Trouble in 'Paradise'

I hadn't done anything wrong. Right? Don't lie I can't tell if that was her or me honestly. "I went to the coven, to get some books" I said, it's not a lie. "Books on what?" She asks raising her eyebrows slightly which means she doesn't believe me at all. "Different powers, in case I develop some I don't understand. I got to thinking because you both did say my powers would most likely develop quickly. So I just wanted to be prepared" I state.

She stares at me for a while before relaxing herself. "Which one's did she give you?" She asked curiously, I hand her the books since it's just general knowledge anyway. Nothing to give away what I actually went there for. "Your mind powers are better" she points out, "I guess so" I reply. "You can go read, I'm going to prepare dinner" she says in a tone I don't recognize. I go upstairs and to my room setting the books down on my desk.

I've pretty much read all there is to read but I want to go back over it. To make sure I didn't miss anything and also just to see if something sticks out this time. There's really nothing that I can pinpoint except that my symptoms seem very similar to the ones written. Other than that I have no idea how this will help. I've tried most of the remedies they listed that are supposed to make the feelings go away. Some of them are rumored to show me the full vision.

None of them have worked so far and I'm honestly discouraged. I don't want to tell anyone exactly what I've seen until I know everything. If I still have questions I know they will and I don't want to worry them for nothing.     

"Y/n!" Xandra yells, I run down to see she's put the plates on the table already. "So how was your day back at the coven?" She asks innocently but I can see the falter in her smile. "You know I was just there for business right?" I ask her and she nods once showing she heard me but I don't think she believes me. "You were spying on me" I state and she furrows her eyebrows. "You yourself said my mind powers have strengthened. You were dumb to not protect your thoughts" I said looking down at my plate briefly before taking a bite.

"Can you blame me? I've just gotten you back from running away" she states justifying what she did. "What happened to 'I just want you to know how much I love you'? All of a sudden you don't trust me?" I asked her looking her directly in the eyes. "It's not you I don't trust" she said vaguely. "So it's your sister? You really think she could persuade me to... well honestly considering we're not together would it even be cheating?" I asked seriously but it came out harsher than intended.

"I see... well whatever it is that you two have going on I don't care. I just don't want you in my house if that's where you'd rather be" she says coldly. "You can't just do this again. I won't let you. I didn't tell you I was going, I didn't tell her I was coming. She knows just as much information as you do. Maybe you feel entitled to more but at least you didn't get less. If I was going to choose her I would've fully committed to it, like I said. We are friends, friends joke, friends have intimate moments. It doesn't mean I want to fuck her... I won't speak of it again" I say.

I get up and open the sliding glass door to sit by the pool. I close it behind me and sit the furthest from the door I can possibly get while still having my feet in the pool. I'm not even out there for a minute before she comes after me. "I'm sorry" she says quietly as she sits next to me. "You know I've been through a lot, and I've learned a lot. One thing I haven't quite yet grasped though is the nature of people. More specifically why they lie and why they always suspect people of lying. I guess they go hand in hand" I say.

She lights a cigarette and looks up at the sky as she blows smoke out her mouth. "Can I bum one?" I ask her and she quickly turns to me. "You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you" she says seriously. "Look at the pot calling the kettle black" I say and she rolls her eyes. She takes a drag and slightly parts her lips signaling for me to open mine. I do and she comes so close our lips almost touch and lightly blows the smoke in my mouth.

I inhale at the same time and feel as the smoke drifts through my throat. I open my eyes afterwards and she's staring right at me. "I really am sorry" she says looking into my eyes. "It's fine. I hope now you know that you can ask me anything. I'm also assuming that you realize I didn't know you were there so I wasn't hiding anything. Which means..." I trail off waiting for her to finish. "You have nothing to hide" she says and I give her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm starving so I'm gonna finish my food and probably head to bed" I say standing up. She nods and I help her stand up before we head back in the house. After I finish her delicious meal I shower and lay down in our bed waiting for her to come out. "I do still have a question" she says curiously and I turn over to face her so she knows I'm listening. "Will you ever tell me what it is you're looking for?" She asks and I take a deep breath because I really want to tell her but I can't.

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Cordelia. Just watch out for a guy named Michael" I heed and she nods giving me a kiss on the forehead. She pulls me into her chest resting her head on top of mine. I let my worries and anxieties pour out of my body as I drown myself in the sound of her heartbeat.


Damn I might have to mellow y/n out cause they're getting a little too fiesty lol also I'm giving you guys 2 chapters cause I didn't feel like leaving you on a complete cliffhanger today 
