Chapter 40

Faith POV

I was finishing cleaning up after dinner when I heard crying and Grayson's frantic yelling for me.

I drop everything and run up the stairs to see my two youngest in handcuffs and Alex and Grayson nose to nose.

"Alex what are you doing."

"Mom,  mom thank god. He arrested Mason and Aiden and he's kicking me out for standing up to him. Do something please."

"Alex you take those handcuffs off of them right now. Nobody is going anywhere."

"Momma don't let him take us in please." Mason was frantic and crying his little heart out.

I was about to respond when Tanner came in after Gray yelled for him.

"Hang in there you guys he can't do shit. He's off the clock,  Mason you've been arrested for this already so it's double jeopardy and illegal and unconditional. Aiden he can press charges if he chooses too but he can't be the arresting officer he's too close to the case it's conflict of interest and it's not a felony it will be a misdemeanor. If he wants to actually make an arrest he will have to call the station report the crime and have another officer make the arrest. So both of you calm down. And Mr. Reid if I might add you're abusing your power of authority to intimidate minors which is illegal and IA will have a field day especially when its towards your own kids."

I've never seen Tanner take an interest in anything outside of basketball and his artwork. So for him to be factual and correct is impressive.

"Gray, Tanner go to your rooms. Boys I'll get you out of these. Alex  these are my God Damn kids too. If you are throwing one out I need to be part of that conversation. I have watched you bully them their whole lives and you've gone overboard with the spankings at times and Ive kept quiet but this I'll be damned if you do this. You let them go right now or so help me god Alexander. Then get your stuff and get the hell out of my house."

Alex makes a move towards Tanner and he stops him.

"You think I'm on something which is cool. But you need a warrant to search me and my belongings because you don't have just cause. Go ahead try me I'll nail you for an illegal search and seizure. Anything you find is inadmissible in court. You see our high school has duel credit classes and I've taken advantage. I've been studying law last four years and by end of May I have all my pre law classes done and can go straight to law school. I know all the penal codes both state and federal just like you do. So come at me I dare you."

He wants to be a lawyer? Since when I always thought he would do something with his art.

"Alex get the hell out of my house. I don't care where you go but get out. I-I want a divorce."

It's been a long time coming but tried working through it all. This is the last straw.

Grayson yells that he's leaving with Tanner and that they are staying at his girlfriends for the night. They both took their confiscated phones back and the keys to their cars. The other boys are released from the handcuffs and I tell them to go get their stuff and get out.

"Mason honey it's okay,  go on you can stay at a friends tonight or you can go to Trinity's. Gray Is at Hailey's and I'm sure Aiden will end up at Madison's so baby go okay. You're dad and I we need to talk."

"Mom I'm not..."

"Baby please just go. I'm sure Trinity would love to see you. Take your phone and I will come get you in a little bit but for now honey get out."

Aiden POV

I've never been more scared in my life. What the hell even just happened. My dad actually arrested me and read me my rights. I couldn't do anything but cry. Then he arrested Mason and that fear turned into anger. Do what you want to me but leave my little brother alone.

Mason broke my heart his panic and the instant tears and the pleading. Grayson trying to ease the tension and situation only to get kicked out of the house.

Tanner showed up with a lot of information. He sounded smart but was any of what he was saying true?

We finally get released and I waste no time going to my parents room grabbing my phone and car keys and running to my room for charger and some clothes that I could toss into a bag really quick. I need Eden, I need my twin and I need her now more than ever.

Everyone is still in my room tension tight and thick and mom is blocking me and Mason from our dad. If we move she moves with us.

"Mas come on buddy,  here's your phone go grab some clothes and your charger I'm leaving in like 2 minutes so hurry."

"I don't want to leave her."

"Mason come on we have to go."

He starts to cry again but nods his head and runs out of the room.

I start a group chat with Grayson, Tanner and Mason.

"Mom just asked for a divorce. She is kicking me and Mason out so her and dad can talk. Can we like meet somewhere and talk about what the actual fuck just happened?"

Tanner was first to respond.

"Hey little homie yeah we just pulled up to Hailey's and Gray is inside talking to her. Are you guys okay? That was some intense shit back there."

Mason joins the chat

"okay no I'm pretty far from it. Got arrested twice today for the same damn thing. My mom who never gets involved is in a heated argument with my dad and she kicked him out and asked for a divorce. I don't want to leave her but she's making me and Aiden is demanding and forcing."

"Hey hold up I'm not forcing anything. But bruh we don't need to be at home right now. I'm taking Mason and we are going to see Eden. She needs to know and this is a face to face kind of thing."

"Wait you're going to New York. Can I catch a ride with you? I uh I need to see and talk to your sister.  We got into an argument earlier and I need to fight for her and fix things."

"Yeah we will swing by Hailey's. Can you let Gray know I guess he don't have his phone on him."

"He left it in the car while he went in. I'm sure he's in there crying to her not knowing what to do and if her parents aren't home hook up to make him feel better."

"He dont have time to get laid go do your friend thing cause I'm about to pull into her neighborhood."

Tanner POV

What the fuck just went down at the Reid house. I am grateful that I've taken all my pre law classes and was able to use it today. Just hate it was on my best friend and my girlfriends family.

Eden wants so badly for me to come to New York and do this art program which is incredible and I would love that. But I have also worked hard and wanted nothing more than to be a lawyer and an advocate for kids. Give them a voice when nobody else will listen or hear them out. To be able to tell their story and not have it be one sided. My heart is torn between law school which I got accepted into or NYU into an arts program.

I have to make a decision and make one quick and a lot is riding on if Eden will take me back. I love this girl god do I love her but I got too much riding on the games and the back and forth games. She either wants to be all in or I'm all out.

I casually walk into Hailey's house to see Gray staring at his phone then throwing it to pick it up again and look at it again. Hailey is nowhere to be found.

"Hey man where is Hailey and why are you crying?"

He threw his phone at me and I read the text.

Fuck. They were the power couple we all strived to be like.

"I'm sorry man I really am. Aiden is about to be here we are uh. We are going to see Eden. She needs to know what's going on and this isn't something she should be told over the phone. So dry your tears take this and get ready because they need your ass."

I gave him a xanax and watched as he tried to stop himself from crying before his brothers showed up.
