chapter 5 ✩₊

ron opened the howler with shaking hands, as harry stared intently, looking confused about what a 'howler' was. it exploded and a roar of sound fiIled the huge hall, shaking dust from the ceiling. a feminine yet sharp voice filled the great hall, a voice who you assumed belonged to ron's mother. 


her voice reached every single student in the hall as ron sank down on his seat, trying to hide his embarrassment. 

no only did everyone hear his mother scolding him in the most shameful way possible, but now your first impression of him would be. this. he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole at this point. 

after the howler was done, it tore into pieces. everyone was silent for a few seconds, adding to rons discomfort, and then the hall broke out into babbling. you could hear a bunch of slytherins making fun of ron. 

"it's okay,, i mean. happens to the best of us." you pat his shoulder, trying to comfort him. hermione opened her mouth to tell ron he deserved it but you kicked her under the table before she could start.

harry looked away with guilt, knowing this was partly his fault. he didn't have too much time to dwell on it though since professor Mcgonagall was passing around schedules.

they had herbology first, which went by pretty quickly as they changed mandrakes pots. neville had passed out in the middle of it, which resulted in you carrying him to madam pomfreys office after class ended.

you set him down on one of the beds and called for madam pomfrey, waiting by his bed.

madam pomfrey checked him for injuries and looked at you when she found none. "he's fine dear, there's absolutely nothing wrong with him," she looked back at him. "he'll probably wake up in a few minutes." and then, she walked away to attend to another student.

a few minutes later, neville started opening his eyes slowly, groaning in the process. "where-" he started as he blinked a couple of times to clear his vision. he immediately shut his mouth once he spotted you besides his bed. 

he shot up quickly, his eyes comically wide. "you passed out in herbology and i brought you here to get you checked out." you said, holding a hand out to him. "nothing to worry about, you're completely fine."

he grabbed your hand and got off the bed, his eyes still wide and his cheeks a dark shade of pink. he looked like he was about to cry. "oh i- sorry-" he stuttered. how embarrassing, you must think he's a total loser now.

"why are you sorry?" you said as you threw your arm around his shoulder and walked out of the infirmary with him. "have you eaten enough? let's eat lunch together before the next class, ok? take more care of yourself! you know what,,, here, have this chocolate." you shoved a piece of chocolate in his mouth before he could respond.

"thank you." was all that he could say in response. having a pretty girl worry about him and walk him to lunch. he was living the dream.

(need a pretty girl to worry abt me rn!!!! pretty girls hit me up pls!!!)

you spotted the golden trio sitting down when you reached the great hall, and you sprinted towards where they were sitting with your arm still around nevilles shoulder. they greeted you both as you sat down and filled your plated. 

"so, what do we have after lunch?" you asked after about 15 minutes of eating and talking.

"Defence Against the Dark Arts." responded Hermione at once, examining her schedule. 

"Why," demanded Ron, seizing her schedule, "have you outlined all of Lockhart's lessons in little hearts?" hermione shoved her schedule back into her bag, turning a light pink shade.

you couldn't help but let out a little laugh. "that's very cute of you hermione." you were most definitely helping her case as she was now a much darker shade of pink. 

"well im done with my lunch, should we go to the courtyard for some fresh air?" she coughed into her fist, attempting to change to subject. you all agreed as you were mostly finished with your food. 

you met a small mousy boy clutching a muggle camera in the courtyard. he introduced himself as colin creevey and he seemed to be extremely excited to be meeting harry. so excited that he wanted to take a picture of harry and himself which was. a bit odd to you. although you wouldn't say that to colin outloud. 

colin had been going on about how his family were muggles when suddenly a loud voice interrupted him. you turned around and saw a blonde boy wearing a slytherin robe walking towards harry with a smirk on his face.

"Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos, Potter?" the blonde boy scoffed, him and harry were most definitely not on good terms. "who's he?"you whispered and nudged hermiones arm, your eyes not leaving the boys face.

"draco malfoy, hes irritating." she whispered back.

 "Everyone line up!" Malfoy roared to the crowd. "Harry Potter's giving out signed photos!" oh yea. he sure was irritating. "ha ha you're soo funny. what a comedian !!" you said. 

he looked over at you with his face all scrunched up, not appreciating what you had said at all. "and who are you? potter's new girlfriend?" 

"and what if i was. unlike you, 'potter' isn't an unlovable disgusting little piece of shit that'll probably die alone since no one will ever want you." as you finished you felt like you might have went a bit too far. "worry about your mudblood friend first." he responded and turned away, leaving with his little friends. 

so not only had you not went too far, you most definitely hadn't went far enough.

before he could walk too far away, you took the book hermione was reading from her hands and hit him so hard in the back of his neck that he passed out. "worry about being unconscious. el em ef ay yo." you took hermiones hand and walked back inside with harry and ron trailing behind you. 

"y/n!! you can't just do that, you'll get in trouble!" hermiones said, half worried and half joyful about what had just happened. 

"oh c'mon what's his scrawny ass gonna do to me?" you said as you continued pulling her along, walking to your next class as lunch time was almost over. 

"he isn't gonna do anything. but his father surely will." said ron, laughing. he seemed to be happy that malfoy had just gotten knocked out. "maybe he should just keep his big mouth shut next time." you shrugged as you finally arrived to your next class. defence against the dark arts with gilderoy lockhart. 

you didn't exactly know who lockhart was but by the way hermione had fawned over him, he must surely be a respectable fine man right? WRONG!

you immediately took a dislike to him as he started talking about himself. he even took a test about himself, and you found yourself never wanting to step into his class ever again.

you were absolutely distraught when you found out hermione had gotten all the questions on the test right. 

"hermione,, you're too good to be doing all thing,," you muttered to her, shaking her shoulders. "this isn't like you hermione, i know this isn't the real you." you faked a sob as you shook her shoulders more intensely. 

"what are you talking about, c'mon pay attention he's about to start the lesson!" she shrugged your hands off of her, proceeding to look at lockhart like he was the dreamiest man alive. which he was not. 

and he did start the lesson. you really wish he hadn't though.     

a/n; bro i'm so obsessed w remus rn it's crazy,, 
