chapter 10 ✩₊

"you did what?" you ask, your jaw practically on the ground, eye as wide as plates as you stare at the trio sitting infront of you. they shuffle in their seat. your reaction was expected though, considering what they just told you.

you only had one sided beef with them for a little over a month and during that time they had found the chamber of secrets and saw lord voldemort and defeated him? not to mention all the other crazy details. "well,, i wasnt there but, as harry said-" hermione started but before she could continue, you cut her off. "no no i understood the first time. its just. you know. not a story you hear everyday." 

"everyone already found out about all this a while ago. it even got mentioned during dumbledores end of the year speech. it's not news." ron says. 

you wouldnt know though since everytime you heard the name harry or ron you would walk the other way or simply stop hearing. that's what they get for being men. and keeping secrets. 

"no need to be sassy about it." you reply as you suddenly remember the fact that you literally still have beef with them. "kinda crazy how you're doing all this bonding stuff together without me. after keeping all your secrets from me too,, its kinda fucked up."

"well i wasn't there either." hermiones states. "and it wasnt exactly a bonding experience." ron says quickly. "and i really didn't mean to leave you out,, im sorry." harry says at last. "okay fine, i was a little dramatic. im sorry too." you admit. 

"a little?" ron questions. you give him a look. "yeah. just a bit,,, bitch." you mutter the last part quietly. its still loud enough for him to hear though. "sorry sorry." he sighs. not a very sincere apology but you'll let it slide because of your kindness. 

"we missed you y/n." hermione says as she smiles at you. you WOULD tell her that they could've just been like ' oops sorry if we did anything to offend you' and it would've been alright but then again, it was pretty dramatic on your part. but then again, youre literally 12. so it makes sense. (which is such a jumpscare i just realised im writing about a bunch of 12 yr olds. which is why im speeding the pacing up so much LMFAO)

 "i missed you guys too." you say and you all have a group hug moment and all that emotinal stuff. you realize you might not see them for a while and decide to get all their adresses along with hermione and harrys number. 

you all talk about everything that has happened this year for the rest of the train ride without interruptions and when the train finally arrives at platform 3/4s you feel like you want to cry. but you do not, just to keep your girlboss image up. 

you say your goodbyes to the trio and walk around with your luggage, trying to find your parents. "did they forget or something,,?" you mutter as you look around. you don't spot your parents, but you do spot draco and his parents. 

you decide to go over to him just to insult his dad a little bit. you've been wanting to beat his ass up ever since the trio had told you about how he slipped that diary into ginnys bag. you pause for a second, fixing your clothes and hair in the small mirror that you keep in your pocket, and then make your way over to the malfoy family with a pleasant smile.

"draco!" you call out. he looks back and is shocked to see you. well, that's not the shocking part.  the shocking part is that you're waving and smiling at him as you quickly walk in his direction. he feels his face heat up a bit. have you finally warmed up to him? are you going to offer to meet up during summer? he stops as he stares at you. his parents also stop in the result, looking your way.

you pat his shoulder when you finally reach him. "you were gonna leave with out saying goodbye?" you ask him, very out of character but who even cares? "oh, it's,, uhm it's not-" you cut him off. "dont worry about it i'm kidding." you look over to his parents. and oh my god his mom is hot.

you forget about how you were gonna insult his dad after seeing his milf of a mother. you smile at her and bow your head slightly. "hello!" you say. his mom chuckles as she looks down at you. "you're dracos friend?" she asks, seemingly pleased with you. "yes!" you reply.

"that's nice,, i didn't know you had such pretty friends draco." she chuckles again and you think you might be blushing a little. "no way,, i mean you're so pretty,, i would have never thought draco would be related to someone like you,,, well i guess he looks more like his father,," you take this chance to compliment his mom and insult him and his dad. how perfect.

dracos dad doesn't even seem to find your comment offensive as he smiles and puts a hand over dracos shoulder. "he certainly does." he says and you decide that his tone is your least favourite thing ever. 

you look at his dad in the eyes, keeping the pleasant smile on your face. "i've heard a lot about you mister malfoy." 

"all good things i hope?"

"no actually they're mostly bad things." you say and you can see his lips twitch ever so slightly. "i'm sure they're all not true though haha i mean who even follows the dark lord in this day and age am i right?" you laugh innocently. before he can reply, you spot your own parents walking towards you. "oh! my parents are here, gotta go! it was nice meeting you, bye draco!" you say as you walk away.

draco waves at you, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. you had not only approached him first for the very first time, but you also smiled at him. and you said bye to him. and you looked so good today too, he couldnt help but stare at you for the whole time with out saying a single word. 

what a dream come true. truly. 

a/n; the pacing is about to get horrendous !!! 
