thirty seven

37|time travel

In the past

"Rumpel, darling." Celeste called out as she removed her cape and threw it over the back of her chair. "I'm back from the market."

"Celeste?" A blonde woman stared at her in shock, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

"Do I know you?" She looked between the two strangers before looking up at her lover. "Shall I leave you to your business?"

"I left you a present in your library." Rumpel giggled, kissing her forehead and sending her away. She bowed her head politely at the strangers and left the room with her basket of flowers in her arms.

Celeste blushed as she followed the trail of red rose petals into the library, finding a small teddy bear waiting for her on her favourite seat.

"He knows me too well." She cuddled the small bear, curling up on her armchair next to the already lit fire and flicked through the pages of her book. "I can feel you stalking. Are your guests gone?"

"Yes, dearie." Rumpel stepped out from the shadows, giggling as he sat across from her. "Did you like your present?"

"I love it." She flushed bright red, hiding her cheeks behind the cuddly toy. "Thank you."

"Would you like to dance?"

"Dance?" He offered her his hand, helping her stand before flicking his hand and creating an orchestra of stringed instruments around them, all playing by themselves.

She gingerly placed her other hand on his shoulder, smiling to herself as he spun her around. He placed a light kiss on her forehead, grinning as she went shy again.

Rumpel pulled out a ring, holding it between the pair as they stopped dancing, the music still playing. No words were needed as her head nodded slowly in shock. He slipped the silver band on her finger, kissing the metal lovingly.

Her hands went behind his neck, pulling his head down to connect their lips. He held her tightly, enjoying the comfort she brought him.


Back in Storybrooke

Celeste sat in the corner of Granny's, talking to Rumpel about all the clothes she wants to buy for their child. Her hand unconsciously went to her stomach, praying for a child.

The pair noticed Emma burst into the diner but ignored it as she moved on to which room she thinks they should turn into the nursery.

"Excuse me. If I could have everyone's attention just for a moment." Charming announced, holding his glass as he walked into the centre of the diner. "This coronation ceremony is something we've looked forward to for a long time. The arrival of our new son has been the cause of great joy for our family. And we hope you can share in it as we name him for a hero. Someone who saved every one of us. Who we loved and he loved back."

"People of Storybrooke, it is our great joy to introduce you to our son, Prince Neal." Snow revealed the name, everyone smiling as they knew it was fitting.

Celeste reached over and grabbed her husband hand, squeezing it as she knew it was a touchy moment for them.

"Come." She grabbed his hand, leading him out Granny's after saying her farewell to the happy family. "Let's go home."

"I love you, Celeste." Rumpel stopped her before they got to his car. He leaned down and kissed her, showing her how much he loved her. How much he was thankful for her in his life.

"I love you." Celeste kissed his cheek before getting in the car, holding his hand as they drove.

She dragged him to their room, putting on a movie as she cuddled into his side, spoiling him with kisses as he helped remove her clothes.

"Happy anniversary." He mumbled in her ear as her body rocked against his, sweet moans filling his ears as her fingers gripped his hair. His hands on her hips, bruises painted from his fingers.

"Happy anniversary." She gasped, smiling down at him as he kissed her wedding band. Celeste collapsed against him, chuckling as she rested her head against his heart, hearing a fake heart beat.

"How you can see the man behind the monster." Rumpel whispered to her as sleep consumed her. "I will never know."
