Chapter 48

Tanner POV

Damnit why does he have to make this so hard. Do what he wants I can get out of here and back to Eden. I stand my ground and I'm stuck here and can potentially loose everything I've spent the last 4 years of my life working towards. And worse off than any of that I loose Eden. I can handle not being able to become a lawyer I can still do paralegal work or go somewhere with my art but not being with Eden that is something I can't live with.

"Mr. Holland, your lawyer is here to speak with you."

"What oh right yeah ok. First I would like to talk to Detective Reid if he is still around."

" I believe he is in his office I will have someone call him down for you."

"Can I maybe move to a cell away from everyone else. More secluded and private. I know I'm here for a reason and not wanting an audience may be asking for too much but if it's possible I need privacy with the detective."

Alex POV

Things with Aiden went like I knew they would. Tanner he is a hard person to break through too. He will come around. It's been almost an hour since I left him to take his chances and I know he will start to feel the pressure and panic soon.

Before I could think anymore my phone rang.

"Deceive Reid,  Mr. Holland is requesting to speak with you before seeing his lawyer."

"I am on my way down. He knows what's coming so tell him to be ready by time I get down there."

I grab the strap and tuck it into the back of my jeans and head down to the cells. Tanner is a smart kid with an attitude and smart mouth. His home life hadn't been great and he's came up without proper discipline that changes today. He will take his spanking man up and go home with my wife and daughter or continue to sit here and wait for the judge to decide his fate.

"Tanner I assume you called me down here because you're ready to get out of here and to go be with my daughter and Grayson."

"If I do this it's under my terms not yours. I'm am adult here not a child and to top it off I'm not even your kid. If this is going to happen it will be in your office away from the audience that's out here. I get immediate release and you stay the hell away from me after this. These are my terms do you agree if not sorry to bother you."

"OK son here's the deal,  you can show your ass in my house and be disrespectful, get my kids caught up in your problems but when it comes down to doing something about it you think you call the shots. It's here or not at all Tanner. Aiden is out already and I'm sure home by now. What will it be for you."

I can see the fear in his eyes. He knows there is several guards and about 30 other guys in cell blocks surrounding him.  He doesn't want an audience but didn't stop him couple hours ago causing a scene in my house.

"Ugh whatever Mr. Reid let's get this the hell over with so I can go. "

"Drop em just like back at the house and bend over and hold onto the bench. You are getting 50, you can cry and make as much noise as you need to but you're not to get up or reach back do you understand."

"Yes sir."

Was all he said with a shaky voice and with trembling hands dropped his pants and bent over.

I laid them one right after the other with 2-3 seconds between each lick. He didn't have time to process one lick before the next one landed.

By time first 20 landed he was crying and jumping around trying to shake out the burning. By time next 10 came he was begging for it to stop. The last 20 I focused on his sit spots and upper thighs causing him to scream and completely break down. He was choking on his tears and struggling to catch his breath. After a few minutes he stood up shook my hand got dressed and looked away while the tears still kept running down his cheeks.

"I'll have you released in about 15-20 minutes. Gives you some time to regain your composure before my wife or my daughter sees you."

Tanner POV

God I hate this. The shit I put myself through for Eden. Thank God I graduate soon and getting away from everything for 3 months. I just won't have Eden by my side. She can focus on getting better and I can clear my head and decide on law school or art.

"Tanner Holland you're ready to come check out and get your possessions back."

I was caught off guard and still silently crying.

"Uh yeah thank you. Can I uh go to bathroom and wash my face. I can't go out there like this."

"Once you sign some paperwork and get your things back you are a free man Mr. Holland and can do whatever it is you need to do but until then you are to follow me."

I run my hands over my face to wipe away the tears that has fallen and take a few deep breaths to stop the ones trying to fall.

A few moments later I have my things back and see Eden sitting in the waiting area and Mrs. Reid raising hell.

I slip out the door and make a quick move to the bathroom in hopes I wasn't seen. No such luck.

"Babe? Tanner oh my God are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just give me a second okay. I need to use bathroom for two seconds. I love you."

"Babe stop and look at me. He got to you too didn't he? He did same to Aiden. Which he's fine or as good as can be expected he called Gray to come get him."

My heart broke at the fact Aiden got it again when he just hours prior got his ass handed to him.

"Yeah I heard but didn't believe him. Is Aiden okay? Because honestly love I'm not. I want to bring you back to New York away from all of this where you're safe. I'd rather take my chances at home with my fucked up parents then deal with your dad again. I'm going home Eden."

"Tanner no,  you just had them arrested then drop charges against them. You can't go home right now if ever. Babe listen to me my mom is working right now on protective orders on every one of us including you against my dad. He can't touch you or come near you ever again. Come back to the house with me please."
