Chapter 29

Grayson POV

I woke up to my dad gently shaking me awake. I looked behind me at Tanner who was sound asleep and signaled for my dad to stay quiet. I got up and went into the hall.

"He needed a place to go and feel safe. I've been leaving my window unlocked for him since we were kids."

"I'm not worried about that, his mom is here. Is she an immediate threat or is it just the boyfriends?"

"I-I don't know I know he gets knocked around by the boyfriend. He finally fell asleep do I need to get him up?"

"Hate to do this but yes,  she is here and I can get statements from both sides. I'll need to get your sworn statement as well. Everything you can remember as far back as this goes. This is a criminal matter now son so no more lying and withholding information."

"I won't, let me go get him up.  Do you need me to go with him so he will relax and be more willing to open up or stay up here and out of it."

"Let me do my job and if he just can't then I'll call you down."

"If he sees his mom he will shut down and won't say anything."

"I didn't ask her over to the house. He didn't come home and she tracked him down here.  She is demanding he come with her right now. He's an adult so decision is his. I can't force him to go back and he's not a runaway."

I go back into my room to see Tanner starting to stir. I look at the alarm clock and it's 3 in the morning.

"Tanner,  hey man I need you to get up." I gently shake him trying not to scare him or cause him to panic.

He jumps and looks around confused on where he's at.

"Hey it's Grayson you're okay you're at my house but I need you to get up and get dressed."

"Wha what's going on. "

"You're mom is here. My dad is doing his best to hold her off but it's 3 in the morning everybody is asleep and he's trying to prevent a scene."

"My mom why?"

"Here throw these on,  my dad is in the hall waiting for you." I toss him a pair of sweats and a hoodie to wear.

He staggers out of my room still half asleep and not fully functioning. I stand in my doorway nodding towards the stairs letting him know it's okay.

My dad puts a comforting hand on his shoulder and walks with him out the front door.

It wasn't long before I could hear Tanner getting loud so I opened my window and listened.

"You let him touch me you stupid bitch. You knew you sat there and watched and did nothing. You let him beat me,  you let him in my room at night, you let him do whatever he wanted."

Was he sexually abused to he never said anything. God why didn't I say something sooner.

"I did no such thing. Maybe if you weren't so incompetent Rick wouldn't have to knock some common sense into you."

"I'm an honor student who plays various variety sports, who despite my athletic ability is calling it quits for college to focus on what I love which is art. I'm not stupid. How can you call yourself a mother when your child your only kid is screaming for you because if I wasn't being shoved into walls, head slammed into something, getting kicked in the stomach his hands and other parts were down my pants. You knew I cried for you I screamed for you and you sat there and did nothing."

"That never happened."

"I've documented everything in case somebody ever found out and we ever had to get to this point. Well we are here do you need the proof, what do you want the sound recording, video or pictures because I have it all."

I ran downstairs and through the front door and started pushing Tanner back inside. He was crying again but not from the guilt and the hurt but he was furious.

"Hey you need to calm down come on let's go back upstairs."

Once we get back up to my room he collapses on the floor. I give him a minute to process what just happened. Then I go sit down next to him and do what I do with all my siblings. Pull him into a hug and rock him back and forth.

"Hey it's okay,  your okay she can't to anything to you here. It's just me and you right now."

I look up and see Mason and Aiden in my doorway and I shake my head no and signal for them to go back to sleep. My mom comes in and takes Tanner into his room to talk to him.

From my open window I can hear Tanners mom yelling at him to get back down there and my dads quick response.

"Heather he's an adult I can't force him to come back home and after what I just heard even if he was still a minor I wouldn't let him go with you.  Heather Holland turn around and put your hands behind your back you are under arrest for child abuse against your son Tanner Holland. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you can't afford one then one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights."

"You're arresting me based on what some lies my punk ass son told you."

"Let's go watch your head."

I watch as my dad arrest Ms. Holland and places her in the back of his car.

I knock on Tanners door and my mom steps out and tells me to go on she will send him back to my room if he wants to in a bit right now she has a legal obligation and a job to do and she can't do that if we keep interrupting her.

"I know you have a job to do but so do I and I need 5 minutes with him please. All I'm asking for right now is 5 minutes."

"Make it quick Grayson."

I walk in and he's in a corner with his legs drawn up to his chest rocking back and forth.

"Hey,  you're safe here. Look around this is your room,  all your stuff is here. This is your safe place. I know what just happened triggered a lot of things for you and your scared. That's OK and normal. Just remember where you are and hone in on that comfort you feel here. Why didn't you tell me about the sexual stuff?"

"I was embarrassed. Like it was somehow my fault."

"He's sick in the head. Nothing and I mean nothing that's happened to you was your fault. Your mom she...she won't bother you anymore for awhile my dad just arrested her."

"NO,  Rick will kill me he has to let her go."

"Rick isn't a problem either. Dad called in a favor and they are at your house now placing him under arrest. You're free for now and most importantly your safe."

He broke down in broken sobs. He tried talking but was incoherent couldn't understand a word he said.
