
I finally told her all about my vision and a rough game plan. She nodded taking all the information in as we sat in silence. I knew she would need time to process it so I just waited. "How long have you known?" She asks turning to look my on the eyes. "I'd seen something a few weeks ago but I didn't know what it was. I didn't even know if it was real or just my imagination. So I got the books and figured I'd have to wait for more info" I sigh.

"Trust me I would've told you guys sooner but I didn't want to worry you when I wasn't sure. Plus there wasn't much to tell and you guys would've been stressed for nothing" I shrug. "You're so sweet to think of us even when it's you we should we worried about" she shakes her head. "Don't worry. You guys are here to help me now and I'm fine" I chuckle. "So I think I'm still missing why you want me to come back to the academy" she says confused.

"For many reasons. One being that it'll be easier to get everyone prepared with an extra person to help with the workload. I also want you to be as strong as possible and there's plenty of resources to help you here. Last and certainly not least, I want you to be closer to home. You said yourself that you and Delia would be so powerful working together. This is your chance to make it happen, nothing brings people together like tragedy" I half-joked. She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

A soft knock sounded on the door making us turn to it. "Come in" I uttered knowing it could only be one person. "Can I...?" Delia asked timidly and I nodded patting for her to sit. "I'll do it" Xandra says standing up, "text you?" I asked and she nodded before saying bye to Delia and leaving. "Are you feeling better?" She asked even though she really wanted to ask you what you and Xandra talked about. "I was honestly just exhausted from all the pain. Now that it's gone I feel a lot better" I said sitting up more.

"I'm still not letting you go anywhere so don't get any ideas" she smirks. "I have to start training at some point" I counter and she shakes her head. "Oh my god" I whisper to myself and she looks at me concerned. "What? Are you ok? Y/n..." she says worriedly as she caresses my cheek. "I've gotta get up before I forget" I say springing out the bed causing me to be dizzy. Once it subsides I make a conscious decision to move slower. Delia is still confused and is just following me realizing I'm not going to stop.

I get to the greenhouse and go straight to the bookshelf. My hands graze over most of the spines until I find the one I'm looking for. Now I don't have a photographic memory, my names not Lexie. However, I do remember random things I think are interesting. I remember I read through so many books I felt like the words would start to blend together. And there was something in particular that caught my eye in one of them before I turned the page. Something about supremes and how they work or whatever.

"Are you ever going to tell me what you're doing?" She asks as she perches on a nearby stool. I viciously flip through the book until I find what I'm looking for. I put my finger on it and drag it across the stains tattered page as I read silently. I feel Delia come up behind me and look over my shoulder to see what I've found. "Y/n we have more important things to wor-" I stop her by putting my hand up. I put that book back and grab the other one that told me what I needed.

See the first book was telling of the 'limitations' of a supreme. How they faded whenever a new witch was rising. This next book however was something entirely different. This one would give me ways to change that little stipulation. I looked at the context section and flipped to the page. As my eyes flitted across the paper looking for the key words I could feel Delia's tense breathing. "Relax star" I said turning to her and putting my free hand on her shoulder.

She looked into my eyes and I could see her hesitation and panic. "I have to go" she said abruptly and before I could even open my eyes from blinking she was gone. I needed to finish this before going after her so I quickly continued to read. I found a way to make sure she wouldn't have to die. Even though I knew the timeline would be reversed this would be a great time to try it out. It's not everyday you can just take back this type of thing.

I mean we can bring the dead back to life but when a supreme fades? It's just not the same and I've never been told why but it's just not. After I'd devised my plan and was comfortable with it I went back to the house. I searched for Cordelia all over. Had I not been in the greenhouse to begin with that'd have been the first place I looked for her. It's her favorite spot in the entire world I think. I eventually found her in her room after knocking of course.

She laid on the bed, on top of the covers just staring at the ceiling. "Why are you so adamant on saving me?" She asked sensing my presence by my energy in the room. "Why wouldn't I save you? It's what anyone would do" I say even though it's not the whole truth. "Is it y/n? Because honestly as much as I love the girls and they love me. They would let me fade as all the other supremes have before me. That's just the way it is y/n, why are you trying to change it?!" She asked me sounding angry at this point.

"W-why are yelling?" I asked tears beginning to fill my eyes. "Because this is ridiculous! I don't understand what you're doing and you're confusing the shit out of me" she exclaims as she stands up and starts pacing. "Sorry..." I said just above a whisper so as to not upset her further. "Fuck. No I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" I stopped her by backing up as she walked towards me. "It's fine. I'll see you later Delia" I said calmly.

I could see her heart breaking and it made me want to take it back. Truthfully though we both needed a minute obviously. She's stressed on top of her normal everyday stresses. I feel like I've just woken from a coma and am struggling to reacclimate. I blew her a kiss to let her know I wasn't pissed at her. Then I left and went to the room I've been staying in. I laid down on the plush bed and blocked out all my thoughts.

I drifted into a dreamless sleep after a few miniature raindrops escaped my eyes.

I truly don't even know why this is here I just needed something to go between the action and to also show some sort of progression/tension I guess
