Chapter 46

Faith POV

I just watched my husband's partner arrest my child and my sweet baby girl just watched two of the most important people in her life get taken away.

"Grayson I need you to stay here and watch your brother and keep an eye on your sister please. I may be gone awhile."

All three of them at once "What no we are coming with you."

"Grayson honey please it's been a long night and I can't have you three causing a scene with your dad while I'm trying to get Tanner and Aiden out. Stay put we will be home as soon as possible."

"I can't just leave them in there. This whole thing is bull shit."

"Gray please and I'm tired of telling you to watch your mouth and the language. I will deal with that later for now I have to go. All of you in bed it's late."

"Yeah like we can sleep."

"Go to bed all of you now. Don't argue just do what is being asked of you."

"Yes ma'am."

Mason took off into the house while Eden and Grayson just stared at me.

"Honey they will be fine. I don't know what game your dad is pulling but I will have them out soon. Don't worry and when I get them out you will be their first phone call."

"Can Hailey come over? We uh we broke up but I'm trying to fix it and need to see her. I know the rules even when you aren't home. If she's in my room door has to stay open and no sex anywhere in the house. It's not that kind of visit I just need to get her back."

"Yes but you are to stay here if she can't drive to you then call her or facetime you're home tonight understood."

"Yes ma'am thank you."

He pulls out his phone I'm assuming to call Hailey. Then Eden grabs my hand.

"Mama please they never left me when I was in the hospital and I was horrible to Tanner when I found out he took pills but I can't leave him. He's gotta know I was there on the other side the whole time. I never left him. I love him mom please let me go with you. And Aiden he's my person I know him better than anyone else ever will. We are twins and i feel his pain and his fear and aside from Kingsley I'm the only person who can calm him down. You need me or none of you can handle him."

"Go tell your brother you're with me and let's go."

Eden POV

Thank God that worked I didn't think she would let me go. I run into the house to find Gray.

"GRAY,  where you at?"

"Bedroom why?"

"Hey I'm going with mom I'll text you and keep you updated."

"Wait how she just said no"

"I'm the only one in this family who can keep Aiden calm and from going bat shit crazy. She needs me."

"Fuck you for being a twin and having magical powers over him. "
"Yeah love you too. Keep your phone on I'll keep you posted."

I run back out of the house and grab charger out of Aiden's car and get in with my mom.

"Mom you have to get Tanner out. I know he's not top priority for you because he's not your child but he means everything to me. He wants to be a lawyer and he's smart mom. He's had a hard life and is trying to make something of himself so please get him out of this."

"Honey I know all about Tanner. As a counselor at the school it's my job to guide you kids towards your goals and where you want to go after high school. I've known of his interest in law for the last 4 years and I have had him on a plan since he started high school to work towards his goals. He wanted to fast track and start college courses early. Grayson and the rest of you didn't. You wanted to enjoy high school for what it was and your dad and I were okay with that. He may not be my son by blood but sweetheart he has been a part of our family for a long time. He is also one of my students and I will not leave him to dry in there."

"If you knew he wanted to go for law why did you ask me to apply for him at NYU for art?"

"Because honey you want him close to you and not across the country which is where he would be going. He can minor in art which he's extremely talented in we all know that and he can learn some new things to help his craft. He can apply in the spring for the law program but for now he has options."

"I just want him to be happy and to follow his dreams."

"Baby girl you are his dream. He will go wherever you lead him too. I know this kid and have known him for a very long time. I've seen all his ups and downs at our house over the years and at school. He's had crushes and girlfriends but honey it's never fell for someone and loved her the way he does you."

"I know and I know when he's with me it's the only time he feels safe and I'm in New York so he doesn't get that feeling often. Gray helps but it's different. Get him out mom please."

It's not that I don't want Aiden out I do believe me. Aiden is a given mom by default will make sure he's taken care of in the best possible ways. Tanner doesn't have anybody on his side. He don't have parents or siblings all he has is me and Gray. I don't want him to feel abandoned or alone.

Aiden POV

I am now terrified but can't let that show. I get split up from Tanner and brought to a cell which is thankfully empty except for myself. I look around and silently panic. How the hell did I end up here.

I want to call mom and beg her to get me out but I can't. I'm alone in here. Was sitting with my head in my hands trying to calm myself when I heard a voice that instantly made me sick.

"I bet you'd like to go home now wouldn't you son."

"You son of a bitch. You did this to me. You whooped my ass so bad for this and I still end up in here. Why? Why even beat me if you planned on arresting me anyway."

"Because Aiden I'm tired. I'm tired of spanking you and grounding you for the same things. Spanking escalate because your crimes do. Spanking do not seem to work or be effective anymore so now we are here. You commit the crime you pay the price."

"You say your spankings don't get through to me. I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see through the tears,  I lost my voice from the screaming and crying and begging for you to stop. I said I was sorry I don't know how many times. You beat my ass dad."

