

Celeste sat in Granny's sipping her vanilla coffee with a blank look on her face.

"I got you a present." She said to Red as the waitress leaned across the counter to stare at the blank doctor. She pulled out a ring from her pocket and slid it across the counter. "It use to be my lucky charm. I bought it at a market from a witch."

"Lucky charm?" Red scoffed with a chuckle, slipping the ring on to her middle finger. "No offense but you aren't very lucky."

"I know but it came around eventually." Celeste shrugged and joined in on her laughter. "Red, I want a baby."

"I wasn't expecting you to come out with that." The waitress stared at her wide eyed.

"Neither was I." Granny joined in, standing beside her granddaughter. "Is there any specific reason why you suddenly want a child?"

"I've always wanted a child and I almost had one once." Celeste sighed, trying to hold back her tears. "Going back to the Enchanted Forest and seeing the teddy bear I was going to surprise Rumpel with. It brought back too many dark memories."

"Cel, I'm so sorry." Red ran around to embrace her friend while Granny poured her another coffee and gave her a slice of cake.

"Rumpel gave me a cloaking spell I should probably enact." She chuckled, wiping away her tears. "I probably should have done it as soon as they left five days ago. He's not coming back. He didn't say it but he clearly stated they aren't coming home."

"Jesus, Cel." Celeste sighed and finished off her coffee and cake. She pulled out the small scroll from her bra and gestured to Red.

"Want to help me?"

"Sure." Grumpy slid into the stool beside her, listening to their entire conversation.

"I should probably take this to the Blue Fairy." Celeste wondered, slipping the small vial out the scroll. "Actually, this is pretty easy. I could probably do it."

"You can do magic?" Red scoffed and chuckled at the funny face her friend made.

"There's a difference between potions and actual magic." She explained to the pair. "The magic is already within the vial but we should probably allow the Blue Fairy."

"I don't trust you." Grumpy side glanced at her as she read over the spell.


"Who exactly does Gold think is coming?" Grumpy asked the doctor as him and the dwarves led her and a few others through the old mines.

"He didn't say specifically." Celeste inhaled sharply, trying to think of what her husbands thoughts were.

"Well, let's not panic." Archie tried to reassure everyone. "For all we know, it's a precaution, right?"

"He did say they were working with the people who tried to destroy the town." She continued to explain what she remembers him saying.

"Can we panic now?"

"Yeah. Sure. Maybe, just a little." Archie agreed with a grim look.

"We'll be fine as long as we get this up in time." Celeste gave him a lopsided smile, not wanting to reveal that they were five days late.

"Careful, sister, the mines are a dangerous place." Grumpy warned her as she stumbled.

"I've traveled around many lands, faced many dangers." She reminded him while reading the spell. "Fairy dust."

"It runs through the walls. We just need to open up a vein and that will carry the magic through town." The Blue Fairy explained to her.

"No time for whistling, boys. Let's get swinging." Grumpy stated causing everyone to step back while they swung their pickaxes.

"Celeste." The Blue Fairy smiled at the woman once a vein was revealed. "You should cast the spell."

"Are you sure?" Celeste grinned while lifting up the vile. "It's been a while since I've cast a spell. Last one went wrong."

"That's reassuring."

Celeste nodded at the Blue Fairy and poured the spell into the vein, watching as a bright light blasted out and surrounded the town.

"I still have it."

"So, this spell that went wrong?" Grumpy asked curiously with a smug look.

"I haven't aged since I was twenty four but I'll be fine." Celeste shrugged before pausing. "I should probably tell Rumpel."


"Yeah, I'll do that when he gets back."
