

Her ocean blue eyes stared out the window, watching the rain dance down the glass. She rocked back and forth in her chair, rubbing her swollen stomach.

A weak smile on her lips as a book lay lazily open beside her, her mind away in the storm clouds. Rumpelstiltskin stood behind her, watching her with starry eyes. She was like the sun peaking through the rain clouds.

"Love?" He whispered, afraid she might have fallen asleep. He draped a soft blanket over her lap, crouching down to speak to his child.

"They are awake." She hummed, stretching her arms before stroking his hair off his face. "I can feel them kicking."

"Fighters just like their mother." Rumpel chuckled, cupping her stomach and smiling genuinely when he felt his children kick his hand. "They know me."

"Of course they know who you are." Celeste lifted his head, forcing him to face her. A halo like glow surrounded her head, making her seem godly compared to him. She was like a slice of everything good in this world. And she was all his. "You tell them about magic ever night."

"I think they prefer listening to you read them stories." He melted into her hands, staring up at her with love. She gave him love and a family.

"I love you, Rumpel." She pulled him closer, unable to bend down to him, and planted her lips on his.

"I love you more, Princess." He whispered against her lips before deepening the kiss. His fingers stroked her cheek, wiping away the stray tears that fell from her eyes.

Celeste woke up in fright, sitting up and patting her stomach, finding it at its usual chubbiness and not pregnant. She sighed heavily and ran her finger through her hair, glancing at the empty spot beside her as she missed her husband. This was her first night not knowing where he was or if he was safe.

The rumbling of thunder made her jump in fright, chuckling darkly to herself as her mind raced around old memories. Their first kiss, their first time, their small wedding ceremony, their first time together in the snow. She missed him even though she had spent years without him.

"Red?" Her voice croaked as she spoke down the phone, surprised her friend was awake at three in the morning. "I can't sleep."

"I'm on my way." The simple words settled her heart as she put the phone down and pulled a silk dressing gown over her night gown. Celeste wandered down the cold wooden stairs, regretting not putting slippers on as she unlocked the front door.

"Red?" She smiled as she spotted her friend walking up the driveway. "Thank you for coming all this way."

"I get worried when you call me this early in the morning after everyone left." Red happily embraced the half asleep woman before pulling her into the house.

Celeste locked the door behind her and led her friend up the stairs to the main room.

"Don't worry, I cleaned the sheets so they are fresh." She reassured Red, chuckling at the woman's face. "It's the shower you want to avoid but that's self cleaning."

"That doesn't even surprise me." The pair burst into laughter as they slipped into the bed. Celeste turned the television on and decided on an old movie they both love.

"How's your love life been?"

"I slept with Whale." Red revealed casually, grinning when she saw the shocked look on Celeste's face. "It was just one night but it was good."

"Why do all my friends sleep with my coworker?" Celeste whined in disgust, not wanting to hear more.

"Emma hasn't." She shrugged, lazily watching the movie.

"Good point." They both went quiet after that, falling asleep with the movie running in the background.

Celeste woke first, happy she had not experienced anymore strange dreams including babies. She laughed lightly at the state of Reds bed head and sneaked downstairs, putting the kettle on and grabbing two mugs.

"Morning." Red yawned as she stumbled into the kitchen wearing Celeste's robe.

"Sleep well?" She gestured to her crazy hair. "I definitely did."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Her fingers ran through her dark hair, trying to fix the crazy bed head. "Your dream."

"I was pregnant." Celeste revealed, sighing as she handed Red a mug of coffee. "And I was living back in the Enchanted Forest."

"Maybe it was a vision." Red suggested, happily drinking the dark liquid. "You can see the future."

"That would be cool." She laughed and sipped her drink. "I need to return to the Enchanted Forest. I know Jefferson is still around, I saw him."

"I can hold everything down." The pair shared a look of understanding as they stood in the cold kitchen drinking their coffee.
