forty one

41|snow queen and arendelle

Celeste woke up in fright at the sound of her phone ringing, groaning as she answered the call. Mumbling her agreements, she hung up the phone and stretched her arms up.

"What are you doing?" Rumpel chuckled as he wandered into the backroom, letting his eyes wander over her bare chest.

"Emma called." She sighed, grabbing his hand and kissing his fingers. "She needs to see us right away."

"Get dressed before we end up late." He smirked, stroking her jaw before leaving her to get dressed.

They stood silently in the back of the sheriff station, watching the old tape on the small television.

"Emma, that's you. You must be..." Snow trailed off as the video paused, shocked to see her daughter when she was younger.

"Thirteen, maybe fourteen." Emma confirmed.

"Are you missing the part where she's with the Snow Queen?" Regina gestured at the blonde woman in the tape. "Emma, you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?"

"Apparently, my run-in with her in town wasn't the only memory she erased." The blonde woman sighed, trying to think back. "All this time in this foster home, or whatever that place was, it's gone."

"I'm more confused on how she even ended up in this world." Celeste spoke up, folding her arms over her chest.

"We were hoping Gold could tell us that." Emma glanced over her shoulder at the silent man. "You spent more time trying to get here than anyone. How the hell did she do it?"

"Considering the time I spent on the same task, I'd love to know." Rumpel stated.

"Does it really matter how she got to Emma?" Charming questioned, glancing at his daughter. "I mean, shouldn't we be more concerned about why?"

"Obviously, she needed her for something. But what?" Regina nodded in agreement. "Well, that's our next problem."

"Well, we know she's hiding somewhere in the North Woods." He added, discussing their plan and what they have done so far. "We combed every inch of her shop, we tore apart her house. She must have cleared everything out days before."

"Which means she much be hiding something." Hook agreed with the man.

"But where?"

"What about her ice cream truck?" Henry suggested, stepping closer into the room.

"Woah. Snow Queen has an ice cream truck?" Emma asked, surprised at her sons statement.

"I'm a kid." He shrugged. "I notice these kind of things."

"Then split up into groups, we search the town, the woods." Charming announced to everyone. "Hook, Regina, Emma, you take the west. Gold, you're with me for the east."

"I think we all know I work best alone." Rumpelstiltskin reminded the man.

"No time to argue that." He sighed before gesturing to Celeste. "Celeste, how are you at tracking?"

"Better than Snow but I believe my talents would be best at the library." Celeste answered him with a smirk, thinking about her baby and keeping it safe. "I might be able to dig something up on the Snow Queen."

"I'd like to come with you, Celeste, if that's okay." Elsa stood up and smiled at the woman. "Maybe something about my sister will be there, too. Unless, you'd rather not have the company."

"She may seem evil but she loves having people around." Regina reassured the blonde woman, winking at Celeste.

"Come along." Celeste smiled at her, kissing her husbands cheek and leading Elsa out the station, wandering through town to the library.

"There doesn't seem to be anything on Arendelle here." Elsa sighed as she read over the book titles. "Do you know where to look?"

"No. I'm sorry. I'm really not familiar with Arendelle." She apologised, easily lying to the woman. It only dawned on her who Elsa was and who her sister was. "Or your sister."

Celeste sat at her desk, reading over a few books and subconsciously rubbing her stomach, using her magic to feel the baby growing inside her.

Her mind began to run off track, thinking about baby names and how she needs to ask Marco to make her a crib.

"Are you okay?" She asked, noticing the snowflakes forming around Elsa, her expression clearly showing she was stressed.

"This is pointless." Elsa grumbled in frustration. "I don't know why I thought I'd find anything about Anna in here."

"You know she's somewhere." Celeste reminded her positively. "You know she's alive. You heard her heartbeat with Bo Peeps staff, right?"

"But if what the Snow Queen told me is true, and Anna is the one who put me in that urn, then maybe she doesn't want me to find her." The blonde woman began to ramble.

"That's not true, Elsa."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." Elsa stated quickly.

"I had no mother and a loveless father. I don't know how to be nice to people." Celeste shrugged, sitting down across from her. "I'm bad at emotions and cheering people up. But I can read people and situations. I can promise you that I'm not saying that to make you feel happy."

"How would you know what my sister thinks?" Elsa stared her down. "You've never even met her."

"Well, just from what you've been saying, I feel like I know her." She lied again. "You two sound very close. Something had to have happened that was beyond your control."

"But my memories are gone." The blonde woman began to panic. "And no one in this town has ever been to Arendelle. I need to face the truth, Celeste. No one here can help me. And I'm afraid that means I might never see Anna again."

"Fuck." Celeste mumbled under her breath, beginning to feel guilty. "I promise you'll find her. Stay here and keep looking. I'll be back."

"What? Where are you going?"

"There's something I need to take care of." She sighed, walking away. "We will find Anna." She called out over her shoulder.
