chapter 14 ✩₊

(hi guys, quick apology for the lack of updates but im here now! if anyones still reading this! and im gonna try to set a schedule! are you proud of me.. yeah you are. i mean i plan on finishing this no matter how long it takes so if you're ever worried about this being discontinued, dont. i guess. idk who) 

(also sorry for any mistakes ill be editing this chapter later <3)

you look at cedric and notice how his cheeks are a bright red. even though the compartment is mostly dark, its still noticeable. you can't tell whether it's because of the low temperature or the fact that you just proposed a make out session.

before either of you can say anything the door slowly starts to open. "oh hell no i dont fuck with that at all." you say as you scoot closer to cedric and slam the door shut with your feet. you can still see the shadow of the.. thing.. that tried to open the door behind the now shut door. you hold your breath as you wait for it to move.

you squeeze cedrics arm as the thing, whatever the fuck it was, moves on from the door of your compartment. you let out the breath that you've been holding and throw your head back, closing your eyes. a few more seconds pass and the lights come back on. "you're welcome by the way, kinda saved your ass." you say when you feel the light hit your closed eyelids. cedric doesn't reply. 

"cedric?" you open your eyes to glance at him and notice that you have NOT been squeezing his hand. your jaw slightly drops as you realize you've been holding his thigh this entire time. which is a little too personal for someone that you've just met. "oh." you quickly remove you hand, holding both arms up like you've just been caught committing a crime. which i mean this could technically be considered harassment if you really think about it. "sorry that was probably really uncomfortable.. thought that was your arm.."

although now it sounds really stupid because why the fuck would his arm be in the place where legs are supposed to be. 

 "no it's.. it's fine you don't have to worry about it." 

"you look traumatized dude.. i can't not be worried."

"yeah i mean. some creature just tried to get in our apartment, i'd say that was the traumatizing part." he laughs a little, trying to lighten the mood. "now, what were you saying about "making out"?" he looks straight into your eyes, smiling as he turned his body completely towards you, resting one of his arms on the back of the seats. 

well. that's a little embarrassing. cause now what are you supposed to say to that. are you supposed to be serious about it? or are you supposed to continue joking about it? 

"oh you know.. i was just saying. you know. like. i just said it cause like. you know." you say, laughing every 2 seconds, trying to buy time to think about how you should go about this. 

"actually now that i think about i think im gonna go check on my friends, i think i heard one of them screen during the blackout?" you decide to pussy out of this conversation, hurriedly standing up and straightening out your skirt. "it was nice meeting you cedric, ill talk to you later. bye byee." you say as you walk out. he barely has anytime to say bye back before you shut the door to his compartment. 

"ugh. should've just kissed him on the lips." you mutter as you walk away, regretting your decision. 

you indifferently open the door in which your friends are in. oh but surprise surprise. you fucked up yet again. because instead of seeing harry, ron, hermione and a random ass man, you see draco and his little friends.

"oh!" you exclaim as you make eye contact with draco. is it too rude to just shut the door in his face without saying anything..

"looks like you've missed me. heh. they always come crawling back." he smirks. what the fuck is bro on about. 

"i just opened the wrong door.. calm down." 

"it's okay though, i've missed you too. i told daddy to let me see you over the summer but he kept asking me whether i actually knew you and how i found your address. which is crazy. obviously i found it by- actually nevermind." 

"that's totally not creepy and totally very normal. love the dedication." you say. sarcastically. which again, draco does not seem to understand. actually you're pretty sure he knows, but just pretends not to understand to piss you off.  

"i knew you'd appreciate the efforts... love." your face drops as he ends the sentence. you decide now is about a good time to shut the door in his face. 

"guys you'll never guess what-" you exclaim as you open the door to the right compartment this time, you cut yourself off as you see harry passed out on one of the seats. "oh." 

the man that had previously been sleeping with a jacket over his head was awake now. and goddamn. "don't worry, your friends gonna be okay in a couple minutes." he offers you a sweet smile.

the only thing you're really worried about here is how your parents are gonna react when you tell them you're in love with a man twice your age.. jokes ! .. or maybe not! 

"oh nooo what happened?" you kneel besides harrys passed out body. so kind and caring and mature omgg!! 

"dementors happened." ron replies instead. 

"ohhh." you say, pretending like you know what that is. 

"i'll need to go talk to some of the train facility." the older man says as he exits the compartment. 

you immediately look at hermione. "who was that?!" you ask. 

"new professor at hogwarts apparently.." she side-eyes you. "why are YOU so excited?"

"well at first i was gonna tell you about this hot guy i met, but now.. why is our new professor kinda.."

"y/n." ron deadpans. 

" bad. what i meant to say is im so glad that you guys are all okay. i guess"

(a/n; abrupt end to this chapter, have a good day babes <3)
