forty three


Rumpelstiltskin forced them to transport back to his shop in a cloud of red. Still holding on to his wife as she fought against him.

"Let me go." Celeste struggled against his hold as her powers began to flurry.

"We're back in the shop." He tried to calm her. "It's okay. We're back in the shop."

"No. You were outside the cave." She cried. "You're not real. The mirror is playing a trick on me."

"I sensed she was coming back, I came to find you." He held her wrist tightly, warily watching the dagger still in her grasp. "And I'm glad I did."

"I hurt you." Celeste dropped the dagger, stepping away from him as her hand covered her mouth. Rumpel grabbed her before she fell, holding her close as she cried in his arms. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." He kissed her forehead, holding her close as her power dispersed.

"When I found that mirror, something came over me, like a spell." She explained against his chest. "And it spoke to me, and made me believe all my worse insecurities. And it said to me that the dagger you gave me is fake. I remember I said that before and you gave me the real one."

"I can assure you that nothing that mirror said is true." Rumpel said slowly, looking at the dagger beside them. "It was imbued with the darkest of magic. I know you would never wrong me."

"I said you didn't love me." She looked up at him with teary eyes. "It said you only used me because I was weak and easy to manipulate."

"I love you more than my own life." He reassured her, kissing her lips delicately. "I am starting a family with the woman I love, the woman I would protect and go against all my selfish desires. I spend every day making sure there is always a smile on your face because it kills me to see you like this."

"Rumpel, I need to tell you one of my darkest secrets." She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "I'm the reason Anna is missing. I didn't want anyone to know as I think I killed her. I failed. You don't deserve to be with me, I shouldn't be allowed to live. I'm a monster who's on the edge of destroying everything I love."

"That's why I'm here." He forced her to look at him. "I'm here to remind you that you are loved and you deserve the world."

"I love you." Celeste cupped his face, kissing him slowly. He deepened the kiss, his hands stroking her waist as she played with his hair. The kiss was salty from her tears but filled with true love, something they both dreamed of having before they met.

"Thank you for telling me." Rumpel kissed her cheek, letting her rest her head on his shoulder as he held her close.


Celeste rested in the backroom, cuddled up in the soft sheets as she dreamed about a grassy field filled with daisies.

"My dear child." A voice called out to her, warming her heart. "Oh how you have grown."

"Hello?" She spun around, trying to find the source of the mysterious voice. Her eyes landed on a woman stood in the distance, her feet dragging her towards the stranger. "Who are you?"

"I am your mother, silly." The beautiful woman smiled at her. "It does not surprise me that your father removed every memory of me from the kingdoms memories."

"Why am I here?" Celeste stared at the woman in shock. "Am I dead?"

"You are alive, my dear." Her laugh sounded like music. "I came to tell you that you are the only one who can truly push down your powers. But be careful, my love, as it could be permanent and when you need it most you will be weak."

"I'm confused, mother."

"Just listen and you will soon understand." Her mother smiled down at her, stroking her cheek softly. "I am proud of you, my daughter. You are stronger than I could ever be."

"Wait, I have so many questions!" Celeste called out as her mother began to disappear.

"We will meet again when you need me most." The older woman sent her a final smile, placing a ring in her daughter's hands before Celeste woke up.

"Celeste, you're safe." Rumpel greeted her with a worried expression. "I'm here."

"What happened?" She gasped, holding a hand over her heart as she tried to calm herself.

"You were tossing and turning in your sleep." He explained, sighing as he held her close. "I couldn't wake you."

"My mother visited me in my dream." Celeste opened her hand, finding the ring still clutched in her grasp. "Something is about to happen. Something bad."

"I will keep you and our child safe." He reassured her, kissing her forehead as she collapsed against his body, exhausted from her dream. "I promise."