"Yet here you are still cussing with an attitude. So did you really learn anything at all?"

"Yes not to borrow money without asking first. To not touch your wallet. As for my attitude and language under the pissed and I honest to God hate you. So do what you want dad doesn't matter what I think or how I feel you will do what you want anyway."

"You want to go home and sleep in your own bed tonight?"

"No I know there is a catch so I will wait for mom and my lawyer."

"We finish your spanking right here right now and I will drop charges and work on your discharge paperwork."

"What no I'm not letting you whoop my ass again."

"You have 25 left but if you cuss one more time it becomes 40."

Do I take this get out of jail free card or take my chances and wait for mom?

"If I do this I get out within the hour and you stay gone. I want the divorce I don't want you back home."

"That's none of your business son. That's a conversation for your mother and I to have."

"What's your move with Tanner? You going to propose spanking him to get outta jail free too?"

"Again son that's not your place. Something you seem to have forgotten you are the child it's not your business or place to know what's happening to anyone except you. I am going to check on Tanner when I get back you better have an answer."

"Dad wait. Fine just do this shit and get it over with I'm tired and ready to go home take a shower and climb in bed and sleep for the next week."

Dad nods at the guard to unlock the cell and he comes in with a wooden paddle in his hand.

"Drop them son and grab hold of the bench. Getting 25 and want you to count them out. Cry all you want but do not reach back and do not get up for any reason."

"Just get this over with so I can go"

I drop them and bend over and get a death grip on the bench. I know this is going to hurt and I'm sure I will start crying immediately so preparing myself for the worst."

He swung and it landed at the top of my ass. I sucked in air and shook my legs trying to shake the sting out.


He landed two more right below each other.

"Two,  Three"

Next two hit my sit spots and I almost screamed. I bit down on my lip hard and closed my eyes tight.

"Four,  Five"

"Are you going to take what doesn't belong to you without asking again?"

He rained down next 5 hard top to bottom again.

I couldn't help it I broke down and started to cry and screamed "NO"

"S-six,  sev-seven,  eight,  nine,  TEN. Dad stop please stop."

He landed next ten to my sit spots, five to each side.

"DAD stooop ppleaseee."

Oh my god it hurt so bad. I'm crying hard now and tears and snot all over my face. Fuck I forgot to count.

"eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,  twenty."

Five more I can do this and I'll be free.

Dad lands last 5 in same exact spot in center of my ass. I collapse over the bench out of breath and crying my eyes out. But it's done and I can go home.

"You got what you wanted dad so let me go."

"Let me go talk with Tanner and will have them draw your discharge papers."

"Nah I'm not waiting I'm sure mom is here by now. You beat my ass again so let me go to mom."

"Hold tight Aiden."

"No you son of a bitch. I have 2 parents here that I can be released to you're the parent that put me in here in the first place so for god's sake dad let me go home with mom. I'm tired i want to go home to my bed after a long ass shower."

"Watch your mouth."

"You know what whatever it's fine I'll wait it out. This just gives mom another reason to follow through with the divorce."

He walks away before I could rant anymore. I pull my pants up and lean my head against the wall trying to stop the tears as quickly and quietly as possible.

Tanner POV

I was thrown in a cell by myself thank God but had people next to me.

"Yo pretty boy what they got you in here for?"

"Ah it's a misunderstanding to be honest. I'll be out soon what about you guys."

"Tanner that's enough, you're not in here to make friends. Come here for a minute so we can talk."

Mr. Reid what the actual fuck is he doing here.

"Look who it is,  if it's not the son of a bitch who put me here. Is it because I'm friends with your son or sleeping with your daughter that makes you hate me the most."

"I don't hate you son though I'm glad my daughter is far enough away there is no chance of sleeping together."

"What do you want Mr. Reid I really don't have the time or patience for anymore of your bull shit."

"Here's the deal you can take it like Aiden did or wait and see the judge once your lawyer shows up. Take a spanking right here right now for the pills and interfering when I'm disciplining my kids and be free to go once I get them to draw up your discharge papers."

"No,  there's no way. And Aiden wouldn't have let you do that to him either."

"He did and he will be released to my wife within the next 10 minutes or so."

"They will never forgive you. I think I'll stay put and take my chances Mr. Reid if that's okay with you. Already got it once tonight don't really want to know what you plan to do next."

"50 bare right here or spend the night and see judge in the morning if he even comes in."

"I'm good where I'm at sir. Thank you though. You putting hands on me well destroy whatever possible hope there is for you to get at least Gray and Eden back."

"Let me worry about my own kids son."

"No you don't get to do that. You see Gray is the brother I never had and Eden she's the love of my life and my future wife. I'm responsible for them especially Eden. So go home Mr. Reid I'll wait for my lawyer and speak to the judge."
