It's Getting Hot in Here

The plane landed and there was a care waiting to take us to the hotel they had paid for, or rather Xandra paid for, I guess. Once we arrived, I realised it looks almost exactly like that hotel room where Cordelia and I first met each other. She didn't fail to notice it either because I saw her give me a sweet smile when I glanced at her. We put our bags in the big room where we would all be sleeping and while Delia used the bathroom, I went out to the living room to open the shades. Unlike Las Vegas there was something so much more special about this place, a spark couldn't put my finger on. I'm not talking about the sparks of lights the signs on buildings, but it just has the vibrational buzz that makes me feel good.

We're staying in Syracuse, New York and they said if I wanted we could visit NYC but I'm not sure if I want to yet. I felt arms wrap around me from behind and instantly knew it was Xandra by her unmistakable grip. "A little birdie told me you planned all this" I said turning around in her arms and wrapping my arms around her neck. "Guilty" she says before giving me a kiss, the way her body reacted to mine even felt different. I think Delia's right. She pulled away and just looked into my eyes for a few seconds before pulling away to sit on the sofa. "So why'd you pick here?" I ask walking around to explore the room a bit more, "not telling" she kinda yells not knowing I'm right behind her. I squint my eyes and shake my head walking into the bedroom to check on Delia.

I hear the shower running so I figure I can use the bathroom, "hey I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick" I tell Xandra and enter the bathroom. It's super steamy in here and I can barely see anything but I can hear something, as I get close, I hear sniffling. "Delia?" I ask softly, I open the empty closet to see her sitting there crying, I kneel beside her and pull her into my arms. "What's wrong star?" I ask and she just shakes her head as she sobs into my chest, I'm not sure what's happened since the plane but I have to get to the bottom of it. "Ok breathe, in and out, I need you to tell me what happened" I say and she nods taking breaths with me. Once she's calmed down she pulls away a bit and hugs her knees to her chest leaning her back on the wall.

I think you're going to like Xandra more than me

WHy would she think that?

Why would you say that?

She's so much prettier than me and more mysterious and I just-

I stopped her by pulling her into my arms and holding her as tight as humanly possible. "Don't ever think that ok? I love you and Xandra equally. That's why I tried to make this whole thing happen because I don't want to lose either of you" I say. She sniffled and wedges her nose in my collarbone while hugging me with such intensity I feel as though my ribs might break. "Ok star- I can't breathe" I say after it becomes unbearable and she loosens her death grip on me. I help her stand up and we turn the shower off, I dry her eyes and make it look like she wasn't crying her heart out. We exit the bathroom to see Xandra standing in the bedroom with her arms crossed, Delia looks at me and I just shrug. 

I think Xandra can tell by the look on my face that she shouldn't ask so she doesn't and instead we just lay down because we're all very exhausted. After a few minutes of silence, I hear rustling and then the left side of the bed dips again, Xandra must've turned over. "Hey" she whispers, "hmm" I hum still on my back because Delia is cuddling into my side. "I wanted to ask you something" she whispers again, Delia's right she is very nervous, "go ahead" I say. "You can obviously say no. Ummm... I was wondering if you maybe wanna..." god she's cute "have sex?" I fill in the blank, she goes completely quiet and for a second I think that may not be what she wanted to ask. I just wait it out and eventually she hums in agreement, I start to giggle because Delia's soft breath is tickling my neck.

"I shouldn't have asked" she said, "no no I swear I'm not laughing at you. Delia is attached to me like a koala bear and she's breathing right into my neck" I whisper while chuckling. Xandra laughs before cuddling into my other side like the little baby she is and holding onto me just like Delia literally making me immobile. "So you actually want to?" Xandra asks, before I can respond Delia mumbles something and yawns. "Yes, dumbass she wants to have sex with you now shut the hell up so I can sleep" she says making both of us giggle. "That's not very nice star. Plus, I wanna fuck you too" I whisper and even in the dark I can see her eyes go wide and I just know she's blushing. 

"Let's just go to sleep" she whispers giving me a soft kiss on the neck. I hug them both into my sides and drift off thinking about how lucky I am to really have both of them. 
