
After much debate over the time and place of our little meeting we finally decided to just meet up at a little park after grabbing coffee or something. It's about that time now so we're all getting ready to leave the house, I haven't exactly told Mina that they're my girlfriends explicitly. I just said that we were very close friends because I wanted them to introduce themselves and I wanted to make sure she came because I do still want to be friends. I changed my mind last minute and said we should get ice cream and although they were kinda annoyed they agreed. We drove over and waited for Mina to arrive, once I saw her car pull up we got out and her eyes met mine first.

She looks nervous, especially after seeing Delia and Xandra walking behind me. Right outside the door we came together and I looked between all of them to see who would speak firstbut I guess it would be me. "Hey Mina" I say casually, trying not to let the slight tremble in my voice show too much. "Hi y/n" she said glancing at the women and then looking back at me slightly confused. "Y/n has told us so much about you. I'm Xandra, one of her girlfriends" she says holding out her hand for Mina to shake and I can see the defiance burning behind her eyes. She looks Xandra up and down and then looks at me and I just give her a nervous smile. "Wilhemina Venable, and you are?" she asks before Delia can formally intorduce herself. 

"Cordelia, it's nice to meet you" she says sweetly as she reaches our her hand, I can see Mina was taken aback but she shook her hand nonetheless. After the somewhat awkward first encounter we went in and each ordered our ice cream. We walked the short distance to the park and they all sat on a bench while I played with a squirrel for a bit. I was hoping they would spark a conversation but I turned to see them all staring at me so I walked back over. "Hellooo" I said and they all looked at me, "Why aren't you guys talking?" I ask shyly and Xandra looked at Cordelia before looking back to me. "I already told you" Xandra says and I roll my eyes, Delia shrugs and Mina just looks uncomfortable. 

"Ok... you all have me in common right? Hmm... Delia! You like to make sure your hair is perfect and so does Mina... so beauty in common. Xandra... you and Mina are both dominant personalities which may seem like it would clash but you're both powerful women and I think you could get along with that. OK I've started for you" I say looking to them to continue. It's quiet as they all think about it and unsurprisingly Mina is the first to speak up. "I'm sure she's told you about the kiss, if not... oops. So yes it's true that I do have feelings for y/n but more than anything I just want to be apart of her life. I understand that she is in a happy relationship and I have no desire to break that up, so maybe we can all just along" she says calmly.

I expected something like that from Delia but I am pleasantly surprised that she communicated that and in a calm manner. "I'd like that" Delia agrees and I bite my lip looking at Xandra, "You put your hands on my girlfriend and I'll beat your ass" Xandra says seriously looking at Mina. "Don't let the cane fool you, I will put you on your ass in 2 seconds flat" she retorts and although I should be worried I did figure this would happen and I think it best to just let it play out. Delia goes to intervene but I put my hand up signaling her to wait it out. "Wann test that out?" Xandra argues, "you sure you want to get humiliated in front of your girlfriends? That'd be a bad look for a dom" Mina snickers. Xandra huffs and rolls her eyes after she couldn't come up with anything else. 

"Well now that we've settled that how about we eat our ice cream before it fully melts and then we can... watch the sunset?" I ask excitedly. "How about dinner?" Delia suggests, "only if we can get Italian" Xandra adds. "I second that" Mina includes, "oh fuck yeah she likes Italian? We'll get along well" Xandra says and I giggle at her simplicity. So we went out to dinner and just like Mina and I everyone just flowed into conversation easily finding things they had in common and planning to set up future activities. I'm so glad we actually figured it all out an everyone meshed so well. After dinner we said our goodbyes and headed back to our respective residences. 

time skip to them in bed

"Today was really nice" I comment as we cuddle up together, "I did enjoy it a bit" Xandra said kissing the back of my neck. "You were the one talking the most" Delia giggled to which Xandra just grunted and nudged her. "She seems really nice I see why you like her" Delia says, "yeah she can be nice when she wants to" I chuckle. We say our goodnights and share kisses then get comfortable to go to sleep. I thought today would go very differently but it went better than even the best scenario in my head. 


I have no idea what this is but it's an update lol
