown much closer to him, and he also seemed to be much more comfortable as he changed his seat from the one in front of you to the one besides you.

"I don't think i can focus anymore,," neville muttered as he layed his head on the table. "Agreed. Wanna walk back to the gryffindor tower together?" you said.

"You can go first,, i have to find my potions book. I lost it at the library yesterday."

You tried to offer help but he denied your help. After a good 5 minutes of asking him if he was sure he didn't need help you finally walked out the library, letting out a yawn.

You had been on your way back to your dorm, pacing through the almost empty hallway quickly, when you heard quick footsteps approaching you from behind. You didn't glance back at first, simply continuing to walk as you wanted to get back to the Gryffindor tower as soon as possible. Today had been a tiring day after all and all you wanted was to lay down on your bed and stare at the ceiling.

your daydream about the comfort of your bed was interrupted by a gentle hand grabbing your shoulder, causing you to stop and look back.

And surprise surprise it's draco malfoy looking at you with a mix of a smile and a frown. He looks constipated to be frank but before you can comment on the state of his face, he starts to speak. "Are you,, into quidditch?"

"What a conversation starter. I'm really tired, Malfoy. I dont have the time to be talking about quidditch." you reply. But apparently rejection does not stop Draco malfoy.

"It's a yes or no question, come on." he pushes. "Well okay sure. Yes." you decide to give him a proper reply since it doesn't look like he'd give up before hearing an answer.

"Want to come test out my new broom?" he offers quickly.

Now you won't lie, the offer was tempting. But also the person offering had just called your friend a slur. And he was just kind of an asshole. And kind of weird. And his hair looks greasy. And he looks like he had a broom shoved up his ass most of the time. And also he was a bit of a loser. So the cons were out-weighing the pros by A LOT.

"Maybe one day,, when you stop calling my friend a slur!" you say and attempt to move away. But yet again, rejection does NOT stop draco malfoy.

"I didn't know any better, i'm a changed person now. I've learned from my mistakes." he says as he grabs your wrist.

"I don't want your youtuber ass apology i just want to go sleep!" you say as you try pulling your hand away from him. He might be a loser but damn he can grip. "My what apology?"

You give up on trying to pull your hand away and sigh. "Listen, besides you being an asshole to my friends, I really am tired."

"Fine, be that way!" he makes a face, one that looks more natural than the constipated smile, and stomps away in the opposite direction. "What a guy. Like actually." you mutter to yourself and resume walking to your dorm.

You throw yourself on your bed as soon as you arrive and fall asleep immediately. At fucking 7 pm.

a/n; bit of a shorter chapter but like!! exams are coming up so wish me luck,, anw have a good day baes <3
