Chapter 26

Grayson POV

The car ride back home was silent. You could tell we were all in our thoughts until dad finally spoke up.

"Boys,  am I really that harsh?"

I shook my head at Aiden and Mason to shut up and don't answer. I'd take the heat for this one.

"Eh yeah kinda. What Eden said held a lot of truth. You are way too over bearing which when we were little was okay.  Don't play with guns or sharp objects. Don't run out into the street without looking both ways. If we see a person or a car near the house that isn't usually there let you know. Basic safety stuff, you had Eden take self defense classes and all of us boys are black belts. You've taught us how to protect ourselves and us three back here are walking talking weapons. We have these nice little cards we have to carry and we know we can't fight anybody for non life threatening situations. Or we can be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. We understand what our training means. But dad we are teenagers trying to survive and live a normal teenage life. We want to have friends and go to the mall,  see a movie go to parties. We can do all of that without you having one of your guys follow us."

"You guys don't get it."

"Yeah dad we do we aren't five anymore. We know all about the drug epidemic we just went through all of that with Eden. We know girls and guys get raped and assaulted. We know not all relationships are good and can sometimes find ourselves in an abusive one. We know people get murdered more than any of us would want them too.  This world we live in is crap. People suck but we shouldn't be forced to not be able to live our lives because of it."

"What do you want from me Grayson."

"To ease off a little. It's okay that you care and want what's best for us. But it's high school we are going go mess up we are going to experiment and we shouldn't be terrified to call home for a ride because we can't drive. Way things are now we would rather get arrested or take the risk of driving then having to call you. We have all had to take psych in school Mason is in it now. We get how stressful your job is dad we do. But back off some and remember you were our age once too not even 20 years ago you were me just an 18 year old senior about to face the world head on."

"I can't make any promises."

"Eden has a lot of problems some of those could have been prevented had it not been for you. I'm not trying to place blame or say she tried to kill herself because of you there was a lot that went into that day. But her drinking and the drugs was how she escaped our world. The world we hate living in which is being a cops kid. It's so much worse than preacher kids and they catch a lot of hate. We have it worse."

"So you all hate me is what you're getting at."

"No Dad we don't hate you we love you and have some fine line of respect for you and an understanding of why you are way you are. We and I am being totally honest are scared to death of you. We avoid you at all cost with problems or if we are in some sort of trouble and rely on each other for help. We can't come to you for anything and it sucks it has to be that way."

I can see Aiden shifting and trying so hard not to chime in.

I shoot him a text "stop and let me handle this. If he's going to flip shit let him on me."

He reads it and takes a deep breath and sends back "ugh fine you're leaving us all soon anyway. "

"Are we back to this? Hey you've known I was graduating before you ever since you were old enough to know what school and grades were. I'm smart Aiden why wouldn't I go to Duke. I got into four Ivy League schools as well but Duke is only one who offered sports and academic scholarship. I have 27 other acceptance letters I haven't responded to yet."

"Good for you."

"Look I know you've had a hard year and you were only expecting me to leave and instead you lost Eden to New York and me to Europe for the summer before moving into my dorm. Don't feel like I'm abandoning you because I'm not. I'm just finishing one chapter of my life and starting the next."

"She doesnt have to stay in New York you know."

"Yeah Bud she does. It's a fresh start for her and she's away from dad and his control. She needs this."

"And what about what I need? None of you have bothered to ask how I'm doing or what I need. It's just let's ignore Aiden because he's in a mood. Maybe I'm pissed off because my sister is gone and only other two people I can turn to has fled the scene and checked out soon as Eden was released from hospital."

"I know I checked out and I'm sorry for that. But I'm here now. I have three months left at home let's make the best of it OK."

He doesn't respond just puts his phone back in his pocket and stares out the window.

I decide to text Tanner.

"Yo what happened to you? We were all saying bye I turned around and you were gone."

"Yeah we needed a minute alone,  and no I didn't sleep with her it was nothing like that."

"I don't need to know anything about my sisters sex life. You hurt her I kill you it's simple."

"Yeah yeah you have the whole big brother thing to do. I won't hurt her. Few short months I'll be back with her."

"You're moving to New York?"

"Yeah,  she got me into an art program up there pretty close to where her new school is. "

"I want to be happy for you but dude when you tell your mom she is going to flip her shit."

"Yeah well I've spent years in that hell. Tired of being their personal punching bag and we graduate soon. 57 more days I'm counting down. Then we have Europe this summer and then I'm off to New York."

"You have to survive until graduation and telling your mom and that piece of shit boyfriend of hers you won't make it there. It's been years Tanner don't you think it's time you loop my dad into this. You can stay with us in your room least until graduation."

"No it will only make things worse."

"Have you met my dad? I hate him a lot of the times because he's over the top protective but he's good at what he does and he can get you out. Your mom can't take your car cause my dad got it for you.  She can't shut your phone off your on our plan. Can't take your money cause we have been funding you for years. My dad knows a little he doesn't know about the physical aspects."

"Gray don't we are almost there and I'm out. Dealt with it this long what's a few more months."

I don't respond and debate on filling my dad in or keeping Tanners secret which I've been hiding for years. If dad finds out I've known this whole time and never spoke up I'm in deep shit but things aren't good for him at home and him leaving the country and then the state it's going to get bad.
