chapter 1 ✩₊

it was yet another normal day for you. except the fact that you literally just got expelled from beauxbatons. you could only imagine the reaction of your parents. 

apparently almost burning down the whole girls dorm was enough of a reason to get expelled. absolute bullshit in your opinion. its was just a little extra warmth,, no one was hurt other than yourself anyways. " im literally just a silly teenage girl,," you tried to explain to your headmaster. she did not appreciate that at all if the frown on her face was anything to go by.

"you better have your bags packed by tonight miss, we'll inform your parents about your situation." she yelled and motioned you to leave. 

"seriously weak dude," you said under you breath as you walked out the office and walked to your group of friends that were waiting by the headmasters office. "im done for."

"don't tell me you got expelled? for a little fire?" one of your friends asked with concern.

"i guess it wasn't that little,," your other friend chimed in and continued when she saw your dejected facial expression . "but im sure you could convince the headmaster to let you stay if you talked to her a bit more, i mean you do have great grades too, and all the teachers like you. well, most of them anyways." 

it was true, you were a great student, liked by teachers and other students and you most likely could have convinced her. the only problem was that you had already been on the brink of being expelled several times in the past year. on your very first year. this must've been the last strand.

"its fine, i'll just go pack my bags." you said after bidding your last goodbyes, as you walked to the path to your dorm room. 

you looked around the hallways as you walked, admiring your school for one last time before reaching your dorm and grabbing a luggage out of your closet. you packed all your books and clothes, putting your wand on top of your clothes. 

after that you just lied down on your bed, staring at the ceiling, recalling all the memories you had made with your friends here. you knew that you would still be in contact with them by owl after you move to another school, so you weren't too worried. and it's not like you were in love with your school or teacher anyways. so you weren't as sad as one would was excepted to be when expelled from school. 

the only problem would be your parents.

your mother tried to convince the headmaster to rethink her decision, she really tried. "my daughter won't ever let this happen again. it was really an accident" she had said but nothing worked. 

"miss i'm sorry but this is the 10th time i've heard you say that this year."

it was silent as you and your mom walked out the school. you would rather have her yell at you then not say anything at all. she took a deep breath, stopped walking and turned to you. "you're lucky summer holidays are only a week away, we'll have all summer to find another school for you." she spoke in a dangerously cold tone, you felt like she was going to start yelling any moment now. but surprisingly she didn't. she just let out another sigh and continued walking.

when you reached your house, she took out her keys and unlocked the door aggressively. you walked in after her and spotted your dad sitting on the couch, looking quite mad.

"hello. fine night were having, isn't it?" you stood besides the couch awkwardly, waiting for a reply. 

"i heard about what happened." he said after a few seconds and turned his head towards you. " anything you want to say about it?" 

"the fire wasn't as big as you would imagine,,?" you replied, avoiding eye contact. 

"it was big enough to get you kicked out." he said. 

you just nodded, rocking on the balls of your feet. your mother came back into the living room and changing her clothes and sat on the couch. 

"we'll have to look for a new school. how about hogwarts, i also went there when i was younger." your mom said, sounding a little less mad than earlier. 

"you should totally send me there-" you started but stopped immediately when you saw the look on your moms face. "i mean. what a day, i'm so tired. goodnight." 

you could hear your mom shout "don't forget to brush your teeth" from downstairs as you went to your room.  

you were oddly relieved, the reaction from your parents wasn't as intense as you had expected. actually, it wasn't intense at all. 

you laid down on your bed, grabbing your silly little muggle phone to put on some music. (you might have been a pureblood but that didn't stop you from appreciating muggles and their silly little inventions. phones and headphones were two of them you really appreciated. like c'mon. who ever came up with this shit deserves some good head.) 

as you lay on your bed, you think about how maybe getting expelled isn't all that bad. if you could get into hogwarts, the same school your mom had attended, you would be very happy. your mom had always told you stories about her time at hogwarts, and it just seemed like such a magical place. i mean no shit it was magical, but it was just a different type of magical. different from the toxically competitive and strict vibe of your old school.

you fell asleep fast, dreaming about hogwarts.

a/n; u should listen to heartache by hot freaks <3 have a good day baes 
