

"See these markings?" Neal held the cane closer to the others, allowing them to get a proper view of it. "He's keeping track of me growing." He waved it around above his causing a small cupboard to magically appear behind them.

"I've handled that walking stick a dozen times." Robin Hood stated in disbelief. "Never released a cloaking spell before."

"My father enchanted objects so that what might be a useless piece of wood in the hands of a looter would become magical in his." He informed the man while putting the cane down.

"Or in the hands of his only son." Mulan added grimly.

"Yeah, he called it blood magic." Neal confirmed. "Might not always seem like it, but family was important to dear old dad."

"So." Robin changed the topic. "What's in there?"

"Let's find out." Celeste wandered over to it and let Neal open it, in case he had cursed it and she was not blood family.

"I spent my entire life running from magic." Neal sighed as he reached in and hesitantly grabbed a glass globe. "Now it's the only thing that can help me." Nothing happened when he placed his hands on the globe. "It's not working. Why isn't it working?"

"I can't help! I only know how to make potions." The Princess raised her hands when he glanced at her. "But maybe try not thinking of a place. Think of Emma. And more than that, how you feel about her." The globe glowed to life revealing Emma on an island.

"Oh, no. It can't be." He inhaled sharply, instantly recognising the island.

"What's wrong? Isn't she there?" Robin questioned him with confusion.

"Yes, but that's not Storybrooke." Neal informed him. "Emma's in Neverland."

"I almost went there but was warned about the dangers of the island." Celeste nervously bit her nails as she began to pace. "They are going to die."

"You always have been positive." Mulan said sarcastically at her.

"Oh, my hair clip." She perked up when she spotted a familiar hair accessory in the hidden cupboard. Her fingertips stroked the metal object, the jewels glowing in the sunlight as she took it out the cupboard. Celeste tied her hair into a low bun and placed the beautiful clip into her hair.

"It's glowing." Neal stepped closer to look at the piece of jewellery. "It has magic on it."

"That wouldn't surprise me. Rumpel gave it to me on our wedding day." Celeste smiled, touching the clip gently. "It is most likely a protection spell."

"He really does love you."


Celeste wandered her castle, finding her old bedroom with a magic spell over the door. She raised her hand and opened the door, stepping through the protection spell. Her room was untouched, all her books and jewellery still where she left them.

She picked up a few of her rings and placed them on her fingers and the others in her jacket pocket. Celeste grabbed a book, flicking through the pages and finding flower petals. She grabbed the teddy bear off her nightstand and placed it in her pocket so it's head was poking out.

"I'm so sorry Rumpel." She cried as she sat on the edge of the bed, wishing she had never gone to the market that day.

Celeste cleaned up her face, glancing at all her fancy dresses and reminiscing all the good times. She shut her bedroom door behind her and wandered back into the main room, finding it filled with more people.

"Oh, there's more." Everyone's attention went to the Princess standing behind the group of Merry Men. "Excuse me."

"Where did you go?" Neal asked her as she sat on the long table.

"My room." Celeste said sadly, glancing down to look at her hands. "It's been untouched since I went missing."

"Did you steal anything?" He chuckled, knowing she would want to take something home.

"All my rings." She laughed before noticing a little boy staring at her curiously. "Hello. And who might you be?"

"Roland." The boy mumbled nervously, hiding behind his father's leg.

"I have a plan." Neal announced before explaining his plan on how to get to Neverland. Robin freaked out and marched away, Neal quickly following.

"Look, this was my teddy bear." Celeste kneeled down in front of Roland and passed him the teddy. "It was for my child but they sadly didn't make it so I want you to have it."

"Thank you." Roland hugged the teddy bear close as Robin and Neal re-entered the room.
