Chapter 31

Tanner POV

I can't believe my mom. What the fuck is she even doing here. This night cannot get any worse. I should've just stayed in New York and not come back.

I feel Mr. Reid's hand on my shoulder as he follows me downstairs and out front where my mom is waiting.

"Get in the car and let's go Tanner."

"Why? Do you realize what time it is? I was asleep and got woke up to come deal with you."

"I don't give a damn what time it is. Get your ass in the car and get home NOW."


"Did you really just tell me no."

"Yeah I did and out of respect for the Reid's you should go before you wake everyone else up."

"Get in the Fucking car Tanner."

"He sent you didn't he. His punching bag isn't at home so he sent you on a mission to find me. You can't go back empty handed can you."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Shut up mother and stop playing dumb. You know what he does what they all do. You let him put hands on me for no reason. I would get a black eye or a busted lip or have finger print bruises up and down my arms from where I was grabbed and shook. And the times I did Fuck up the scars I have on my back from the belt. Or the days of school I missed because I couldn't walk or hell even move. I've screamed for you,  cried for you and you did nothing. Let's not forget when you let him touch me and make me touch him. Let's not forget the sexual assaults that started when I was only 13. You let it happen."

"No such thing ever happened. All you do is lie Tanner and I'm sick of it."

"Okay mom keep telling yourself that. I have pictures, videos and scars both physical and emotional. I'm done I'm an adult now I don't have to go anywhere with you and I'm not going to."

"You don't have a choice. Tanner Scott get your ass into the Fucking car right now."

"I said NO. I've tried with you. You're my mom and I've held out hope that you're still in there somewhere but you left when dad did."

I was starting to tear up more from anger than anything and then I realized I just admitted to the sexual abuse with Mr. Reid standing right there. What did I just do. Before I know it Grayson is between me and my mom pushing me back. He was acting as a shield forcing me back into the house.

Once inside the house he asked if I was good and I lost it. I struggled getting back upstairs to his room so he helped. I fell to my keens in middle of his floor and I was done for. 

I knew he was conflicted on if he should leave me alone and let me come to him when I was ready or stay. I didn't know what I wanted either but was grateful when he chose to stay.

"I'm sorry" I barely managed to spit out.

He came and sat down on the floor next to me and pulled me into a hug. Me being desperate and seeking any sort of comfort wrapped my arms around his waist and buried head into his chest and cried. I don't know how long we stayed like that. I heard footsteps a couple times and could feel Grayson move and tense up.

After what felt like forever I heard a voice that instantly calmed me down. Eden.

I listened to her talking to Grayson and trying to figure out best options on letting us see each other. I'm with Grayson though I don't want her on a bus at this hour. That crazy dangerous and I can't handle anything happening to her. I would never forgive myself.

I speak up not even sure if they could hear or understand me. Grayson has done more than enough I don't want to see him get grounded or worse on account of me.

Then it happened, she went against Graysons pleas and got on the bus here. I start to panic again.

"Let's go."

I made him jump with the unexpected demand. I said its little more forcefully then I intended but I love this girl and we have to get to her soon.

"Huh,  go where? You've had a rough night you need to try and get some sleep."

"Sleep, I can't Fucking sleep knowing my girl is on a bus full of sketchy people at this hour alone with no protection. We have to catch up with the bus at a stop and get her off."

"You're crazy to think she isn't protected. She may not be a walk talking weapon but Dad made damn sure she knew how to be street smart and defend herself. Plus she grew up with 3 brothers. She can hold her own."

"You're always over the top protective and the one time you actually need to be you don't care."

"Oh I care and she will know about it. But long as she stays put doesn't try and get off she is safe. She sent me her bus route, her arrival time and bus number. They have cameras on the bus and she knows what to do in case of emergency. We have trained our entire lives for this."

He may want to stay and wait for her bit I'm not. I grabbed my phone and my keys and started going back out the window.

"Tanner wait. Shit are we really doing this."

"I am don't know or at this point care what you do."

"Wait, I need to talk to Aiden and Mason really fast so they can cover."

I crawl back into the room and follow Gray to Masons room.

"Here's your phone. Look I can't go into a lot of details right now but we need to leave. I need you guys to cover for me and Tanner until I get back."

"Where are you going?"

"To get Eden, and dont tell them she's coming home. She's not supposed to be here and she won't be for long."

"Tanner dude are you okay,  you look like hell."

I shot a shut the hell up look to Mason and responded.

"No but I'll live."

"You in some kind of trouble?"

"No. Look I... We will explain to an extent what's going on but right now we can't and have to go like ten minutes ago."

"Is she pregnant?"

"What the fuck no it has to do with me and doesn't include anybody else. It's a a legal matter it's an open case so I can't say much neither can your parents,  your sister or Gray."

"What the fuck."

"Gray we have to..."

"Yeah I know. If they ask needed to blow off steam so went to gym to work out,  get breakfast,  run by his house for some things. And just running around town as a distraction. Doing what best friends do.  I however did not go to New York and Eden is where she's supposed to be. "
