chapter 7

Eden POV

I have a plan and I don't need my brothers to step in and interfere.

Aiden knows me too well so best thing for me to do is push him away.  It's better that way for everyone. How could I have let things get so bad. The sleeping around the drugs the drinking. I have lied and deceived everyone I ever loved and cared about.

Aiden can't know I've been cutting, he will freak out and things will only get worse at home. We are by no means abused at home but we have a strict life. Very protective parents and lucky me over protective brothers.

Aiden walked in my room and I quickly wiped my tears and waited to see what he wanted.

I still haven't opened my letter and I know I need too so only thing I can think of is to get Aiden out as soon as possible.

"I love you A I do we are twins we have a bond unlike any other but you need to stop protecting me all the time.  Stop worrying about me and go live your own life apart from me.  Grayson and Mason need to do same thing. I'm a big girl I can handle my own and whatever trouble I bring upon myself. So go I'm sure Dad is expecting you soon.  Don't piss him off anymore than he already is."

I get up and quickly give Aiden a hug and kiss on the cheek before pushing him towards my door.

"Eden what's up,  16 years and you have never shut me out and pushed me away. I'm not gonna lie and say that doesn't sting a little but what's with you? What did your letter say from Dad? Mine and Gray's suck so I can imagine yours is no better."

Ugh why can't he just leave.

"Thank you for caring but I really do want to be alone. I'm not trying to be rude it's been a long night and even longer morning.  I have a hangover headache from hell and have a lot to process. You standing here annoying the fuck out of me is not helping. So I'm begging you Aiden get out and leave me alone. I'll come find you if and when I'm ready."

God I hope he listens and our twin connection is turned off.  I don't need him feeling my anxiety and fear and I definitely don't need him inside my head.

Reluctantly Aiden listened but not without giving me a look of hurt and sadness.  He's never been a person I turn away or close myself off from. He's my number one. Ride or die Aiden means everything to me and everyone knows that.

But I betrayed our pact,  I broke so many promises last night. Promises I made to myself, to Grayson and even a few to Mason but my biggest regret is all the promises I broke to Aiden.

How can he ever trust me again,  hell how can I trust myself.  And now I'm grounded and a spanking I know is coming.  I'm terrified of how bad that's going to be.

I guess I need to stop stalling and open this damn envelope.

I lay back on my bed and take a deep breath before reading my fate.

Eden,  my lovely daughter you're well aware that you're in some serious trouble.  For starters I had your mother set you an appointment for Monday morning to get you checked out. I know your a teenager and sex happens but honey you were drunk and high at the time so no arguments you're going to get checked out. Secondly you will turn in your cheer uniform. If I see an improvement in your behavior between now and next year I will allow you to try out again but until then your off the squad. You will also attend AA and NA meetings for teens. I want your phone, tablet and laptop turned in within the hour.  You are to attend school and take the bus straight home.  Driving privileges will slowly come back over time but until then your on the bus. That doesn't mean you can catch rides with your friends I will be watching.  And to wrap all this up you and I get to have a chat about last night with a trip over my knee before bed.  I love you kiddo and only want the best and to keep you safe.

I roll my eyes annoyed at everything and walk into my bathroom and lock the door.

All the stress and emotions of past 24 hours have been overwhelming and I needed a break.

I opened my makeup bag and pulled out my old friend. We had been through a lot together over the years but its been awhile since we needed each other. I poured alcohol across the silver blade of the razor to clean it and gently dried it off. I took my shirt off bit down on it so I wouldn't be heard by my brothers.

I made two even cuts across my left shoulder. Placed perfectly so unless I was wearing a tank top the cuts wouldnt be visible. Once I finished making the second cut I exhaled slowly before doing the same to my right.

I'm caught up in the moment and the feeling of all the stress leaving my body I didn't hear the knock on my door. I quickly panic and clean up my mess while yelling "Just a minute" to whoever the intruder was.

I quickly wrap my shoulders in gauze and wipe up any blood that dripped down.

Opening the door to come face to face with Mason.

Mason POV

I've been trying to stay out of sight since last night. I'm a horrible liar and I'm scared if I get stuck with my parents especially dad too long I'll crack and fess up making it worse for everyone.

I was in my room when heard the twins arguing which is rare. They never fight about anything so I was alarmed something was wrong. So I listened in to the conversation. Eden wasn't making any sense she was rambling a bunch of bull and then it hit me. She's abusing again and Aiden interrupted her. She had this phase few years ago with self harm which ended up with a hospital stay and a summer away at what my parents tried to cover up as a camp but it was somewhere for her to cope and learn to deal with the anxiety of being a teenager.  Especially the kid of a cop. I was what eleven at the time but I pay attention. I watch everything and pick up on signs and things other people don't. I catch a lot of shit for it by my brothers and my sister for being sneaky but it pays off.

Like now for instance I'm standing outside her bathroom door and can hear the muffled cries and the hitched breathing as she makes a cut.  I don't want to alarm anyone else so I knock on the door as normal as possible not to draw any attention towards us.

"Eden open up, I know what you're doing and you need to stop. We can't go down this road again please." I whisper yelled at her.

As I went to knock again the door flung open and she looked at me as if she expected someone else. Aiden maybe or even Gray.

"Hey what happened, don't lie to me either. I know you're cutting again and I won't say anything to anyone else but in order for me to hold up my end of that deal you have to talk to me. How long has this been going on? Who else knows? Have you been talking to your mentor? Was this just triggered by events of last night?"

Eden put her hands on my shoulders and told me to slow down before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'll explain everything later but for now I have to get busy with what dad asked for. Have to meet him soon for physical aspect of this punishment. And hey Mas,  I'm OK thanks for checking on me. "
