Chapter 37

Alex POV

I watch Grayson reluctantly do as he was told and close the office door behind him. I take a deep breath and go sit in front of a terrified Tanner.

"Mr. Reid I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I never meant for anyone to get in trouble."

He was on the verge of tears and looked like he was going to get sick at any moment. I get up and walk to a cabinet in the room and get a water bottle.

"Relax son,  my kids have lived in this house their entire lives. They know the rules and know what is expected of them and know what happens when they disobey. Here drink this and try and calm down."

"This is all my fault. Sneaking out,  going to New York, the urgency to go right then. That can't all fall on Gray. So please I deserve the same."

He gets up and starts to undo his belt and I reach out and stop him.

"Tanner stop, and let's talk for a minute okay. You're right that you made some mistakes and there will be consequences. Consider yourself grounded. No phone, no car,  no friends. You go to school, you go to basketball practice and your games and you come straight back here. No TV and internet is for school work only and will be monitored. Your car is mine for the moment as well."

"Gray got all of that too. He-I, I deserve the other part too."

"No son you don't."

"I don't need you to protect me Mr. Reid. I know what this is and what you're trying to do. I got knocked around at home for no reason. And now that there is a reason you won't do it."

"Tanner calm down. I'm not going to do anything you're not comfortable with, or that is going to cause you to take off. You always have a home here son,  but I also can't make you stay here. You're 18 an adult and have other options available to you."

"I deserve what Gray got. I won't run I have nowhere else to go. And if I take off Eden nor Gray would forgive me. "

"Wait right here okay."

I slip out of the room and head upstairs to grab Grayson and find my wife.

"Come with me for a second."

"What.  Why?"

"Let's get your mom first and we will talk but for now get up and come with me."

These kids and the why's every time you ask them to do something. I find Faith in the kitchen starting dinner.

"Gray sit down and before you start to get defensive and argue let me finish."

"No promises but I will try."

"Tanner is insistent I spank him for their little tour to see Eden. He is feeling guilty that Gray got it and he's only grounded. I don't want to do this. I don't want him to take this the wrong way and I don't want him to run."

"Dad no you can't do that to him. There is no way he can take what I did. I barely took it and I've had many years of practice."

"I wasn't going to strap him Grayson. Wasn't even going to do it bare. If anything to satisfy him no more than 25 with my hand. Honey this is your line of work and I need you to clear him. Run a psych evaluation on him and make sure he is okay to go through with this. No PTSD episodes, none of that not trying to push him too far."


"I'm giving you the run down so you don't bust in the room and get defensive. This is all Tanner and against my better judgement. If you can talk him down please be my guest."

Grayson POV

I jump up from the bar and head to the office to find Tanner shaking and deep in thought.

"Are you Fucking crazy bro. Did you not just see what happened to me? I'm not embarrassed about crying in front of you as I am the high pitch screams. You can walk away from this dude what the hell are you doing."

"I'm in this too Gray. It's my fault you're even in trouble. I don't want special treatment. If I'm going to live here I need to be treated like any of you Reid kids. If you got your ass whooped for this then so should I. I'm not crazy I'm just practical and honest and loyal."

"Are you sure you want to do this."

"No but what other choice do I have?"

"A lot. You have a lot of choices and you aren't taking advantage of any of them."

"It wouldn't be fair to you and you know it. So either support me on this or get out."

"Okay I'll go get my dad. You're stupid as hell. All I got to say."

Gray comes back looking defeated.

"Mom there really isn't a need to talk to him. He is sure of what he wants and there isn't any talking him out of it. He said if he is going to live here he don't want special treatment or favors. If I got spanked for this then he wants and needs too as well. Treat him like any of us Reid kids."

Tanner POV

I don't understand what the big deal is. Im an adult making my own adult decision not to let Grayson take all the blame for today's adventure. Especially when he didn't want to go in the first place but wasn't going to let me go alone either.

Am I scared shitless about what's going to happen.  Hell he's but is that going to change my mind.  Not at all.

I've had to face my fears for years and it's made me a stronger person. Granted these past 24 hours you would question that. I don't get emotional ever. I get mad or if I'm in my feels I don't cry about it I dive into my art and create some of my best work. I'm not a crier and it's all I feel like I've done since I left New York the first time.

I jump when the door opened and closed behind him. I look up and see Grayson and Mr. Reid standing there.

