Late Night Talks

It's like day 5 and everything has been pretty much smooth sailing after those few hiccups. We leave tomorrow and we've had a pretty full day since it's our last day together. We woke up early and were out all day today.

We went to breakfast at this really fancy place and despite much argument from Xandra, Cordelia paid. After that we walked around looking at shops before we went to lunch.
Then we actually went shopping before going to a movie.

It was pretty boring, no offense to Cordelia since she picked it. I pretty much zoned out the entire time, mostly trying to figure out how she got to the hotel. Since they didn't seem to have any Ubers or anything like that around here. Maybe they had taxis and I just hadn't seen one yet.

She could also know someone else around the area but that was unlikely.
We did run into some dude named Hank who tried to talk to Cordelia. Despite their seemingly rocky relationship Xandra got really protective and defensive. The mystery man soon went away grumbling to himself.

He randomly choked, like on air after he walked off. It was really weird and we all laughed at it, well except for Cordelia for some reason. She gave Xandra this angry look and she shrugged in response. We made it back to the hotel after a short drive and we all slumped down onto the couch.

I think the day felt pretty long for all of us since it was packed with activities. I said I was going to head to bed since I planned to drive us back tomorrow. Xandra said it was about a 2 hour drive so I wanted to be well rested. I wanted to surprise her and do something nice. Since she drove here and plus I know she's not a morning person.

I took a shower and did the rest of my night routine before slipping under the covers. I woke up and checked my phone, I had only been asleep for a few hours. I turned on my other side hoping to get comfortable again so I could go back to sleep.

I squinted into the darkness and realized I didn't see Xandra's figure under the covers. There was a little moonlight seeping through the curtains giving a low light to the room.
Then I began to hear hushed voices, I think I caught them in the middle of a conversation. It seems like a heated conversation at that.

"You're just like Fiona" that sounded like Cordelia. Who's Fiona?, "don't you dare say that! I will never be like her" I heard Xandra whisper yell. I assume it's an insult to be compared to this Fiona person because Xandra sounded angry.

"Maybe don't act like her and I would say that then" Cordelia responds angrily. At this point I get up and put my ear to the door, because I've never heard Cordelia angry before. She doesn't even seem like the type of person to get angry unless it's really serious. I wonder what Xandra said to make her that mad.

Xandra's pov
"If I'm so much like her why aren't I dead Hmm?" I respond. I watch Delia's face fall after I said that as tears begin to fill her eyes. I knew I struck a nerve, it was intentional but I hated it. Every time tears filled her eyes I felt her pain, and realized how bad I'd fucked up.

"You're a piece of shit" she says before slamming her bedroom door in my face. I sigh, I hate arguing with her and I can't imagine what y/n heard.
If she wasn't awake before she's definitely awake now. It's my own fault, Delia rarely gets angry.

She's always said I'm the only person that can really push her buttons like that. I suck it up and walk back to my shared room with y/n. I see her sitting up with the light on and all the composure I had managed to gather crumbles before both of our eyes.

Your pov
She walks into the room and her walls pretty much visibly tumble. She looks so tired, and so sad. Without saying anything she crawls into the bed with me and puts her head on my chest. She cries so hard I'm afraid she'll stop breathing, I try to calm her breathing.

She just keeps sobbing as if she'll never stop, I'm kind of scared that she won't. But I'll hold her for however long she needs. I've never seen her cry before, I've never seen anyone cry like this before. I wonder what they were even arguing about, or what started it in the first place.

She finally calms down and pulls away just enough to look at me. Her eyes are so red it makes me want to cry looking into them. "Please, please... don't forget what I said before we left" she reminds me. I can only assume she's referring to not forgetting who my 'favorite is'. "I haven't" I reassure her, she nods and lays her head back on my chest.

"Are you ok?" I whisper, "I will be" she says, soon after I hear her light snores. I move slowly to turn the light of so I don't wake her. I try to go to sleep myself but it takes a while since I'm worried about her, and Cordelia. After what feels like minutes I'm being woken up by light shaking.

My eyes shoot open and I squint into the dark because I don't feel Xandra's body. Cordelia's face comes into focus and she silently shushed me. She motions for me to follow her and I get out of bed. I see Xandra's silhouette under the covers of her bed and I sigh in relief. I walk out into the dimly lit living room area and think about what Cordelia had to talk to me about.

Especially in the middle of the damn night, couldn't it wait until morning.
