

"I'll be right here, next to the window. Robin and Celeste, behind the table." Mulan ordered as they prepared for the shadow to visit. "Neal, you need to be there, under the sill. You'll come up right under the Shadow."

"It's a good plan." Robin complimented her as she continued to set everything up.

"I know." She barely glanced at him causing Celeste to smirk to herself.

"Hood, man, thanks again." Neal said gratefully to the man as they moved the bed around.

"Thank me when your family is back together." Robin smiled at the man with an understanding nod but Neal exhaled deeply. "What?"

"I'm gonna save them. But back together? We'll see." He explained, sitting on the edge of the bed as Celeste wandered over, patting his shoulder.

"I thought you said you loved them."

"I do. But we'll see if I can earn it back." Neal sighed, glancing up at Celeste as she was the only one who really understood.

"Why wouldn't you?"

"'Cause I screwed up the first time." He grimaced at the pair. "Hopefully I get another chance. When Emma told me that she loved me, I waited way too long before I said I felt the same. I won't make that mistake again."

"You should have seen Emma and Henry after you went through that portal. She was broken." Celeste stared down at him with sympathetic eyes.

"I'm sure she will forgive you." Mulan added.

"I hope so." Neal nodded hopefully at the pair. "I learned that lesson the hard way. When you love someone, you don't keep it in, you say it."

Little John wandered into the room, disturbing the strange atmosphere in the room. Ronald stepped into the room behind the large man.

"You ready?"

"I suppose. Come here, little man." Robin grabbed his son and explained what was going to be happening. "Now, Daddy's going to be right there. Okay? It might be loud, but nothings going to hurt you. You understand? You remember what you have to say?"

"Yeah. I say-" Roland began to repeat the sentence he needs to say but everyone cut him off.

"Not yet. Positions." Mulan ordered everyone.

"If you get scared, hug the teddy bear tightly." Celeste smiled down at the little boy. "He will protect you."

Everyone got into their positions as Roland stood in front of a window, hugging the teddy bear.

"Okay, Roland, say it." Robin whispered to his son.

"I believe."

"Maybe if he says it again, just once more." Neal begged but Robin refused him.

"No. I'm sorry, mate. That's it." Robin stepped closer to his son as the window burst open. A dark shadow floated into the room, grabbing Roland to take him away but Robin held his son tightly.

"I've got it." Mulan dived forwards and sliced the shadows hand, removing it's hold from the little boy.

"Neal, go!" Celeste yelled to the man as he ran out the window, grabbing the shadows foot. They watched as he flew away with relief, off to find his family. "I need to head home."

"You have a portal?" They glanced at her curiously.

"Somewhat." She inhaled sharply through her teeth. "I have a man who has a portal but he isn't helpful and I have two more days before he comes back. I would have suggested him but it would be too late."

"I understand." Robin nodded before taking his son away to put him to bed.

"Come, I'll take you to a guest room." Celeste smiled at Mulan and led her to an unused guest room before going to her own room. She walked through the spell, locking the door behind her before wandering into the bathroom and making herself a hot bath.

She slipped into the hot water, finally letting her emotions go as she realised the danger her family was in. She picked up a book she was reading the last time she was in the bath and continued on from the last page. Celeste stayed in her bath until the water ran cold and her story ended. She wanted her husband, she wanted her old home and she wanted her old life.

Celeste crawled into her old bed, cuddling into the pillows as she tried to sleep but the old memories haunted her dreams.