Both look very uneasy and Grayson just looked scared and uncomfortable.

"Before you two say anything hear me out. I'm almost 19 an adult in the eyes of the law. I don't have to stay here in choosing too. I can run or leave at any given moment and nobody can stop me I have that right as an adult. But I'm not going to I don't have a need too.  I have options but I don't need them. Mr. Reid I'm grateful for everything you've done for me my entire life. You stepped up when my dad left and have always been that father figure in my life that otherwise would've never had. I've done some stupid things over the years and brought Grayson down with me. Only difference he got caught and I got away. You're not my mom you're not her abusive boyfriends I know anything that happens isn't out of hatred. I know you care about me or else you wouldn't do what you've done for me since I became friends with Gray in kindergarten. You can't physically hurt me anymore than I've already been hurt. This is on a different level,  I disappointed you and let you down and that's what bothers me the most. I'm taking responsibility for my part in this and don't want a slap on the wrist or to be treated as if I'm fragile and will break at any given moment. I'm more apt to leave if you don't do this then if you do. You can take my car and phone too I don't care about that. Only other person that doesn't live right here I won't get to see or talk to is Eden but I'll find a way to be okay with that sir."

"You're Family Tanner,  blood or not you have been part of this family for the last 13 years. We have watched you grow up,  find yourself, loose yourself and all the highs and lows teenage life throws at you. To say we are proud of you and all your accomplishments is an understatement. You've come a long way and have had to endure things nobody especially a child should ever have to go through. If and that's a big if we do this it will not be on the same level Grayson got. I'm not even sure what I do will even satisfy you but it's all I'm willing to go with. You've been through a lot of trauma in your life and I am not looking to push you over the edge."

"With all due respect sir, I can handle Graysons level. My reaction will be similar to his I'm sure but I get the same or it's no deal and I'm going home. House is empty right they are in jail and I can access my house without fear of them showing up."

Grayson gets between me and his dad.

"I don't know what you're trying to do or what game this is but stop. My dad has never been one to not use spankings when its warranted and yeah if your circumstances were different you would've gotten it with me. But he is here for the first time in my life telling you to your face in every way possible he doesn't want to do this and doesn't feel comfortable. What's going on with you? Why are you pushing so hard for this? Is it because of your fight with Eden? You feel guilty for blowing your secret? You numb and just want to feel something?"

I don't know why I'm pushing for this well maybe I do I don't know.

"No because for the first time I screw up and I'm in a house where people actually give a crap what happens to me. So yeah I am pushing for a punishment I know I deserve by somebody who actually cares. I know your dad is strict that hasn't changed at all since we were kids. It's gotten worse as we've gotten older, more trouble we can get into now then when we were 5. But I need structure, rules, guidelines stuff I never really had."

I am tired of pleading with them. I undo my belt, drop my pants and boxers and get in same position as Grayson. Next thing I know Gray is holding my hands and whispering to stay down and not to jump up. Yell cry Whatver I need to do but stay down.

Mr. Reid steps up and says "Only doing 30. 10 with each. Then Tanner need you to get cleaned up because we have to go down to the station."

I felt the coolness of the wood on my ass. Okay the paddle this isn't too bad coach has popped us a few times over the years. Never bare though so let's see how this goes.

The first swat caught me off guard and I jumped and lunged forward. Grayson tightened his grip on my hands and sent me that look he gives when he's slightly annoyed but concerned at the same time.

The next three landed and I hissed but kept quiet. Next four focused on my sit spots and I again jumped and hissed a little louder clamping my eyes shut. Last two landed on my thighs and I few tears escaped but I handled that pretty well.

Then it happened I felt Grayson tense up and his eyes begging dad not to use something. Soon as it landed a muffled sob escaped and I fought to get out of Gray's grip but he wasn't letting go.

The other nine landed and I was fully crying at this point. Grayson was having trouble trying to keep ahold on me.

The switch was applied to my sit spots and thighs causing me to squirm and avoid the blows. Once it was over Grayson let go of me I pulled my pants up and tried to stop crying and wait for further instructions.

Mr. Reid pulled me into a hug and I broke again.  Just knowing he actually cares. And he kept saying he was sorry. Once I calmed down enough he let me go then said we have to leave in about 10 minutes so go wash my face clean up and meet him at the car.
