Chapter 24

Eden POV

"Hey sunshine,  today is the day I hope to see your adorable face."

"You know I will be there babe. I'll do whatever it takes to keep that smile on your face and you in a good place."

"Your such a dork lol. We can start having people visit at ten."

"I know your family will be there around noon. I'm driving myself so we can have some time alone before they all get there."

"Awe I can't wait to see you. I love you Tanner Scott, drive safe and I'll see you soon."

"I love you too Eden Elizabeth, I should be there right at ten."

I start to finish getting ready when my phone starts to ring I see Aiden is trying to facetime me.

"Aye are you guys on your way? I can't wait to see all of you. Especially you Aiden it's been way too long."

"Hey yeah we are getting ready to leave. I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. Like really doing."

"I'm good. I'm in a much better place and have a clear head and haven't been this happy in a long time. Which Tanner helps with that."

"So you and Tanner huh, how's that going."

"Amazing,  he's an incredible guy I just wish you all could know him the way that I do and see what I see."

"Hey long as you're happy and he doesn't hurt you I'm good with it. Gray is the one whose skeptical about it."

"He has his reasons and I get all of that so does Tanner so no hard feelings. I'm just excited to see my twin. This is the longest we have ever been apart and I have so much to tell you."

"Yeah I want to see you too. You look good and seem to be in a good place so I'm happy you're doing OK."

"I am Aiden for the first time in a really long time I'm doing great."

"Well we are loading up I'll tell everybody you said hi and we will see you in a few hours."

"Bye be careful. Can't wait to see you."

He looks rough and slightly broken. I never imagined my getting better would hurt him so much.

I finish getting ready and go out to the courtyard and waited for Tanner.

"Well Miss Reid I do have to say you're looking mighty fine this morning."

"TANNER you're here OMG."

I jump into his arms almost making us both fall and kiss him. One of those deep passionate you came back for me kisses.

"Woah, I missed you too babe." he pulled away for a moment to look me over before pulling me back into his arms not wanting to let go."

"Are you hungry or want some coffee we can go grab something and talk if you want."

"Yeah beautiful that sounds good,  you lead the way."

We order our food and find a table secluded from everybody else in a back corner and start to talk.

"So how are things back home?"

"Eh you know we all have our good and bad moments. It's hitting Aiden the worst. He's been in some fights including your brothers."

"I'll talk to him."

"I know you're thriving here and I couldn't be more happy for you but have you thought about maybe coming back home?"

"Home is where it all began. Well not my home but it's where I lost Adam. Having to pass his house on way to school. Not seeing him in the halls anymore."

"No I understand, I'm sorry I asked."

"Well since you did and you graduate soon I know you were going to stay because of me at least for a year. I may have gotten you into an art school close to where I'll be. Once I graduate next year I can transfer to their college program and we will be even closer."

"Eden you didn't have to do all that, but thank you baby I appreciate it."

We finish our breakfast and I show him around.

"So uh there is one thing I didn't tell you about today. Part of family day is therapy session where I have to open up to everybody and try and make amends. Face whatever demons I may have with that person."

"Okay, babe I don't feel I should be a part of that."

"You are though,  before we even fell for one another you were a part of our family. I have some things to say to you too. Please say you will be there. My session is at 2."

"okay baby I promise to be there."

I gently lean up to kiss him when I get a text from Grayson saying they are here.

Grayson POV

Things have settled down and gone back to normal since the other night with Aiden and Mason. The one thing we could all look forward to was today.

We pulled up to this fancy facility,  it was actually a beautiful place and looked welcoming and calming.

I pulled out my phone and let Eden know we had arrived.

I start looking around hoping to spot her, unfortunately when i do she comes around the building hand in hand with Tanner.

What the hell is he even doing here. You know what it's not about me right now it's Eden and what she needs and wants.

I call after her and start sprinting her way.

"Look at you sis. You look good. Hair all done, make up all done up got your color back. You look like you again."

"OMG Grayson shut up and come here."

I grab her and pull her into a hug. Just to see and feel the life inside of her returned I almost cried tears of joy.

"I'm so proud of you. You look amazing and that smile we've missed seeing it."

She shoved my head in a playful manner and started to giggle. I haven't seen her in this good of a place in a while.

Mason tackled her and Tanner and I had to somewhat catch them before they crashed to the ground.

"Take it easy Mason"

"No it's okay,  hey Mas I missed you too. " as she pulls him into a hug and ruffles his hair.

Mom is already crying and dad waste no time.

"Hey baby girl,  you look great."

"Thanks daddy"

"Mom come here"

I have to sorts nudge mom to walk she's just in tears and in a daze.

"Hey baby,  look at you. You look so good"

"Thank you mama it was hard work but I'm in a good place now."

I look around and notice Aiden is missing. He's been talking non stop about today for a week and now he's not here.

"hey guys I'll be right back."

I run back to the car to find Aiden leaned up against the door.

"What are you doing. You have talked non stop about today all week.  You even called and facetime her this morning and now you want to hide."

"I'm still angry and I'm scared when I do see her I will snap. I want to see her I do and I want it to be good but I'm still so hurt and mad and upset with what happened."

"Dude I'm pissed off too so is Mason we all have our own reasons why we are mad. In time we can talk to her about it but right here in this moment she looks the best she has in months, she is in a really good place and you need to come see that. I don't have a twin so I will never understand your bond with each other but she needs you more and frankly you need her. You probably need her more then you realize."

"I don't want to hurt her."

"You won't. Just go give her a hug let her know you love her that she's looking good and let the universe control it from there."

He gives in and slowly walks towards everyone else.  Soon as Eden spots Aiden she takes off running towards him and jumps into his arms.

"I've missed you most out of everybody."

"Hey I'm right here."

"Sorry it's a twin thing."

"Hey sis. You uh you look really good. The time away and the space uh seems to have helped you a lot. "

"Yeah it's made me realize some things and i have been able to refocus on new passions and focus on what makes me happy. I'm not a cops daughter here. I'm just Eden Reid normal teenager."

"That's good I'm happy you are finding yourself here."

We start walking back to everyone else when Eden let's us all know we have a  welcome celebration in the courtyard before lunch and group therapy session."
