
13|dearly departed

Celeste's heart broke as she stared at the boy before them, knowing he had overpowered Rumpel. Her mind began to slip, questioning if her love was still alive.

"Curse." Pan finished Hooks sentence, holding the scroll proudly. "That I do. Look at you all. A captive audience. I could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I? And I think I'll start with these two." He waltzed up to Celeste and Neal, looking between the two. "Hmm, and you both look so adorable. Hard to tell which one to kill first. No, it isn't. You." He pointed at Neal. "You first."

"Stay away from them." Rumpel growled, grabbing the boys shoulder and pulling him away.

"Well, how about this?" The Lost Boy chuckled as he stood before his son. "The worm has teeth. You're here to protect your loved ones?"

"I'm not going to let you touch either one of them." He warned his father, glancing at his wife and son.

"Oh? Well, I'd like to see that." Pan mocked him.

"Oh, you will. Because I have a job to finish. And I have to do it, whatever it takes. No loopholes." Rumpel glared at the boy, his voice scaring Celeste as she watched them as a statue. "And what needs to be done has a price. A price I am finally willing to pay." His attention moved to Neal and Celeste. "I used the curse to find you, Bae. To tell you I made a mistake. To make sure you had a chance at happiness. And that happiness is possible, just not with me. I accept that."

"Pretty, pretty words."

"I love you, Bae." He whispered to his son. "And I love you, Cel. I don't deserve you. You're the most perfect person I have ever met. You made me stronger."



"But still, no magic." Pan grinned, pointing to his wrist.

"Oh, but I don't need it." Rumpel smiled. "You see, you may have lost your Shadow, but there's one thing you're forgetting."

"And what's that?"

"So have I." He chuckled darkly, his smile never leaving his face. "I sent it away with something to hide." His shadow dropped his dagger in his hand as he held his father against him.

"Argh, what are you doing?" Pan fought against him, trying to escape his grasp.

"You see, the only way for you to die is if we both die." With those words Celeste felt her heart drop in her chest, a tear trailing down her cheek as she realised what he was doing. "And now? Now, I'm ready."

Rumpel forced the dagger into Pans back, stabbing himself in the process. The pair went weak against each other as Pan reverted back into his actual self. They struggled against each other before Rumpel twisted the knife, a bright yellow light flooding their sights.

They disappeared into thin air, the scroll dropping to the ground as the spell around the small group dropped.

Celeste fell to her knees, a painful sob escaping her lips as she hugged her arms around her body. Her sobs were heart wrenching, breaking everyone's heart as she wept for her husband. Neal kneeled beside her, rubbing her back as she collapsed into his arms.

"Regina, are you okay?" Emma questioned slowly as the woman reached down and picked up the scroll.

"I'm fine." Regina stated, her voice croaky.

"I'm so sorry." Snow took Celeste into her arms, stroking her hair as she cried into her hand.

"My father did what he had to do." Neal stated to Emma, his voice still as he fought back the tears. "He saved us. Regina, don't let him die for nothing. Regina?"


"We're here for a reason, love." Hook reminded the dazed woman. "Pan."

"He's dead." Regina snapped back.

"His curse remains." He said, not knowing what to do. "Can you stop it? Or shall we all start preparing our souls. 'Cause mine is gonna take some time."

"It's here!" Grumpy ran towards them screaming. "The curse! It's here! It's coming, from all sides! There's no escape."

"It's not to late. We can still stop it, right?" Charming questioned, trying to keep the situation calm. "Regina?"


"Well, what's the price?" Emma asked her, wondering why she was so startled. "Gold said that there was a price. What is our price?"

"It's not our price." Regina turned silently to face the group. "It's mine."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's what I felt when I first held it." She sighed, looking down at the scroll in her hand. "I have to say good bye to the thing I love the most."


"I can never see him again." Regina whispered. "I have no choice. I have to undo what I started."

"The curse that brought us to Storybrooke." Snow stated as she helped Celeste to her feet, holding her close.

"That created Storybrooke." She corrected her. "It doesn't belong here. And neither do any of us."

"Breaking the curse destroys the town."

Celeste left the group, waving off their concerned stares as she walked into the Pawnshop, laying down on the bed. She cuddled into the sheets, crying silently to herself as she felt the smoke come over her. She had said her goodbyes and knew she would meet them again in her own world.
