chapter 4 ✩₊

hermione left the dorm a few minutes after entering, telling you she would take one more look around the castle for her friends. you wished her luck and proceeded to sit on one of the big squashy chairs besides the fireplace.

as you sat down, two boys with ginger hair -seemingly older than you- came up to you. "new kid-" "welcome to gryffindor!" they completed eachothers sentences. totally normal twin stuff. definitely not a bit odd. 

"thank you?" you didn't exactly know what else to say. "i'm george weasly and this is-" "fred weasly." "why is it that you weren't here last year?" "home-schooled perhaps?" they asked.

"i kind of got expelled from my last school, it wasn't that big of a deal though,," the twins didn't let you continue as  they bombarded you with questions such as how and what did you do. 

you told them the story of the little fire you had caused, and a few other things that had left you on the brink of getting expelled.

they also told you a few stories about the mischiefs they had caused at hogwarts, inviting you to come join them for the next prank they were going to pull on percy. 

they both silently agreed that you were on the short list of people that they liked enough to not horrendously prank. 

they were in the middle of explaining what they had done to snape, head of the slytherin house and potions professor, when you saw two boys enter the dorm with a very irritable hermione walking in behind them. they whole room suddenly rose with sudden clapping. 

"Brilliant!" yelled one of the boys that george and fred had mentioned, lee jordan. "Inspired! What an entrance! Flying a car right into the Whomping Willow, people'll be talking about that one for years -"

"Good for you," said a fifth year to who you assumed was harry as someone was patting him on the back as though he'd just won a marathon. Fred and George left your side and pushed their way to the front of the crowd and said together, "Why couldn't we've come in the car, eh?" 

the boy with the ginger hair, who was ron from what you had heart from hermione, seemed to be quite flustered at the attention. you noticed percy walking towards them with a disapproving look from the corner of your eyes, he was probably getting ready to scold them.

but before he could reach them, the two boys declared that they were tired and quickly ran up the stairs to their dorm.

hermione walked to you with a sigh, "they're alright at least?" you tried to improve her spirits. "i guess, we should also go to our dorm. i'll lead you." she scowled as you walked up the stairs and went over to the second years dorm. 

your luggage had already been put besides each of your respective beds. you opened your luggage and unpacked, putting up a bunch of posters and decorations on the wall besides you bed. you also put your clothes away in a drawer besides you, leaving your pyjamas on the bed to wear later. 

you had also brought your phone since you thought it might be useful, you were unsure if phones were allowed here at all so you hid it in the pocked of your robe.

you quickly feel asleep after getting ready for bed and saying goodnight to your roommates. it had been a tiring day after all. met a whole lot of people. had been on a train for 3 or so hours. 

the next morning you woke up to your roommates talking, they all greeted you as you walked to the bathroom to get ready. 

hermione lead you to the great hall for breakfast after you were ready. you admired the four long house tables laden with tureens of porridge, plates of kippers, mountains of toast, and dishes of eggs and bacon, beneath the enchanted ceiling. 

the sky was cloudy and dull today, which you didn't mind at all, since you liked cloudy weather. ( and if u don't then. you're weird for real)

you sat on one side of the table while hermione sat on the other side with her book, voyages with vampires.

you were putting a slice of toast on your plate when you noticed harry and ron, whom hermione had complained about while you were on your way to the great hall, sitting next to hermione. 

all she said to greet them was "morning" in a very stiff tone. "morning, harry potter and ron weasly right? hermione told me about you,, well im y/n l/n, second year." you decided to break the tension, as it was . highly uncomftrable.

"you were here last year?" ron asked, doubting his memory. you seemed like the type of person that would be very noticeable, with they way you looked. in a good way. ",, pretty,, so pretty." ron cringed at his own thoughts, choosing to focus on the bacon he had put on his plate instead.

hermione put her book down. "she went to beauxbatons last year." she explained coldly. "yeah, before i got kicked out." you stated.

harry raised an eyebrow. "expelled?" he asked, hoping to start a conversation with you. "yeah,," you said, tired of explaining how you were removed from your last school.

it felt as if you were telling the exact same story for the hundredth time. it was only the fourth time but your dramatic ass was just. well. dramatic.

you still explained either way to fill the silence. "Mail's due any minute - I think Gran's sending a few things I forgot." neville said as you finished talking, taking the seat next to you. 

 you head a rushing sound and soon after, owls started to stream in, delivering packages to their rightful owners. nevilles owl dropped his package right onto his head as your owl, placed your small package besides you. 

you gave a small treat to your owl -technically your mothers owl- and turned to neville with worried eyes. "does it hurt,,?" you said as you half stood up and gently touched the area the package had hit. "i mean of course it does but. rhetorical question."

he shook his head. "not at all, d-don't worry about it." he said and quickly proceeded to open his package to avoid your eyes. 

just as you were about to open your own package, a large grey owl fell into your milk jug, splashing the liquid inside.

 you squinted you eyes as you took a towl and dried your face. "who the fucks owl is this?" you said, noticing that you had also gotten milk on your uniform.

ron looked at the owl,  back at you and back at owl. it was very obviously his owl.

"what's up with your owl,, man. seriously. i'll buy you a new owl, just let the poor guy retire." you told him as you took the owl out of the jug and gave the red letter it had carried to ron. "errol,,," he winced. his face turned into one of pure terror as he the red letter. "oh no."

"What's the matter?" said Harry. "She's - she's sent me a Howler," said Ron faintly. 

a/n; i got excited bc i thought i got an ACTUAL comment but it was just AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE. FUCK???
