Cheeky Confessions

I go up to her door and open in, not really thinking to knock. I look around and spot her about to slip on her pajama pants. She's turned around but I can see she doesn't have a bra on and she's wearing a red thong. She quickly slips her pants on, I'm assuming she became aware of my presence. Then she slips her shirt on and turns around, "enjoy the show?" She asks smugly. I decide to tease her because I can tell she thinks she has the upper hand.

"I would've enjoyed it even more had you turned around and actually let me see" I say smugly. I can see her cheeks instantly redden and I mentally do a happy dance. I walk cooly over to the bed and lay down on the right side. "That's my side" she says standing over me, "I know" I say. "Move" she demands, "there's no way I'm sleeping on his side of the bed. Did you wash the sheets yet?" I ask grimacing.

"Of course I washed the sheets dummy" she says and I move over. "Still feels weird" I mumble, "come here idiot" she says opening her arms. I crawl over closer to her, "now you're laying on my side of the bed, happy?" She asks sarcastically. "Is your way of getting me to like you just making fun of me and calling me names?" I retort. "What do you have a praise kink or something?" She asks jokingly.

It goes quiet as I lay on her chest just listening to her heartbeat. "Y/n?" She says quietly, "yeah" I whisper back and she sighs. "You do" she states and again I don't say anything. "There's nothing wrong with it" she says, "that's like telling a kid they're 'different' but that it's ok" I reply. I really could've just lied and said I didn't but I froze.

"I'm serious though, I don't mind it" she says reassuringly and I nod. "I think I've figured out your new nickname" she says and I can hear her smirking. "What is it?" I sigh, "princess" she states likes she's proud of herself. I sit up a bit to look at her and she is indeed smirking. "You're an ass" I say laying back down nuzzling my face into her shoulder.

"I'm being serious princess, doesn't it just roll off the tongue" she says. I groan and she giggles, "you're never gonna let me live it down are you?" I mumble. "Don't be embarrassed... I'll tell you one of mine, will that make you feel better?" She asks quietly. I sit up so I can face her and nod with a smug smile on my face. "I like dominating" she says moving closer, "that's not embarrassing it's just hot" I say pouting.

"You think that's hot?" She says biting her lip, "fuck you" I say pointing at her. "Fuck me" she says seriously, "that's not what I meant" I say rolling my eyes. "Fine. Ummm... I like watching myself, and others, have sex" she says. "Really?" I ask seriously, she nods and looks me in the eyes. "That's kinda hot too" I say rolling my eyes.

"Well I don't really know what to tell you then" she says sounding defeated. "Do you have any non-sexual turn ons?" I ask nervously. I block her from my thoughts because they're racing right now. I'm hoping she says she likes things about me or things that I have. "Compliments, hair, hands..." she says looking down at my hands. "I'm attracted to people who are funny, light-hearted... I'm kind of the poster kid for opposites attract" she says chuckling.

"You?" She asks expectantly looking to me with hope in her eyes. "Hair, quality time is one of my love, intelligence, humor, arms, a nice smile. I like nicknames the cute ones though not the ironic ones" I say looking up at her after. "So like something original? Personal" she asks and I nod. "I'll keep that in mind" she says smugly and I shake my head.

"Also just confidence and power in general" I finish before I forgot. "So..." she says trailing off, "no. Not your sister" I clarify. She smiles softly and visibly relaxes. "Why didn't you tell me you were a twin?" I ask curiously, I still couldn't figure out why. "Most times I forget I'm a twin honestly, I don't feel like one. Probably because I don't see her a lot. This time isn't an accurate representation of our relationship by the way. I love her, of course, she can just be... difficult at times. So can I so I guess that's one of the many things we have in common" she laughs.

"Are you tired?" I ask mischievously, "not really. Why?" She asks skeptically. "I wanna play a game" I say getting up and going to my room. I grab the rum and go downstairs quickly to grab two shot glasses. I walk back in the room holding the things up in my hands. "Oh god" she says putting a hand to her head, "relax it won't be that bad" I say. "Alright get over here" she says and I sit on the bed as she sits up.

"What's the game?" She asks sighing, "there's 3 options, you get to pick" I say proudly. She nods for me to continue and I silently choose three games to tell her. "Ok. So there's 2 truths and a lie to get to know each other. Truth or drink of course. Then... speed facts which is like a game to see how well we know each other" I say confidently. "Hmmm well I think truth or drink is too easy. And the other two are basically win-win because I'll learn things and get drunk" she says thoughtfully.

I nod and wait for her to choose a game for us to play. "Speed facts" she says, "also a special rule, we can't use mind reading" I say and she sighs. "Why have a gift I can't use?" She pouts, "it's cheating" I say simply. She agrees not to use her powers and I explain the other rules. "Basically if either of us gets a fact right the other has to drink. If one of us takes too long to say a fact or it's incorrect then that person has to drink. Make sense?" I ask and she nods.

"Are you gonna start?" She asks and I nod and think of something to start off.
