

Celeste crouched down slowly, groaning as her legs creaked in pain. She let out another groan as she stood back up again, turning around to put the book on the counter.

She jumped in fright at the sight of Regina staring at her from the other side of the counter, almost dropping her book.

"Regina, you scared me half to death." Celeste breathed out, placing a hand over her heart. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Your ex-husband has done quite a number on me, Celeste." Regina stated seriously.

"Husband." She corrected the woman with a gentle smile. "But, I am, um, sorry to hear that."

"And now he wants me to work with him." The woman continued, leaning forwards on the glass counter.

"Seriously?" She chuckled, questioning her husband's choices. "Well, I'm sure that would be a mistake."

"I know it is."

"How would you like me to help?" Celeste shook her head, understanding what the woman was wanting.

"I'm glad you asked." Regina smirked, a mischievous glint in her brown eyes. The pair quickly devised a plan, Celeste breathing out before dropping Rumpel a text message.

Her ocean blue eyes stared down at the water of the well, sighing loudly as the dark water rippled. She felt his eyes on her, back still turned as her hair fell over her eyes.

"Celeste." He announced his presence, coughing slightly to gain her attention.

"Hello." Celeste turned to face him, smiling lightly when their eyes met.

"This is a curious place to meet." Rumpel chuckled, gesturing to the stone well she was still stood beside.

"Do you remember what you vowed to me here?" She asked seriously, trying to keep a straight face. "How I chased all the darkness out of you?"

"Cel, look, I'm sorry for everything." He immediately apologised to her.

"No apologies today." She cut him off, stepping closer till their bodies were almost touching. "For once in my life, I just want the truth. Why are you here, Rumpel? As much as I wish it was for your child, I know you better than that."

"It's a bit more complicated than that." He sighed, hands twitching to hold her, run his fingers through her long dark locks. He reached a hand into his chest, ripping out his heart and showing it to her.

"Rumpel." She froze, staring at the almost blackened heart.

"It seems that centuries of dark deeds do take their toll." Rumpel explained to her. "And all that's left of it is this. And pretty soon, that'll be gone, too."

"Will you die?" Celeste stuttered, reaching out and holding his free hand.

"In a manner of speaking, yes." He nodded slowly. "I will lose any ability to love. And that goodness that you once saw inside of me? Well, that'll be gone forever. There's only one man who can reverse this process, and that's the Author. That's why I'm here in Storybrooke." He placed his heart back into his chest before whispering. "I don't expect you to understand, of course."

"But I do understand." She smiled at him, squeezing his hand.

"You do?"

"Sometime I worry." Celeste felt the tears pricking her eyes. "I worry I threw out the chipped teacup too soon."

Rumpel took the final step, one arm wrapping around her waist as his other hand cupped her cheek. Celeste melted into his touch, humming with delight as his lips touched hers.

The kiss was hesitant and welcoming, filled with love and passion as their romance was brought back to life.

"You know what the problem is, though? Hook would make a better husband than you ever will." Her voice was monotone as she spoke, still in his embrace. "Maybe I'll make him the father of my child."


"You're pathetic." She spat at him with a vicious smirk. "Watching you come groveling back to me, it's like a dog begging for scraps."

"Why are you saying this?" Rumpel's voice broke as he cupped her cheeks, staring down at her with a broken heart. "This isn't like you, Cel."

"But it is so like me." Regina stated, stepping into the open space with a heart in her hand.

"Regina?" He stared back at his wife, noticing the distant look in her eyes as she went still.

"Now forget all this and run along home." Regina spoke into the heart. Celeste stayed in heart spell like stated as she walked away from the well and back to the store.

"It worked." Regina grinned as she walked into the store, still holding the fake heart.

"I'm just happy I didn't have to lose my heart." Celeste laughed, waving her hand to remove the spell protecting her heart. "Does he know that everything I said was under a spell?"

"Your acting was perfect."
