Dinner pt 2

I look at her curiously, before responding. "What do you wanna know?" I ask, "anything" she replies. The waiter brings our drinks and we put in food orders, we both already knew what we wanted.

"I pretty much always get the same food anywhere I go" I say after the waiter leaves. "Me too" she replies, "I like drawing, and writing... reading too" I say thinking of other things. "Oh so you're really creative" she responds more like a statement than a question.

"I guess so... I don't really think of it like that though. I kind of just get random inspiration and... do it? I wouldn't call myself an artist, those are the real creative people" I say. "An artist is a person who creates art even as a hobby. So you are in artist in the technical sense... but i get it. What kind of things inspire you?" she asks.

She seems really interested and engaged, it's kind of nice. "Uhhh depends I guess. Sometimes places or pictures, songs most of the time. Even people, though that's rare" I respond. "So like a muse?" She ask, "yeah" I giggle in response.

"You've had one?" She continues to press on the muse thing. "Yeah" i respond thoughtfully while nodding slowly, good times I thought. "Who? If I can ask" she says and I can't really read her tone.

"No one important really, well not anymore anyway. Someone I had a crush on" I say sighing. "Was she really special to you?" She asks almost appearing sad. "Yeah... wait. How do you know it was a she?" I ask. She takes a minute to respond and looks like she's panicking.

"I don't know. I just guessed" she responds finally. I nod and the waiter brings over our food, we eat in a weird silence. It wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't comfortable either, just... neutral. We finish eating and she pays then we go back out to get in the car.

As we're driving I decide to break the silence. "You didn't tell me anything about you" I say, "I guess I didn't... what do you wanna know?" She asks. I think hard about it but I don't really have any specific question yet.

"How do you feel about me?" I ask randomly, she clears her throat and looks to be thinking about it. "What do you mean?" She asks glancing over at me, "in general, like do you like me?" I ask hopefully. "Yes" she responds simply, "hmmm" I say, "just tell me random things about you" I say.

"Ummm I don't know, I'm not really interesting" she states. "I find that hard to believe" I state, she glances over at me with an amused look. "Most embarrassing moment" I say looking at her. "I tripped over my heels coming out of a club, spilled my entire drink on my date" she says.

I giggle a bit, "did he ever call back?" I ask jokingly. "Nope, she never did" she said biting her lip, I know I heard her correctly. I decided not to address it and continue with the questions. "Have you ever broken a bone?" I ask, "no" she responds.

"I also find that hard to believe, you wear like 5 inch heels everyday" I say jokingly. She chuckles and shakes her head, "do you always wear heels?" I ask curiously. "Yeah... I guess I do" she says like it's the first time she's thought about it.

"Why?" I ask simply, "I don't know, I just do" she responds uncertainly. "What's your favorite drink?" I ask, "white wine" I struggle to stifle a laugh. "Pinot Grigio?" I ask, "disgusting, who do you think I am?" She responds. I can't hold my laugh in anymore I go straight into a laughing fit.

"Ok ok calm down before you choke" she says playfully. "I bet I can guess your favorite" I challenge. "I would love to see you try, there's too many to choose from" she says accepting. "Hmm... Sauvignon blanc" I say with extreme confidence. Her face drops in shock and that's when I know I got it right .

"It was a lucky guess" she says, "no it wasn't. I can just tell, you seem like the type" I say. "What type?" She asks sounding offended but intrigued. "I don't know.... The Sauvignon blanc type" I respond vaguely. "Please... elaborate" she says sarcastically, "I can't really explain it you just know" I say.

"What kind of wine does your uncle like? I think that'll be harder" she replies. "Its a trick question because he's not a wine drinker" I counter. "Well when he does drink wine what kind is it?" She counters. "He doesn't. But if he absolutely has to he'll probably just go with the majority. Doesn't matter as long as it's alcohol at that point, though he'll complain about it afterwards" I say.

She laughs, "look at that... you have another talent" she says. "What can say? I'm just a person of many talents" I respond. "You're kinda cool kid" she says as she pulls in the driveway. "Don't call me kid" I say playfully, "fine. Guess I just have to find something else to call you" she says grinning.

I shake my head and get out the car, we enter the house and I'm about to head upstairs. "Wait. Come sit with me" she says, I walk back down the few steps I went up and sit on the couch. She brings a bottle of wine and two glasses, filling them and handing me one.

I hesitate to drink it, "I'm not gonna poison you" she says jokingly. "Or do you just not like my taste in wine?" She asks pretending to be offended.
"No it's fine. I prefer red though, fuller taste" I say and take a sip. "Hmm I wouldn't have guessed that" she says, "because I'm the one who guesses the drinks" I say smartly.

She rolls her eyes and then the light up like she got an idea. She pulls out her phone and scrolls for a minute before looking up at me. "I want to test your... skills... one more time" she says excitedly. "Ok" I say nervously, she turns her phone around and shows me a picture of a woman.

"Damn" i say out loud, "what?" She says turning the phone back to her.
"Nothing. Show me again?" I ask, shit she's hot I think. "Are you gonna answer?" She says trying not to sound annoyed and failing. "Tequila. But... I'm getting..." I make a thinking face while trying not to laugh.

"A hint of, Cabernet Sauvignon... or Malbec" I respond looking into her eyes now. She rolls her eyes and puts her phone away, "did I get it right?" I ask amusedly. "Yeah yeah" she says waving me off I grin, "who is she?" I ask.

"My sister" she responds, so her whole family is hot... good to know I think. "She's coming to visit soon" she says dryly, "when?" I ask trying not to found excited. "This weekend, she's staying for a week. Says she needs a vacation from..." she trails off.

"From...?" I say trying to get her to finish her sentence. "From work" she responds rushed like shes lying. Not my business honestly, family matters are personal I understand. "It's not that I don't wanna tell you... I just probably shouldn't" she says.

I nod slowly, "you don't have to explain anything to me" I say taking a sip of wine. "She'll probably tell you herself honestly" she says almost sadly. "I get the impression you guys are quite different" I state. "Yeah, we are" she sighs, "what gives you that impression though?" She asks.

"Well for one, she was smiling" I joke, she hits my arm playfully. "Seriously though, it's just a vibe" I say.

Thank you for voting on the story and those that read it, I hope you enjoy :)
