




An annoyed Julianna stomped her way around the trailers, looking for the one and only, Louis Partridge.

She found him in the costume trailer, where he was still busy fixing his outfit.

"There you are!" She grabbed his wrist and pulled him out with her before he could even question. "Zoe has been looking around for you! You still have to get your hair done, then your makeup and they also need to find the shoes you were supposed to be wearing."

"They haven't picked out the shoes yet?"

"Oh they have, they just forgot where they had kept them."

She pulled him throw the chaotic mess that the trailers were to get him to the makeup trailer.

The premiere was in 3 hours and there were still some things left. Julianna herself had been roaming around in a half contoured face.

After she was sure that Louis was seated and was in the process of getting ready, she decided to get her make up finished.

The cars arrived in an hour, they had to get ready till then. They had to face the paparazzi, obviously, and then clear up an interview in room 313. After that was done, a little thank you from the director, Cheryl and then the premiere party, where the big reveal happens.

Julie had obviously been rushing things, trying to get them done as soon as possible. She wasn't exactly successful in that, but she had tried.

"Transportation arrives in 30 minutes!"

The crew had to constantly remind them of that.

Sadie, Leah and Caleb, Robert and Emma were the only ones who had already gotten ready and we're waiting for the cars. Asa and Daniel, like Julie and Louis were still in the process of getting ready.

Eventually, all of them were ready and waiting for the transportation, which arrived in about 5 minutes.

"Alright, everybody, the cars have arrived. Start getting seated! We know the order, Emma and Asa, Daniel and Robert, Sadie, Leah and Caleb and then Julie and Louis." One of the crew members instructed and the actors started going in the cars assigned to them.

"Julie, don't worry about anything, I will ring up Yara and the others." Zoe reassured Julie before she stepped inside the car.

"And you have that right?" She asked quickly and Zoe nodded and left immediately to ring them up.

They started getting seated and the cars started leaving.

In a secluded corner from the entire chaos, Zoe dialed a number on her phone. The phone ringed for a while until the receiver finally answered.


"Mhm. They just left. Are they ready?"

"Yes, they're ready. You have it, correct?"

"Yeah, I'll see you exactly 3 hours later, after the premiere. Be ready and please, don't mess anything up."

"Everything will be ready, don't worry."

The call ended and Zoe shoved it back in her pocket, leaving the area to get ready for the premiere party held after the premiere.


As soon as the interview ended, Julie breathed out a sigh of relief, that it had finally ended. However, she was also anxious about tonight. Louis, who had been sitting next to her, leaned over to her.

"Julie, are you alright?"

"Yeah, why? "

"You look nervous."

"I am perfectly fine, Louis."

"Miss perfectly fine, you do not look fine at all. What's bugging you?"

"Tonight, you know what happens. And I am just so nervous, I have no idea how we will be ending it and if we will even manage to execute it properly or - "

Before she could finish her sentence, Louis placed his palm over her mouth to stop her from talking. "Look, I will make sure it'll be executed perfectly, nothing will be wrong. I promise, darling."

She nodded, "Alright, but if anything goes wrong - "

"You can have my head on a plate, your majesty." She chuckled and hit him a little on the shoulder.

"Hey, we have a little time before the premiere party. About half of an hour. Wanna join me and Sadie to the photo booth?" Caleb offered to which the pair nodded immediately.

They followed him to the photobooth where they just took pictures with the various props provided.

Even when a smile graced her face, she couldn't help but still worry about tonight.


They had arrived to the premiere party and everything seemed to be going fine, according to the guests, however, Julianna was getting impatient as time passed by.

She signalled Miranda, asking her if they can start yet. Miranda quickly sends a text to Yara, who stood in a corner with Zoe. The two decide for it to be the time.

Yara answers back and Miranda signals for them to start.

Clearing her throat, Yara tries to attract the attention of the guests, and manages to do so. Zoe followed behind her. Julie and Louis joined too. It was finally showtime.

"So, we have a something planned for tonight. A big reveal for which we have been waiting for." Yara smiles and glanced at Julie.

"This reveal is dedicated to Leah Bassey and Manuela Gomez!"

"Marcus, we would like for the video to start now." Zoe told the redhead who sat in a private corner.

Marcus smirked and pressed on play. The video started playing and that's when Leah realised.

She was so screwed.
