I hate you

She grabs my arm harshly and magically pack my things but I rip out of her grip. "I'm not leaving without speaking to Cordelia" I say defiantly and I can see the fire in her eyes. "You left without saying anything to me" she says coldly and I roll my eyes at her. "Whatever Xandra at least give me time to say goodbye" I say walking off before she can answer. I knock softly on Cordelia's door and the door creaks open. I closed the door behind me and tiptoed over to her bed because she was laying down.

"Cordelia" I whisper yelled and she turned over quickly looking me in the eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy and I pouted in pure confusion. She pulled me into her arms and I fell on the bed next to her. "I'm so sorry y/n" she whispered in my ear and now I'm concerned. I pull away slightly to wipe her tears and look into her eyes. "What are you sorry for?" I ask confusion written all over my face and she shakes her head. "She's pissed because of me..." she says lowly and I grab her face in my hands.

"It's not your fault I lied to you... I'll clear it up ok?" I promised her and she sighed giving a sad smile. "It's not that... it's-" she gets cut off by Xandra barging in. "Let's go y/n" she says looking directly at me, "but I was just-" she glares at me. "I said. Let's. Go. Now!" She raises her voice and tears form in my eyes as I look at her. I turn back to Delia letting her know we still need to talk. She nods slowly and I stand up roughly brushing past Xandra.

I grab my things and teleport back to the house before she can talk to me again. I make it into my room and lock the door laying on the bed and curling up under the covers. Of course she was at my door within seconds realizing it was locked. "Open this door y/n" she says calmly but I can hear her anger. I didn't respond and of course she just unlocked the door with her powers and entered.

"Controlling much? Also locked door means don't come in I didn't think I needed to say that" I say with my back turned to her. "You'll have to talk to me at some point" she says, "I just did. Now leave" I said calmly. "You know that's not what I mean y/n" she says sitting down on the bed. "You do not want to hear what I have to say right now" I warned her but she kept pushing. I sit up and sigh angrily turning my attention towards her. "Don't say I didn't warn you Xandra" I say and she nods.

"I hate you. Right now I don't even want to see you let alone be in the same room as you. I needed time to be away from you and just think and you couldn't even let me do that. Do you really need to know where I am and keep eyes on me at all times? You're a bitch" I say with no emotion on my face. Inside I was screaming and kicking and honestly I just wanted to cry. "Y/n..." she says sadly and tries to put her hand on my leg. I curl my legs up before she can touch me and narrow my eyes at her.

"Don't. Touch me. If I have to be here I want to be alone" I say quietly. She opens her mouth but closes it again and nods before getting up to leave. I immediately pick up my phone and call Delia knowing she's still up and the only person I wanna talk to anyway.


Y/n... I'm really sorry.  I hope she didn't bite your head off too bad

Please. I didn't even let her talk. I don't wanna talk to her or about her right now

Ok... what do you wanna talk about?

What were you gonna tell me... before?

Before you left?

Before I was snatched away haha? Yeah...

Maybe we should talk about something... lighter...

I wanna know...



We talk for a while until we get tired and then we both say goodnight and hang up.
