Vacation Time

It's about 3 days into our trip and I notice that Xandra is starting to get a bit grumpy and Delia is kind of moping around. Not to mention the weather here is so much chillier than back home so maybe that's a product of it. Why would they pick here though if they don't like the cold? We snuggled up on the couch looking out the window and I'm laying on Xandra's lap ready to take a nap. All of a sudden she jumps up causing me to sit up abruptly, Delia comes up to me and covers my eyes leaving me bewildered. They take me into the bedroom and pull out clothes for me to change into as they frantically grab things for themselves.

"Uhhh guys why are you acting so weird?" I ask, "don't worry about that! Put on the clothes y/n" Xandra orders and of course I obey like the little bitch I am. Once we're all dressed Delia grabs her purse and we walk out the door and take the elevator, Xandra's leg is tapping with impatience. "Relax luna" I say putting my hand on her shoulder, she takes my hand as the elevator dings and the doors open. Delia takes my other hand, and they lead me to the door, I'm staring between them trying to figure out what's going on. They're not giving anything away and unfortunately; I can't read their minds. We step outside and I feel like I'm freezing cold, "guys it's raining can we wait?" I ask looking up at them and begging them.

Xandra stares at me just smiling and I look at her confused before shifting my gaze to Delia who's just giving me the same smile. "What are you-" I stop mid-sentence as I see something in Xandra's hair, I reach for it and I can feel it go cold on my fingertips. I see more falling and then I finally look up to see that it's fucking snowing. I look back at the with wide eyes and the widest smile I can manage without my face hurting. "It's snowing!" I yell before jumping up and down, Xandra picks me up and twirls me around as I smile with my face pointed towards the sky. I remember telling them once about how I've never seen snow, I wonder if that's why they brought me here? We walk to the park after grabbing some hot cocoa and sit on the bench we did the other day.

It's not so hot today, metaphorically as well as literally, and I'm enjoying the time with them as I watch the snow fall. Waiting for the perfect moment when the ground is covered so I can make the classic snow angel. I look over at Xandra and see she has whipped cream on her nose. I tap her shoulder, so she looks at me and I lick it off her nose giggling as her cheeks that are rosy from the cold turn a deeper shade of red. I set my drink down and hop up to go stand in the open field with my arms wide as I laugh to myself about literally nothing. I look up to see Delia take a camera out her purse and start snapping pictures, I gesture for Xandra to come out with me and Delia takes a few pictures of us goofing around.

Xandra then switches places and takes a lot of cute pictures of Delia and me. I take a few picture of them and then set the camera up with a timer. For one of the pictures, they have me standing in the middle while they bend down to give me kisses on my cheeks. Another one is them holding me horizontally while I try to stay as still as possible like a statue. My favorite is when they held me up like a cheerleader and I almost busted my ass trying to stand up straight. I had the camera set up to take pictures with like 20 seconds in between and I have to say the pictures between poses are the cutest because you can see how much we love each other. 

After we finished our drinks and I played in the snow a bit more we went back to the hotel to call it a night. We order pizza instead of going out because although the snow is beautiful it's also really heckin cold and I've had enough for today. We snuggled up on the couch and watched Bandits until we fell asleep.


Bandits is actually a reallly good movie too it has Cate Blanchett in it and I definitely recommend, she's so cute in the movie
