chapter 11 ✩₊

when the summer break had officially started, neither you nor harry were happy about it. everytime you send him an owl complaining about how bored you are, he sends an owl back complaining about his aunt, uncle and cousin. at some point you both start gossiping about his shitty family, and honestly it's entertaining as hell. 

your letters to ron and hermione mostly consist of telling each other about things going on in your day and where they had gone on a trip to. but with harry? you receive letters with the most concerning out of pocket content. for example, yesterday you almost tripped on your feet when you read the first line of the letter he had sent, "im homeless after inflating my aunt because he called my dad a lazy drunk".

now if that's not the craziest sentence ever, i don't know what is.

he sent a follow up letter today, informing you that he is infact not homeless and that he will be staying at diagon alley. 

"honestly isnt it better that you spend the rest of the summer away from those dursley hags? do it all worked out in your favour in the end. i want to visit you to be honest.. i miss you and the rest of the trio." you keep your reply short and send it to him by your owl.

you strech your arms as you watch your owl fly away from the window. you're about to turn away when you suddenly notice an unfamiliar owl flying towards your window. you've never seen this one before which means it doesnt belong to ron or hermione. unless they got new owls? which would be impossible in rons case since hes broke as hell.

the owl elegantly lands on your window sill and holds its head high, waiting for you to take the letter from its beak. you take it with one hand and offer a few owl treats that were left on your desk. the owl does not accept the treats and simply looks the other way, as if your low class treats were nothing but dirt to it. you almost feel offended.

you put down the treats and use both of your hands to turn over the letter. it looks very clean and professional. there's gold detail on the back and its sealed with a glittery gold wax. you rip it open to find a small piece of parchment inside. 

"i really miss you. i can't help but think about you. i know you don't feel the same but i really do want to see you again. it's the first time that i want summer to pass by quickly. i hope that maybe next year i can prove myself to you.      - draco " 

oh. this would've been romantic if it wasn't from draco. whats up with that guy anyways? you shrug and put the letter on your table. now how the actual fuck are you suppose to respond to this? 

you sit down to really think about it. what an awkwardly unrespondable letter to send. after thinking about it for a while, you pick up a feather and start to write a response. 

"haha ill see you at school. hope you've had a good summer." is the best you could come up with. you write it in big bold lettering to hopefully make it seem a litte longer than it actually is and give it to dracos stupidly elegant owl. it flies away with your letter in its beak.

youre JUST about to walk away from the window when it flies in again. 

at first you think that it might have came back for that treat it rejected, but when you look closer, you notice that the owl is holding a new letter. how the fuck? you quickly take the letter and open it.

"no need to wait till school starts. look out your window." you read the letter and oh my god. does bro think he's in a fanfiction or something. you look out your window and he was not just fucking around. draco malfoy is standing there with a feather in hand, looking up expectantly. 

bro really does think he's in a fanfiction and hes right. 

you would totally ignore him if it wasn't for the fact that he would probably come up there if you didn't get down. you throw on a sweater over your top and shorts and head downstairs to see what tf he wants. 

he smiles when he sees you exiting your house. "hey." he says casually, a little too casually in your opinion. 

"how do you know where i live?" you ask as you suddenly realize that under normal circumstances he should not know where you live. 

"there's nothing i can't find out." he smiles again, looking so incredibly proud of himself. "right." you nod. "maybe don't show up in front of my house out of nowhere next time, its not as romantic as you might think it is." 

"doesn't this show you my determination?" he questions. "your determination for what? getting a restraining order?" you question back.

"no. for earning your love." 

he really just loves saying awkward unrespondable things. "listen. draco. i think you should stop saying slurs before anything else." you give him your humble honest advice. 

"aw man." he looks away as if you just told him to go kill himself or something. "yeah, not to generalize women but i dont think girls are into that. at least i'm not." you say and he nods in a sophisticated way, as if youre explaining some crazy concept to him. 

"alright. if it's for you.." he says and he thinks it's smooth flirting but it really is not. 


"well, i just wanted to tell you that i miss you. that's all." he says after a few seconds. "did we ever talk? how do you even miss me when we don't know each other?" you ask. genuine question. 

"we spent plenty of time together.. like you sat in the same row as me? and we sat in the same row in potions?" he says. you had not realized either of those things. "that's not,," you decide not to continue your original sentence. "how about you get home now, hm? it already getting dark and i just love boys that dont get home late." 

before he can question anything you speed walk back to your house and close the door. 

hopefully your life changing conversation stops him from calling hermione a mudblood.

a/n; i love when people leave silly little comments, its rlly motivating. ALSO LUPIN??? SOON??? im probably gonna watch the prisoner of azkaban movie ronight so i can write the next chapter better
