Chapter 28

Alex POV

Faith walked up to me in the kitchen and whispered in my ear that Grayson was in the study and needed to talk to the both of us. He's okay but it needs to be a private conversation.

"Hey Mason,  Aiden why don't you boys head on upstairs get a shower and stay in your rooms for awhile."

"What why what did we do." Aiden started asking.

"You're not in trouble we just need some privacy down here and I'm not asking you son I'm telling you. It's late anyway so get a shower and start to wind down for the night."

"Where is Grayson why isn't he being forced upstairs." this kids attitude I swear will be the death of me.

"Upstairs NOW Aiden I'm not telling you again."

"Eye eye captain."

"OK smart ass your grounded 2 weeks. Give me your phone and I'll be taking your keys. Your on the bus."

"Lighten up it was a joke."

"Boy don't make me have to spank you tonight. Just do as you were told without the attitude and smart remarks. A simple yes sir will do just fine."

He hands over his phone and I walk into the kitchen to take his keys before heading into the study and locking the door.

Grayson is nervous and pacing all over the room.

"Son are you in some sort of trouble?"

"No but Tanner is."

"Trouble as in how? Did he get arrested for something?"

"No nothing like that. Sit down and I'll try to explain. He's not ready to talk at least not tonight he said he will clarify tomorrow he just needs tonight."

I study my son and can tell the situation is serious. I sit down next to my wife on the couch and Grayson pulls up a desk chair in front of us.

"So you know how Tanners dad left when were really young. His home life has been rough ever since. His mom has dated some not so great people who have knocked him around a bit. The current boyfriend has been around for over two years and he's the worst. All the times I snuck out wasn't because I was looking for trouble, he was hurting and called me.  I would ride my bike to his house to find him sitting on his front steps with a black eye or a busted lip. Bruises up and down his arms. I never asked questions and we came here where he could get some sleep and know he was safe. When I started driving I would go get him after a fight. All the times he came over in the middle of the night or wanting to stay the night on a school day was because he either got beat or was scared to go home to a beating. I don't think he's ever actually been spanked like we are. He gets fist, and kicked and the verbal and mental abuse that goes on in that house. I've kept his secret for years. I'm his best friend he trusted me and  betraying everything by telling you. I'm scared for him. We graduate soon and then their personal punching bag is gone and I'm scared they are going to kill him or severely injure him before they let that happen."

I tried to process everything. This kid has been in and out of my house for most of his life. I've seen a few bruises here or there but he's a boy and a kid so scrapes and bruises are part of that territory. I know he is isolated so I do what I can without overstepping to make sure he is taken care of. I put $350 a week into an account for him to use for gas, food,  clothes and whatever else he needs.

"Grayson if you knew all of this was happening why didn't you speak up. He has gone through years of unnecessary abuse that could've been prevented."

"I know and I have been fighting him for years to let me bring you in. He didn't want to end up in foster care amongst other things. Now he's eighteen and an adult and it took some major sacrificing and begging but he knows I'm talking to you. Mom he's a student of yours and you have a job to do. You're a child psychologist but also a counselor at our school. He trust you and you've been like a surrogate mom to him. You're responsible for him on and off campus same with any of us kids at school. I saved you a step on notifying authority as lucky for you your husband is a cop. Dad I don't know if you can handle this since your too close to the case but if you have to pass it off please be somebody worthy. If this goes wrong and something bad happens we loose him. He's not suicidal so nothing like that but he will never be the same and he will never forgive me or any of us. We have to tread lightly because he's barely holding on as it is."

"We will handle it. How long have you known Gray? How long have you been lying to my face when asked where you've been? How long have you been withholding information?"

"Last 8 years or so. He told me in secrecy and I swore to him dad I swore and promised him I wouldn't."

"What have we taught you about loyalty?"

"We never want to betray somebody's trust and share information they tell us in confidence unless they are being hurt or hurting themselves."

"I thank you for telling us and we will take care of it. However lying to me for the last 8 years and letting your friend go home to be beat down and broken I can't tolerate and I think you know that."

"Yes sir I know and I already expected it before making decision to talk to you and mom."

I wasn't going to go hard on him but he would definitely know he's being punished and lying is not acceptable in this house.

"Honey can you give us a minute. Why don't you go check on the other boys and we will be up in a bit."

Faith nods pulls Grayson into a hug before leaning the 2 of us.

"Alright son you know the drill. Not going to lecture you know why you're here. Let's get this over with and then I want you upstairs in bed."

Tanners POV

I pulled up to the Reid house with my lights off. Wasn't sure where anybody was at and didn't want them to know I was there.

I grabbed my phone shoved it into my pocket and my charger then headed to the side of the house and climbed the tree that led to Grayson bedroom.  Thank God he remembered to unlock the window. I shot him a text to let him know I was here when I heard stuff happening downstairs.

After a few minutes it was definitely the sound of somebody getting punished. I know Mr. Reid is strict and traditional when it comes to how he disciplines.

I didn't know who got in trouble at first until I heard his voice laced with tears.

Gray. My heart broke for him,  yet again my life got him in trouble.

Few minutes later his door opens and I don't even think he noticed I was there. He collapsed on his bed and cried into his pillow.

"G-Gray, I-i can just go."

He jumped and got slightly embarrassed not knowing what I heard or how long I'd been there.
He ran his hand over his face to swipe at the tears.

"No its okay. When uh when did you get here?"

"Long enough to know what just happened."

"Oh,  yeah it's okay though I shouldn't have been lying to them or for you the last 8 years. This is different then what happens to you. I know you wont see it that way but there is a huge difference."

He wipes away the last few stray tears and moves over so I can sit down.

"Everyone is still up so may want to hang in here tonight. You're not alone in this."

"Yeah I know. It's just hard."

"You always have a place here Tanner you know that."

"That's what Eden kept trying to tell me."

"You look like hell, go shower maybe won't look like you've been crying for past couple hours when you get out."

"How'd you know?"

"Where to start.  Puffy blood shot eyes, red face, tear streaks mixed with snot. Fact your eyes are still wet and can tell your face is still damp and the sniffling you're trying to ignore for as long as possible."

"Yeah okay I'll go jump in the shower. And Gray thank you for uh letting me crash here tonight."

"Dont be stupid this is your house too. Hell you even have your own room here. Bed, clothes, computer all your art stuff. This is your house too don't ever forget that."

I weakly smile and close door and stare at myself in the mirror. My face was so red and swollen my eyes were straight blood shot I looked rough. My life with Eden is what I look forward to everyday. She's my reason to smile and the light amongst all the darkness.
