Chapter 12

Aiden POV

I made my way to the locker room to find coach. Once I hit the locker room I run into my friend Tyler.

"Yo Reid what the hell happened Friday night? I left just in time because word is your dad swarmed the place. Did you guys make it out?"

"Not exactly, had we worried about ourselves and not each other we probably could have, but you know how we roll we can't leave one of us behind. Grounded until the next life but hey what can I say. Is coach is his office I need to talk to him before class?"

"Uh yeah he was, he was going over the playbook and watching Friday's game."

"Alright I will catch up with you later, I need to do this now while I have the courage."

I say bye to Tyler and make my way back to the office. I see Coach Preston taking notes and going through the game play by play.

"Is this a bad time or can we talk for a minute?"

"Mr. Reid come in and take a seat. What brings you in so early this morning?"

"Well long story short I can't play ball anymore this season. I got into some trouble over the weekend. I'll be back next season it will be my senior year and I'll be pushing for scholarships. Due to the nature of the trouble I got myself into my parents are making me quit rest of this season. I'm sorry."

"I know all about the events at the party Aiden, you don't think I'm not aware of my players activities or have kids of my own that were there. Am I losing your brother too?"

"No sir,  with Grayson being a senior and both full rides on athletic and academic this would kill that for him. I have another year to deal with college offers Gray doesn't have that."

"Just because you're not on my team doesn't mean you won't be running suicides everyday in class until post season. Go to class Aiden before the final bell. "

"Yes sir,  thank you."

I can't run suicides right now, I'm still sore from dad whopping my ass running is not an option.

Tanner POV

I've never seen Grayson so mad. Maybe I did push too far this time. I never expected him to just walk away, turn his back and ignore my calling after him.

I almost want to cry but I can't not when there is a hundred pair of eyes waiting to see what I do.  I hit the lockers and walk off.

I have to fix this somehow. I feel the need to cry growing stronger and I will myself to hold off until class starts I'll hide out in the bathroom and skip first period. Coach may be mad but aside from that its not like my parents will care.

Grayson POV

I see Aiden heading my way and I'm not in the mood.

"Whatever you're going to say don't. I don't care,  I'm so sick of being the protector, the oldest, my siblings keeper. I have my own life all of you are old enough and more than capable of taking care of yourself so whatever you're problem is Aiden I don't care. Leave me alone, you might however want to check on our darling sister. Tanner got to her this morning. I am officially off duty with all things Reid party of four. Passing the torch to you."

"Uh, OK. Was just coming to see if you were OK. I heard what went down."

"No Aiden I'm not but we are in the middle of school so I can't really do anything about it right now. So please leave me alone. Why are you in the senior wing anyway. You don't have any business being over here. "

Before he could respond the bell rang.

"Hurry. Because I'm not bailing you out if you're late."

Eden POV

I can hear all the talk and the snickering behind my back.  Maybe they don't know I'm listening or maybe they want me to hear.

Eden Reid school slut that broke Tanner Scott's heart and ended a life long friendship.

I'll break other hearts before the day is over. I don't want to say goodbye or maybe I should. You know Aiden needs a goodbye. He don't know how to get through life or live in this world alone without me.

School finished without any further incident and I hurried to the bus not waiting for my brothers.

Mason isn't too far behind me and slips in seat with me.

"Hey you OK? My friend Zach told me about this morning, he said he went to find Gray to help you."

"Yeah Mas I'm good,  Tanner is just a jerk who tends to bully anyone he can. Not necessarily his fault. His home life sucks and he has to deal with a lot. Way more than any eighteen year old should have too."

"So you're defending the guy who took advantage of you?"

"No I'm not defending him,  I just know his background and what makes him who he is. Why he is the way he is."

"Well in either case Gray told him off and he shouldn't bother you anymore. If he does he's just dumb and looking to get his ass kicked."

We finally make it home and I need an excuse to get away from everyone. It's now or never and I need privacy.

"I'm going to take a shower before I start working on dinner."

I have no intentions of seeing dinner but it buys me at least forty five minutes of uninterrupted silence.
