Chapter 18

Aiden POV

I ran out of the house not even sure if I even locked the door or had my wallet. None of that was important, what really mattered was getting back to the hospital.

As soon as I heard Mason say she was up and asking for me was all I needed to hear to hurry back.

The hospital was a twenty minute drive I made it there in seven. Dad would kill me if he knew how fast I was driving or how many red lights I had blown through to get here.

I manage to throw the car in park and run back inside and see Mason.

" Mas,  where is she?"

"Room 322, but you have to wait. Grayson isn't back yet and Mom and Dad hasn't seen her yet either."

"I don't give a fuck I'll drag Gray out of the room if I have to."


I didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence I was sprinting towards the elevator.

I finally make it to her floor and see Grayson sitting on the floor in the hallway. Shit this can't be good. Did something else happen?

I nervously make my way to my brother and sit down next to him. Didn't take long to realize he was crying. I was torn on what to do.

He's always been there for all of us through all the good and the bad. Right now he's alone and hurting for many different reasons but at same time my partner in crime needs me too.

"Grayson, talk to me what happened? Did something happen with Eden?"

"Leave me alone Aiden."

"No.  Not u til you talk to me. This crying in public and out in the open for any and everybody to see isn't you. So what the hell happened."

"In less than three days I got the shit beat out of me,  learned our sister was self harming again, almost lost everything I've worked my entire life for,  ended a friendship with somebody I've been best friends with since I was five only to have you pull me out of football practice to tell me Eden was more or less dead when you left her and we needed to go. And for the last five hours she has been touch and go. So no I'm the farthest thing from OK and if you don't mind I want to be left the hell alone."

"You're not the only one who has had a shitty couple days. She's my sister too. You weren't the one who found her, or had to perform CPR on her, she didn't loose her pulse and stop breathing in your arms. No she did that shit to me. I have to live with that. Friendships fall apart. You really think you will even talk to any of these people after you move off this fall?"

"You don't get it do you? I wouldn't expect you to. The amount of shit I take from everybody and for everybody. I have to get out of here. I have all my credits to graduate early. After the season is over I'm done. I decided on Duke and I'm moving by the end of next month. I can't do this with you any of you anymore."

"Grayson,  you can't just leave. Not like that we are supposed to have a more time."

"I have a full ride to any school in the country and I want as far away from here as possible. I talked to the school today and after these next three games I can get my diploma and start training at Duke. I have my formal acceptance speech and interview next week where I sign and then I'm gone."

"So you're just going to bail out now when your family needs you the most. What the fuck Grayson. Go we don't need you I got it covered. Far as I'm concerned you and me are no longer brothers. Add that to your list of fucked up things to happen to you this weekend."

I shove him away from me and go find Edens room. I stand outside her room for a minute trying to calm myself down from what just happened with Gray.

I make my way inside and see all the IV's and tubes coming out of her. My throat gets tight as I swallow the lump that built up in my throat. I've watched enough medical shows to kinda be able to read the monitors and know when something is wrong.

She's asleep and I bend over and whisper that I was there in her ear and gently brush her hair out of her face.

I notice a chair in the corner and pull it up next to her bed before grabbing her hand. It was warm and had life to it. I studied the monitors to reassure myself for right now she was OK. That she was alive.

"I read your letter. You can't do this to me Eden. You and me we have never been apart and I'm not willing to live in a world that you're not a part of. We came into this world together. I know when we are old and grey we will loose each other but that's not today or any day soon. Why didn't you come to me? My entire life revolves around you,  so why did you feel you couldn't come talk to me? How did I let things get this bad?"

I wasn't sure if she could hear me and at this point didn't care if she knew I was crying. She needs to know how her actions affect people.

She wasn't responding or even acknowledging I was there. I scooted chair closer and just laid my head on her chest. Listening to her heartbeat and feeling her chest rise and fall with each breath she took. 

I let myself cry and I eventually fell asleep until I was woken up by her monitors going off. I looked up at Eden to see she was seizing again and that she was close to flat lining.

I jump up and run out of the door.


Within seconds the emergency response team came rushing in. You could hear "Code Blue to 322" come across the intercom.

I got guided out of the room so they had room to work as I see my family running towards me.

Mason POV

I knew it was a long shot to try and stop Aiden. Nothing was going to stand in his way of going to her.

Wasn't twenty minutes later Grayson comes back down and he looked terrible. His face was swollen,  eyes blood shot and puffy and as hard as he tried he couldn't hide the sniffling he was still doing. At least he tried to clean up, managed to splash some water on his face and get rid of the tear stains.

"You okay?"

"I really wish people would stop asking me that. No I'm not but are any of us really doing so great right now?"

"Did Aiden finally get to go in to see Eden?"

"I-I don't know. We-We had a fight and I don't know where he went."

I was about to say something back when all of a sudden we hear "Code Blue to room 322"

I look at Grayson and we knew and both took off running.

You could hear dad yelling at us from behind "BOYS" and my moms tearful "That's Edens room"

We didn't wait for the elevator, we found the stairs and took them three or four at a time not caring who we ran into along the way.

We busted through the door to her floor and saw Aiden standing outside her room in shock.

"What happened. Aiden. Aiden. Hey AIDEN"

His eyes were glued to her room, he wasn't able to talk, he couldn't stop shaking and the tears just kept coming."

"Aiden,  what's going on?"

I was getting nowhere with him. I turned to find a nurse or somebody I could ask questions to and ran right into my dad.

"Mason what happened?"

"I don't know I can't get Aiden to talk he's in shock or something."

My dad let's me go and walks over to my brother as I continue my mission on finding answers.

"Can you help me? Room 332 is my sisters room. Can you tell us what's going on?"

"Let me see if I can find something out for you."

As I wait for answers I go back to the rest of my family.

My dad has ahold of Aiden shoulders and is nose to nose with him.

"Aiden Matthew I am not going to ask you again. What just happened to my daughter?"

"S-s-she was f-i-n-ne then S-s-s-she wasn't."

The doctors have been in there for a long time. Way too long for everything to be OK.
