chapter 7 ✩₊

you follow after oliver with fred and george trailing right behind you. "it mush take a lot of dedication to lead a team at,, 6 in the morning." you say as a compliment. "we need to make sure we're better this year." he can't continue as fred grunts. "lack of sleep WILL be the reason for our downfall!" 

"if i was on the team we would constantly be winning. W after W." you say. JOKINGLY. apparently oliver knows no jokes when it comes to quidditich since as soon as the words left your mouth, he was stuck by your side rambling about how you should try out for the different positions (that sounds so wrong. pls).

"our team is already full and they're no one that needs a replacement but you could still come to practice just in case anyone gets sick and can't show up. what position are you interested in (IT SOUNDS SO WRONG PLS HELP) ? i would guess you could be a chaser?" he talks at a fast pace and it takes you alot of effort to keep up with his suddenly long ass strides. 

"no i'm a keeper." you lie, actually you've only touched a broom 5 times in your life and have crashed into a wall 2 times out of the 5. "really? well i'm a keeper too, i could teach you alot of things if you're willing to learn." 

"yeah you're a keeper alright." you reply, and you're not really sure if he gets the message. fred and george seem to get exactly what you were saying immediately and nudged you gently with their elbows as they walked by.

not long after, you reach the changing room besides the field and everyone looks like they want to run back to their beds. except for oliver who is unnaturally enthusiastic. when everyone had changed, harry walks in with colin next to him.

they all proceeded to sit down so oliver could explain whatever tf he wanted to explain. you sat down next to the three chasers since angelina waved you over. you had met angelina previously in a random hallway while you were lost and she had helped you find your way to the potions dungeon. 

it took a good 25 minutes to get there and you two had talked and joked around for the whole time so you guessed she considered you a friend. 

right now though, she was not in the mood to talk at all as she kept nodding off in the middle of olivers explanation. "you can sleep on my shoulder if you want?" you offered, slightly concerned by how red her eyes looked. 

before she could answer, oliver announced that he was finished. "So," said Wood, at long last, "Is that clear? Any questions?" 

"why couldn't you have told us all this while we were awake?" said george. 

and it was clear oliver was not happy with that response at all as he starts scolding them. "we could've won the quidditch cup last year. we have a fully capable team and if we practice more this year, we have a big chance at winning it this year." 

they exit the changing room after that and walk out into the field. olivers explanation had lasted so long that the sun was fully visible now. you caught a glance of ron and hermione in the stands and happily waved up at them then sat on the ground near one of the stands instead of going up to sit with them. 

practice had went on for only a short while when you saw several people in green robes were walking onto the field, broomsticks in their hands.

"I don't believe it!" Wood hissed in outrage. "I booked the field for today! We'll see about this!".  he landed on the ground harsher than he had meant to and walked over to the group of slytherins with anger. you got up from the ground and followed him. 

"this is out practice time flint! you can get off now!" he said. 

'flint' was most definitely not. slaying. let's just say that. he looked a bit like a troll and his smile was not helping his face at all. 

"yea flint!!" you backed him up. "plenty of room for all of us." he simply replied. 

"But I booked the field!" said Wood, positively spitting with rage. "I booked it!" 

"Ah," said Flint. "But I've got a specially signed note here from Professor Snape. since we need to train out new seeker."

"new seeker?" questioned oliver. and then, draco malfoy comes out of absolutely nowhere. "jumpscare,," you mutter under your breath, making sure it's loud enough for flint to hear. 

"draco malfoy. out new seeker. his dad bought us generous gifts as well." says flint, smirking. 

All seven of them held out their broomsticks. Seven highly polished, brand-new handles and seven sets of fine gold lettering spelling the words Nimbus Two Thousand and One. now, you weren't a quidditch expert but you knew for a fact those must have cost a fortune.

"maybe i SHOULD be friends with draco,," you think to yourself.

before anyone can say anything in response, you spot hermione and ron coming over with frowns on their faces. "whats going on, whats he doing here?" ron asks bitterly. "well, weasly, im the new slytherin seeker. we were all admiring the little gift my father bought us." malfoy says and shows off his brand new broomstick. 

you can see rons jaw drop a bit before he manages to hide the awed look on his face. malfoy notices this too and starts making fun of him and his family, as he usually does. 

"well,, can't we just have the field for one more hour,," you say, ignoring malfoy as you step towards flint, looking up at him with wide eyes and a slight pout. you either looked like a mosquito that's been put under a microscope ORRRR you looked really fucking good and whatnot. 

"i," he took in a sharp breath, which was probably a sign that you DID NOT look like a mosquitoe that's been put under a microscope. a win is a win. "i already told you we have a note."

"please? i'll return the favour later." you said. by 'favour' you meant that you were going to ignore him and pretend he does not exist for the rest of your years at hogwarts!! you walked one step closer to him and smiled the most gentle smile that you have ever smiled in your life.

he looks away and you notice his face reddening a bit. yes. you were about to win. gryffindor for life. but suddenly, before he could respond, you hear a whole fight starting in the background. 

"No one asked your opinion, you fiIthy little Mudblood," you heard draco say. what the fuck.  there was an instant uproar at his words. Flint had to dive in front of Malfoy to stop Fred and George jumping on him, Alicia shrieked, "How dare you!" ; and Ron plunged his hand into his robes, pulled out his wand, yelling, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" and pointed it furiously under Flint's arm at Malfoys face. 

and then, he casted a spell. at himself. oh man. 

a/n; i'm just in a silly goofy mood
