fifty eight


"Do hope we're not interrupting." A familiar voice greeted Celeste and Will. She glanced up, spotting Ursula and Hook walking into the store. "But, we need this thiefs assistance."

"And how do I know that you're really Killian?" Celeste glared at the pirate and Sea Witch.

"Now you decide to question my identity?" Hook said sarcastically before sighing. "I was there with you when that little monster started kicking."

"Damn, he's real." She nodded in approval at the man.

"So, why should I help you?" Will questioned the pair curiously, wary of them working together and needing his help.

"Because, for once, we want the same thing." Hook answered him. "The Dark One gone. The key to making that happen is in here." He pulled a glass bottle with a ship model in it from his satchel.

"That your ship, is it?" The thief mocked the pirate. "Bit small, innit?"

"Careful, mate." He warned the thief with narrow eyes. "It's unwise to insult the size of a pirates ship. And you've spent more time in Wonderland than anyone I know. You must have something that can restore it."

"I feel neglected." Celeste mumbled to herself.

"You're in luck." Will sized up the small boat. "I think I might have just what you need."

"Thank you." Hook said gratefully to the pair before leaving the store with Ursula, leaving the pair in silence.

"You better leave." Celeste finally spoke, staring at the man beside her. "I need to rest."

"Stay safe." Will squeezed her arm gently before leaving the store, nodding to her one last time.

Celeste sighed heavily as she stepped into the apartment, the exhaustion and stress of the day starting to draw on her. Her eyes widened at the sight of a familiar man half conscious on the couch.

"August?" She gasped, wandering over and quickly leaning down to embrace him. "What the hell did I miss?"

"What did you miss?" August chuckled, gesturing to her obvious stomach bump. "That looks like a baby."

"Almost four months and I already look about six." Celeste laughed, sitting down near him as Emma came over with tea.

"Are you okay?" Emma questioned, crouching down beside the man.

"What is she doing here?" August asked, glancing over her shoulder at Regina who hovered by the door.

"Oh, it's okay." The saviour reassured him as Regina slowly wandered closer. "I promise."

"August, we need to talk about how I'm going to keep up my cover with Gold." Regina sighed as she crouched down beside Emma. "The only reason I was able to come here is because they think I'm stealing this page. We didn't find the door at The Sorcerer's mansion."

"That's because it's not there." August informed the small group with a slight laugh.


"But you said you didn't know where it was." Regina said confused, her brows furrowed as she stared down at the man. "And your nose didn't grow."

"My nose didn't grow because I wasn't lying." He explained to them. "When Gold asked me, I didn't know where the door was, because I didn't know where Henry was keeping this page. Regina, this isn't just an illustration. This is the door. The Author is trapped inside the book."

"Oh, wow." Celeste broke the moment of silence. "That is some messed up hell."

"How the hell is the Author trapped inside the book?" Regina asked loudly, glancing at Emma.

"Don't ask me, you're the magic expert." Emma replied quickly, staring at the page with equal confusion.

"Well, this is insane." Celeste glanced between the two women, Regina's outburst startling her. "What are we supposed to do, draw a key?"

"What we need to do is figure it out before Gold does." They all silently agreed with one another.

"Mom." Henry yelled loudly, gaining the attention of his two mother's. "There's something wrong with August."

"I'm still a doctor." Celeste pushed past everyone, checking his pulse first. "We need to get him magical help. Light magic."

"We need to take him to the Blue Fairy." Emma understood what Celeste was implying, knowing that she was the only one in the room with light magic that was not strong enough to help him.

"I'm going to stay here, nap for an hour." She smiled at the group, slowly standing up. "I'll message you."

"Thank you, Celeste."

A gentle hand stroked her cheek as she slept, pushing the dark locks away from her twitching eyes. He smiled down at her peaceful face, curious as to where her dreams had taken her. His hand froze as he heard his name on her lips, a smile gracing her lips as she shuffled around. Her hand unconsciously held her stomach, his eyes moving to the small bump.
