Chapter 39

Aiden POV

I hear dad pulling up in the driveway and my stomach dropped. This was happening sooner than I thought.

Didn't have too long to wait as he came in my room 15 minutes later with that godforsaken strap in his hand. Son of a bitch why can't it be with anything but that.

"Come here and sit down Aiden and let's talk first."

"I'll stand if that's okay with you sir."


"Okay,  okay I'm sitting."

"Watch the attitude."

"I'm sorry."

"Okay first question where did you get the fake ID?"

"You know I can't tell you that. I'm not a snitch Dad. Snitches get stitches and I can't put hands on them to fight back. You made sure of that."

"I'll find out either way son. So you either tell me now and we do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way."

"So what you're going to spank it out of me?"

"I didn't say that. But you won't like the alternative."

"I can't dad I really can't. I'm not a snitch and I won't waiver on that."

"Okay. Did you take cash or did you take one of my cards and which card?"


"Okay I will call and have transaction cancelled. You are grounded until further notice and will work to pay every cent back of what you stole."


"I would close my mouth if I were you. Last question and we will get on with the spanking. What brought this on? You just turned 17. As long as you live under this roof and we support your financial needs you're not to get a tattoo. I don't care if you're 17 or 25. If you are not completely on your own without me or your mom paying for anything of yours no piercings no tattoos."

"Grayson has gauges so that's not fair."

"Correction he thought he had gauges until they got ripped out and closed up. If you don't want to answer that's fine. Stand up drop everything and bend over the bed."

"Dad wait can sorry."

"I'm glad to hear it now drop everything and get over the bed. One. "

"Okay. Stop counting."


"Dad stop I'm doing it see. "

"Move it Aiden don't make me get to three."

Was no use trying to talk my way out of any of it. I grab my pillow and bury my face in it.

" You broke some major rules today all of which are illegal. Stealing, fake ID and underage tattoo. 75 son.  25 for each offense."

Holy Fucking Shit. That's it I'm done for. Aiden Reid dies tonight. Somebody tell Madison I love her.

The first five landed and I hissed and entire body jerked. No tears yet but they were coming and quick. Next five hit my sit spots and I gasped and bit down to stop a sob. Yup there's the tears. They haven't fell yet but my eyes are burning and I can't see a thing.

Next 5 hit my thighs and first sob escaped and the dam broke. Tears steadily falling now with no chance of me being able to stop them anytime soon.

Next 5 and my cries got louder and I started moving from side to side trying to dodge the blows.

We reached 50 before I lost count. I was moving all over the place, crying so hard I was choking and close very close to begging for it to stop.

"Are you going to steal from me again? "

2 hard smacks hit my thighs


"Are you going to use a fake ID again."

"Arg N-no-No sir. Daddy p-pl-please St-stoop"

"You getting anymore tattoos or piercings?"

"STOP I-i can't daddy stop please."

I collapsed and became hysterical I couldn't take anymore. Thank god door flew open and somebody had comforting arms around me. I was crying too hard to see who it was. I didn't care.

All I knew was the blows stopped and heard somebody Slam against a wall.

"ENOUGH. My God dad look at him. He can't take anymore he's done. You have a right to be mad he stole your credit card and got another fake ID after you destroyed the first one. We get it anybody would be mad. But you made your point. The next time you want to push him to this or Mason me and you are going to throw down. I don't care if you are my dad or not I will come at you that is not a threat it's a promise. GET OUT."

Grayson oh my God what did you just do. This is all my fault.

Dad drops the strap walks out and Gray slams the door behind him before coming to sit on my bed and pull me close to him.

I lay my head in his lap and hold onto him as if my life depended on it. And cried even harder if that was even possible. He just threatened dad and no way that conversation is over.

"M'sry" I cried and said over and over again.

"Hey bub it's okay. You're okay I'm not going anywhere. It's over. It's going to be okay." he was trying so hard to keep the sadness and the thickness out of his voice so I wouldn't know he was scared and close to crying with me.

"My fault it's all my fault."

"No bub it's not. You and Mason did all of this as a distraction for me and Tanner. We owe you an apology both of you. We got you caught up in our little adventure and it cost the both of you. Mason damn near had a criminal record and you have permanent tattoo on your body. Which you idiot why get it so big and in a spot everyone can see it while living in this house. Least mine you can't see unless I want you to see it."

"Wait when did you..."

"Me Tanner and Hailey went for my birthday and all got one. Was my gift from them."

