
"Oh get over it you pissed me off, X" I say emphasizing her beloved nickname. "Y/n, do not call me that. You don't know what that means" she says sounding slightly hurt. At this point I really couldn't care less because she made me mad.

"Doesn't feel so good does it? Shouldn't have called me a little shit" I say putting my drink down. "It's sweet tea by the way" I turn around and say before fully walking away towards the elevators. I hear hurried footsteps coming behind me as I step into the elevator.

I hit the close door button but before it closes all the way and hand comes through. Cordelia steps into the elevator and the doors close behind her. She smiles sympathetically at me but stays silent. We make our way up to the room and I realize without her here I wouldn't have been able to get in.

Xandra has the only other key card to the room. We get in and she closes the door behind us as I sigh and go to sit on the couch. She sits next to me and opens her arms which I willingly fall into. She rubs my back softly as I just breathe in her calming scent.

I pull away slowly after a while and sit up looking out the window. "You ok?" She asks softly, "I'll be fine" I respond truthfully. "You did the sweet tea thing just to piss her off" she states. "Yeah" I say chuckling just thinking about it, she's literally so predictable. "It was kinda funny... actually it was really funny" she laughs.

We sit there for a few minutes in silence before we hear Xandra come in. Cordelia puts her hand on my shoulder and I nod, she gets up and goes into her room. Xandra sits next to me and we sit in an awkward silence for a bit before she speaks.

"I'm sorry, I'd didn't actually mean to make you mad" she says quietly. "But you did" I say curtly, "I'm trying to apologize" she says. "Ok I guess I accept your apology, as long as you promise not to call me that again" I say. "If you promise not to call me 'X' again" she says the name with such disgust.

"Deal" I say, "deal" she responds and pulls me into a hug. "You really are a good hugger" she whispers in my ear before pulling away. For some reason it sends shivers down my spine, but in a good way? It was so weird. "I'm assuming you two made up" Cordelia says as she exits her room.

I nod and look to Xandra who suggests we skip lunch and watch a movie. Then order in for dinner since I wanted to stay in for the day. Cordelia agrees and we decide to let Xandra pick the movie. She picks the movie US and Cordelia protests religiously that she hates horror movies.

Somehow Xandra convinces her after ruling majority since I said I was ok with it. I sit in the middle again while we watch the movie. Every time a mildly scary part comes up Cordelia latches onto me for dear life. I giggle and she looks at me like I'm insane.

"How can you watch this stuff?" She asks like it's some kind of philosophical question she's been pondering. "It's just fiction" I reply calmly, "still... it's terrifying" she says burying her head in my shoulder. She stays like that for the entire movie while I try not to move too much from laughing.

Once the credits come up I look over to Xandra who's already looking at me. Well me and Cordelia since she's holding me hostage to the couch. I shake her a little to wake her up without startling her. She yawns and says "that was a great movie" I laugh at her rare lack of enthusiasm.

"You were asleep for half of it" I state, "exactly. Half is enough for me" she says tiredly. "I think I'm gonna take a nap" Cordelia says yawning again.
"She really means go to sleep, she's pretty old" she whispers the last part but loud enough for her to hear.

"We're the same age" she counters, "so now you don't want to claim the 2 minutes?" Xandra ask snugly. Cordelia rolls her eyes and says goodnight before retiring to her room for the night. Time has passed so fast, it's already 6 pm. "Wanna order dinner?" Xandra asks once Cordelia's out of the room.

"I'm not really hungry" I say, "me either" Xandra agrees. We decided to watch another movie before going to sleep. We both shower, Xandra first, I get dressed in the bathroom and come out drying my hair. Xandra just stares at me as I make sure it's only slightly damp, not wanting to dry it, before laying down.

"What?" I asks and I get comfortable and turn to face her bed so I can see her. She reached in between the beds and turns off the lamp so it's dark.
"Don't get too attached to her" she whispers towards me in the darkness, I'm so confused. "I haven't, I just met her. But you've been acting different" I say honestly.

"My sister tends to produce that effect" she says sadly. "You can't allow your emotions to be so heavily influenced by other people" I say. "I know... it's just hard with her" she says, "she seems nice... why don't you guys get along?" I ask not really expecting an answer.

"It's a long story... maybe another time. Good night y/n" she says ending the conversation. At least I was prepared for it, "Good night Xandra" I say before flipping over to get comfortable.
