thirty three


Celeste screamed in fright as a bang awoke her from her nap on the sofa, her eyes wide as she sat up and glared at the intruders.

"I was sleeping!" She snapped, lying back down as she groaned in annoyance. "What are you guys doing this time?"

"Trying to find the book." Emma revealed, sounding annoyed and frustrated.

"I'll help in a second." Celeste waved at them, trying to properly wake up.

"We found it." Snow called out to her as she sat up again. She wandered over to Regina and Charming at the table, sitting down and watching the pages about Oz.

They made their way back to Granny's, Regina promising to buy the tired doctor a coffee since they woke her up after she worked a twenty hour shift.

Celeste happily sipped her coffee as the other three looked nervous about trying to wake Henry.

"He's gone." Emma announced as she walked up to them after going to their room.

"What do you mean, gone?"

"I mean, he's not in the room. He's not in the parlour." She listed all the places she looked. "My keys are gone. My car keys."

"Give me something of his. I'll try a locator spell." Regina offered, still holding the book.

"I'm way ahead of you." Emma pulled out her phone. "I've got GPS on his phone. He's at the docks."

They ran to the boat house, noticing many flying monkeys attacking. Their hearts dropped as they knew they were attacking Henry.

Emma used her gun, Charming slicing them down with his sword while Celeste and Regina used magic.

"I never liked pets." Regina gritted as she threw a fire ball at one of the monkeys.

"Henry, are you okay?" Emma asked her son, helping him off the ground after the flying monkeys were gone.

"Yeah, but what were those things?" Henry questioned in shock, looking around fearfully before noticing Charming with his sword. "And why does he have a sword?"

"It's all gonna make sense in a minute, I promise." She tried to reassure her son.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry I was keeping things from you." Emma apologised to him desperately. "You were right. You deserve to know the truth."

"About fairy tales? I don't understand." Henry read the book cover.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Then I need you to believe." Emma said, seeming as if she was almost on the verge of tears.

"Believe in what?" He asked, staring at his mother curiously.

"Believe in magic." She begged him, still trying to get him to take the book from her.

"From a book?"

"You okay?" Celeste mumbled to Hook as she shuffled over to him, noticing a strange expression on his face.

"I'm fine." Hook shut her off, staring into her eyes and easily understanding how Rumpelstiltskin fell so easily for her.

They both looked up as they saw Henry hugging Regina, Celeste smiling happily at the pair.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt." Zelena ruined the perfect moment, stealing Henry and appearing behind Hook and Celeste. "Now who wants to say goodbye first?"

"Who are you?" Henry said fearfully, fighting against the wicked woman.

"You can call me Auntie Zelena." She introduced herself to him.

"Enough of this!" Regina snapped, rushing forwards to save her son but Zelena knocked her back.

"Let him go." Emma prepared herself to fight the witch. "He had nothing to do with this!"

"Don't blame me. The Captain failed me." Zelena revealed, all eyes turning to the silent pirate.

"Damn you, Zelena." Hook spat at her distastefully.

"Hook, what is she talking about?" Emma questioned as Celeste moved her way back to Snow for safety.

"He knew what the price of that failure was." Zelena continued. "Your son's life."

Emma used her magic to burn Zelena, her hold on Henry's neck loosening. She yelled at him to run back and held him close.

"Enjoy this moment together." The Wicked Witch warned the group. "'Cause you don't have many left!"

Celeste kneeled down next to Regina, checking over the unconscious woman warily. Henry yelled at to his mother, shaking her as the doctor placed her hands against the woman's head. She used her magic to send a pulse over her body, assessing what was wrong.

Regina groaned awake, smiling at her son as Celeste sat back, letting the pair properly greet each other. She kissed her son's forehead, a rush flowing through them as their memories rushed back.

"Oh, god." Celeste held her head, the poison inside her awakening again. "No."
