An Invitation

She looks at me like she wants to say something but is hesitating. "What is it?" I ask, "what exactly do you mean? When you say... a vibe" she says. "I don't know... kinda like... a feeling? It's almost like an energy, I can kinda sense things about people" I state.

"What kind of things?" She asks, her face not changing. I'm starting to get worried but mostly confused. "Their mood, like when you and Larry picked me up at the airport. I could tell you didn't wanna talk so I just left you alone and went with whatever" I say.

She nods slowly, "sorry about that by the way" she says quietly. "It's fine. We all have our moments" I say sincerely. "So... about this vibe thing..." she continues, "you seem really invested in this" I joke. "I am. What other things can you sense?" She asks seriously.

"Are you asking me if I have powers or something" I chuckle. "Well... Yeah. If you believe in that" she says matter of factly. "Yeah. I do believe in it, though most people think it's stupid. I don't think I have powers though, I'm pretty sure I would know by now" I say.

She nods and looks at me waiting for me to continue talking. "I guess I also have these... weird dreams? Sometimes the things happen sometimes they don't and they're just a message or sign?" I say with uncertainty. "You seem unsure" she states, "I am. I mean it sounds crazy" I reply.

"But you just said you believe in powers" she counters. "Yeah but not that I have them" I reply, she nods again, she's been doing that a lot. "What do you think she's like?" Xandra asks, "what who's like?" I ask confused. "My sister" she clarifies smiling, "oh, right I forgot about that" I say laughing.

"Let me see her picture again" I say and she pulls out her phone and lets me hold it. I look at the picture and think for a moment before saying anything.

"She seems sweet, like really nice a lot of light for sure. She's powerful, I don't really know in what way but she seems... like authority. She doesn't look like she was always like that though, the pretty ones never are. She's really caring, you can see it in her smile, it's genuine" I say looking up.

"Keep going" she says while smiling like she's in awe. I give her a confused look but choose to continue. "Uhhh" my face falls and the phone falls backwards a bit, facing the photo away from me. "What is it?" She asks cautiously, "I have a headache" I say getting up and going to the kitchen.

She follows me as I look through cabinets, "do you really?" She asks skeptically. "Yeah" i say as I reach for another cabinet, "not that... one" she says as I'm already snatching it open.
There's a little bag of pills in there, I pick them up and feel them with my hands. Vicodin... interesting I think, and put them back.

"Do you have any aspirin or Tylenol or whatever?" I ask calmly. "No" she says, I'm grateful for that because I don't actually need one. "Well I'll just go lay down then, try to wait it out" I say. "Don't forget to hydrate" she falls after me sarcastically. I know she knows I was lying but at least she didn't press on why.

I really didn't want to talk about it, I made it up to the room and flopped onto the bed. I sighed and tears began to fill my eyes, I'm not really sure why. What I felt or... thought couldn't be true, my little talent was just based on lucky guesses.

What felt like half an hour later there's a soft knock on my door. I don't answer but she comes in anyway, I don't bother to sit up. She doesn't bother to ask me to.

She sits on the bed next to me and gives me a sympathetic smile. "Feeling any better?" She asks genuinely, "yeah it's fading now" I say. She nods slowly, "you still barely told me anything about you" I say desperately wanting to get the topic off me.

"There's not much to tell" she says, "stop lying" I respond. "Not much good anyway" she says quietly, "I highly doubt that" I reply. "What are you good at?" I ask trying to start it off easy.

"I don't know, nothing really" she says, "come on you can't think of one thing" I say sitting up. "Swimming I guess" she says, "ok that's something" I reply excitedly. "What's your favorite thing about yourself?" I ask, she takes a long time thinking about it. "So many great things it's hard to choose from?" I ask playfully.

"Quite the opposite" she responds softly, she's such an enigma I think.
"I guess my style and music taste" she finally says. "What do you like to do?" I ask, "drink, swim, smoke, drive, amongst other things" she says.

"Other things referring to this morning" I joke while grimacing. She looks at me apologetically, "sorry about that" she says sincerely. "It's not like I don't know people have sex I just don't wanna hear it. Didn't take you for a screamer though" I say.

"Guess you don't know everything" she responds cheekily. "Well let's change the subject, I have a very vivid imagination and don't wanna see that" I say seriously. "I meant you've basically seen me naked, well half-naked" she says chuckling. "It's not that I'm worried about, it's the other party" I give a disgusted look.

"Please say something else it's coming into focus" I say trying to push the thought away. "Me and my sister we're going to do something while she was here. She was planning on getting a hotel anyway and wanted me to stay with her while she was here. Do you wanna come?" She asks.

And it's quiet for a long moment as I'm thinking about her request. "You don't have to I just figured you might not wanna stay here with Larry the whole time. I mean I'm clearly the life of this house and you also might starve" she laughs.

"Yeah, it sounds fun. I hope she likes me, I don't wanna intrude or anything" I say nervously. She puts her hand in my thigh and my mind instantly starts racing.

"Don't worry she'll definitely like you, plus she's nicer than me. You guys will get along well, but you better remember who you're favorite is" she says pointing at herself. I chuckle and roll my eyes playfully.