"Me and Hales got one together. I can't get a sleeve or get big pieces yet because like right now with what just happened dad would kill me like he just did you. You apparently wanted to die tonight I however do not."

"You threatened him."

"No I made a promise. You deserved a spanking but not to this level. So I stopped him. Look I only have a few months here and I'm gone. Won't be home until Thanksgiving and any other breaks and that's a big maybe. I may go with Hailey instead. So when I'm gone I need you to step up and what I did for you just now need you to do for Mason."

"I don't know I have my credits by end of term I may just graduate early and get out of here."

"You can't leave him. He's only a freshman. You can't jump ship and leave him alone for next 3 years. He needs you."

"Yeah well Serena is graduating with you and Tanner. How's that going go work. Girlfriend in college and I'm still in high school."

"Price you pay dating upper classman."

I was starting to calm down when dad threw open the door and tossed a bag at Grayson and grabbed his upper arm.

"Dad what are you doing. Dad wait."

"Stay out of this Aiden,  I'll be back for you too. Better yet MASON get in here NOW."

Grayson POV

What the hell is going on.  I've never seen dad so mad and upset at the same time. And the grip he has on me is starting to get real uncomfortable.

Mason appears slightly shaking and looks at me for reassurance. I just mouth I don't know and wait to see what happens.

"Aiden Reid you're under arrest for theft and unauthorized use of a credit card and illegal use of an ID. Turn around and put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights?"

"Dad what the hell are you doing?"

"Shut it Grayson. I'm done with the disrespect, the lies,  the stealing. You want to act like criminals you will be treated like one."

"He's your son."

"Who needs to learn. If spankings aren't working let the court system handle it. Mason Reid you're also under arrest of theft of $5000 of a public establishment. Have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law... "

"Dad stop. They are just kids who did stupid kid things. Don't do this."

"Grayson I want you out of my house. You're not going to threaten me in my house. You're 18 you want to be grown and do whatever you feel like go ahead. I packed you a bag now get out."

"Dad please wait. Can we talk about this."

"This isn't your home anymore Grayson you're no longer welcomed here. So I suggest you get out before I am forced to arrest you too for trespassing."

"MOM!!! MOM.... Stop whatever point you're trying to prove stop. We get it."

"This isn't a game Grayson. You don't like discipline fine you can face real life consequences for your actions without me saving you from a record. Congratulations Aiden,  Mason you are both felons and felony won't come off your record. Aiden your 17 and will be tried as an adult not a juvenile. Let's go."

I start to panic. My brothers can't go to prison and I can't be homeless. How the fuck did this go so wrong so quick.

Tanner I yell for Tanner.

"TANNER TANNER Fuck dad let go. You win okay you win.  I'm not trying to fight you. If I need to go to Hailey's tonight I will and come home tomorrow when things have settled down. I have a full ride to Duke I'm not trying to get arrested for assault or whatever other bullshit charge you throw at me. You want me to leave I'll go. But you have to let Aiden and Mason go. You've already spanked them. Mason was already arrested for his crime and let go. You can't arrest him again it's double jeopardy and you know that. He can't be arrested and charged for same crime twice. As for Aiden it was $300 I have that I'll pay it back to you right now but let him go."

Tanner shows up and takes in the scene. He sees Aiden and Mason in handcuffs both crying and me trying to ease the situation without making it worse.

"Get out of here Tanner this doesn't concern you."

"All due respect sir you have 2 kids arrested for something they've already been punished for and throwing my best friend out of the house for defending them. I'm not going anywhere."

I look at him and can tell he's high. God dammit Tanner why. Why now.

"Come here and look me in the eye. You on something son?"

"No sir."

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back."

"For what reason?"

"For using an uncontrolled substance. What did you take? Where is it? Where did you get it?"

"I didn't do anything so get your hands off of me. Who are you right now? Detective Reid or Mr. Reid. Because you're off duty and I'm not under arrest neither are they you have no jurisdiction right now. They may not know their rights but I sure as hell do. And if Gray is getting thrown out I guess I am too. Guys hang in there he's just being an ass to prove a point. You're not being charged with anything he number one can't arrest you it's a conflict of interest, second off he's off duty and third in Masons case it's double jeopardy which is unconstitutional. So don't freak out it will be okay I promise."

Thank God for Tanner though I'm going to kick his ass for using again.  I know his fight with Eden hurt him but didn't think he'd start to use again.
