Tea vs Coffee

I wake up super early, like earlier than Xandra and I just can't get back to sleep. I just choose to get up and get my day started, I do my morning routine first. I pick out clothes and then I quietly exit the room.

I go to the big window and figure out how to open the curtains with the remote. I make sure to only open them a little because Cordelia's doors are semi-transparent. I don't want to wake her up super early, some people aren't morning people ya know.

I look out the window and over the city for the first time. It's so beautiful, all the tall buildings, the cars, the tiny people below. It's so different from where we came from and from home. Well... I guess it's not really my home anymore but it was I suppose. That makes me a little sad but I try not to dwell on it.

I begin to hear a noise, it sounds like... a coffee machine. Then I smell tea and know that it's definitely a machine. I turn around and it's brewing on its own, no one's even standing there. I just brush it off, thinking maybe there's a timer set on it.

Soon after Cordelia's doors open and she heads straight for the coffee machine. I don't think she's noticed I'm here yet since she didn't say anything. "Need your first sip before tackling conversation" I say playfully.

She jumps and whips her head towards me putting her hand to her chest. "Great jellybeans you scared me" she says smiling and grabbing her coffee. "Good morning" she says softly before taking a sip of her tea.  "Good morning" I respond turning back towards the window.

"Also, jellybeans?" I ask giggling, "I'm not responsible for what comes out of my mouth when I'm scared" she says walking towards me. She grabs the remote and opens the curtains all the way. I take a step back and just end up sitting on the couch so I can see it all.

It's like looking out over the whole city, the sky just blends into the rooftops. Cordelia sits down next to me and admires it as well. "So... Xandra's talked very fondly of you" she says turning towards me. I turn to face her and raise my eyebrows, "really?" I ask kind of shocked.

"She might not show it but she really likes you" she says with a wink. I'm not really sure what it's supposed to mean but I just take it as friendly for now. "Good to know I guess" I say shrugging, "I haven't heard anything about you... not to be rude" I clarify.

"Xandra says you know me pretty well" she says questioningly. "Not exactly" I say not really wanting to go into detail this early in the day. "What do you mean?" She asks, but before I can figure out an answer we hear a door opening.

Both of us turn our head around and see a sleepy Xandra rubbing her eyes. We're both dressed and she's still in her pajamas which feels very on brand for her. "Why the fuck are y'all up so early?" she mumbles walking over to the machine where Cordelia got her tea.

She puts in a pod and the room fills with the scent of coffee as it brews. "How can you be so irritated this early in the morning?" Cordelia counters and I stifle a giggle. "I tend to not be as pleasant as my usual self when I don't get enough beauty rest" she responds.

As if she needs it, they both look at me suddenly. Xandra smiling softly and Cordelia with a raised eyebrow. But I blink and their faces are back to normal, I probably imagined it.

Xandra comes and sits on the other side of me and sips her coffee. "So I was thinking today we could go out for lunch and then just walk around a bit. Maybe see a movie later?" Cordelia suggest. I think she's the older one since she usually decides what we do.

Xandra opens her mouth to say something but Cordelia gives her a look. Definitely the older one, I just wait for Xandra to respond. This doesn't seem like something I should get into, the tensions feels thick. "Sounds cool" she responds calmly, "y/n?" Cordelia looks to me with a smile.

"Yeah I'm cool with whatever" I say and shrug, "is there something specific you wanna do?" she asks me.
Xandra looks at her and rolls her eyes, "I don't really think I should decide"  I say. "Well it's supposed to be fun for all of us, we don't wanna just drag you around. Right?" She says looking to Xandra.

"Yeah" she replies dryly, "if it was up to me we'd probably stay here all day but I don't think that'd be fun for you guys" I say. "Stay here and do what?" Cordelia asks sweetly, "well I'd probably read and watch tv" I respond.

"So like a rest day? We could probably all use that... did the drive make you super tired?" She asks softly. "Not really, I kind of just prefer to chill inside. I don't really like being around big crowds of people" I respond shyly.

"Any particular reason?" She asks, "how many questions are you going to ask her?" Xandra asks annoyed. "Relax Xan, I'm just trying to get to know her" Cordelia responds.

"It's ok. Ummm it just gives me anxiety" I reply nervously. "Understandable. We can stay in today if you want" she suggests. "No it's ok, I don't wanna keep you guys from doing things" I say. "Don't worry about it, a day in sounds fantastic honestly" Cordelia reassures me.

"Xandra?" Cordelia asks "Does it mean I can go back to sleep?" Cordelia looks to me. "Sure" I sat in response, "great" she says putting down her coffee and going back into the room.
