thirty two


One year ago

Celeste rode through the forest, her hood over her head hiding her face. She received word that there was an urgent matter which dragged her away from trying to find Rumpel and Neal.

"Celeste!" Snow gasped as she spotted her old friend burst into the room.

"Are you okay?" Charming asked her kindly. "When you and Neal disappeared, we feared the worst."

"We went off to see if we could revive the Dark One." Celeste explained, stumbling over her words.

"What happened?" Regina noticed the change in her tone.

"Neal was able to resurrect him." She sighed, playing with her hair. "At the cost of his own life."

"Rumpels alive." The Evil Queen grinned, knowing they could use him to beat the Wicked Witch.

"Neal's dead?" Snow said with disbelief, squeezing the grieving woman's hand.

"I think so." Celeste tried to think of an easy way of explaining what happened.

"To which." Regina questioned, wondering who she was walking about.

"Both." She shrugged, biting her lip as she gave Regina an innocent smile. "You see, when Rumpel saw that Neal was dying, he absorbed him. And Zelena got ahold of the dagger. Now she has control of Rumpel. It was a bit of a terrifying experience."

"Maybe now isn't the time to announce the pregnancy." Aurora warned Snow, her voice sounding worried. "Regina is right. It's too dangerous."

"No! If we don't, we give in to fear!" Snow snapped at her friend. "But if we do, we give the kingdom what they need. Hope."

"We don't even know what this Wicked Witch wants." Charming reasoned with them while Celeste glanced down at Snows stomach, realising it had been a while since she saw them.

"Actually, we do." Aurora gulped nervously. "She wants your baby."

"She came to us when you were gone." Phillip added, feeling guilty that the held the information from them. "Threatened us and our unborn child unless we told her when you arrived in our land."

"She thinks your baby could be important." The Princess cried guiltily. "I'm so sorry. She said she'd hurt us."

The wind howled as the green witch rode into the castle on her broomstick with a mischievous grin.

"And I make good on my promises." Zelena announced as her feet hit the ground. She waved her hand and the pair turned into flying monkeys.

"What do you want with our baby?" Snow demanded as Regina and Charming went into protective mode.

"Calm down, sweetie." The witch almost sounded sincere with her words. "You don't want to go into early labour."

"Stay away from my wife!" Charming yelled as Zelena waved her hand, freezing Snow in her steps.

"Ooh! Someone's testy." Zelena mocked, freezing him too.

"Enough, sis." Regina grumbled, stepping forwards. "This is between you and me."

"Now, let's see if this was all worth it." She froze her sister and walked over to Snow, cupping her slightly swollen stomach. "Oh, yes. Yes, it was. This child shall do quite nicely. So take good care of it for me. Don't forget to eat well. I will be back for your happy day. And what's yours will be mine."

"Leave her alone." Celeste glared at the witch.

"Ah yes, little Rumpelstiltskin wife." Zelena chuckled, freezing Celeste and placing her hand on her forehead. "I hope you enjoy my gift."

With that said, Zelena disappeared into a cloud of smoke, every one relaxing as the spells disappeared.

"What the hell did she do to me?" Celeste touched her head, feeling a thumping in the back of her mind. "Shit."

"Are you okay?" Regina looked over her, trying to figure out what her sister had gifted the broken woman.

"I have no idea." She sighed, dropping her hands in defeat. "Why me? She took my husband, my friend and now she's probably just cursed me."

"I don't know." Snow stared at her warily. "Why are you so special?"

"Have you met her before?" They quizzed her, making her think back on her life.

"I may have met her when I traveled to Oz." Celeste hummed in thought, trying to remember if she met a green witch. "I didn't meet many when in Oz, only a wizard."
