


(Real life with a bit of social media)

"Hold on, your mother left for work without leaving breakfast for us?" Louis asks Will, who was still trying to look for some leftovers in the refrigerator.

"Isn't it obvious? Great!" He exclaims in frustration, closing the refrigerator. "There are no leftovers either!"

"Let me cook then." ── "Oh hell no."

"C'mon, I am a good cook." Louis pouts as William rolls his eyes.

"Please, I still remember when we were in 7th grade. You said you'll heat milk and then you forgot about it. The kitchen was literally flooded with milk." He crosses his arms over his.

"Jeez, okay then. How do you plan for our breakfast?"

"Let's crash onto Julie's place."

"I thought you'd say Yara's but okay. After marriage." Louis smirks as William ignores him with his full might.

"We can walk to her home, it's a 20 minute walk."

"Let's get some flowers on the way, they're a great start to a morning." Louis smiles as Will nods and grabs some money.

They lock the door and Will puts the keys in his pocket. On their way to Julie's home, they stop near a flower's shop as Louis said he wanted to get some flowers. They pay for a bouquet of tulips.

"Wait, coming!" Julie says as the two of them knock on the door. She swings open the door and a William and a Louis with a bouquet of flowers─ tulips to be specific─ standing in front of her door.

"Your home looks a bit messy, but I guess that okay." William walks in, his gaze falling on everything around the room.

"Flowers, I thought they'll be a good start to a morning." Louis smiles widely, handing her the bouquet and walking in. She inhales the sweet scent
and closes the door.

"And what exactly is the purpose of your visit?" Julie cocks an eyebrow at William who was rather busy inspecting a pair of glasses before he looks up.

"Basically, mom left for work without leaving breakfast so we thought we'll come over your place." He says, keeping down the glasses he was just holding.

"To have breakfast?"


"Bad luck." She chuckles, keeping down the bouquet she was holding. "I have made nothing for me yet, but I was planning on cooking 2-minute noodles as I was busy, fixing my bookshelf and the entire home as well."

"Told you! You should've let me cook breakfast!" Louis happily exclaims and starts to walk into the kitchen but is stopped by Julie.

"Nope. You're not going in my kitchen."

"Dang it!" He mutters and sits down a chair.

"We can go out to eat later, if you promise to help me clean up my home." She leans over the doorframe as William sighs and nods. "Spectacular! Then I'll go back to doing the bedrooms and you can clean the kitchen and bathroom."

"Wait, can I help with the bookshelf?" Julie nods immediately and he jumps back to his feet and follows him in her room.

"I've done the bed already. Just the bookshelf that's going to take time." She starts to give Louis her books who keeps them down on the desk.

"Ruskin Bond? He's a great author." Louis says, looking at the book and turning a few pages.

"I've had this one for a while now." She smiles and takes out the book version of 'Cinderella.'

"You have Cinderella as well?"

"My cousin got this for me when I was 9. I had the habit to finish a book in a day at that time, so I ended up reading it completely the moment I got it." They chuckle as they continue their work. Once all the books were on the desk, Louis arranges them and starts to give them to her, so that she can put them in back the shelf.

"Hey! I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. You done with your room?" Will appears in the doorway, as Julie nods and starts to get down.

"Let me help." Louis takes out his hand for her to take.

"Wouldn't have needed that but thanks." She smiles, holding his hand as she gets down.

"Great! We can go eat out now?" Will asks eagerly.

"Duh, but where should we go?"


"It's not a breakfast place but why not?"


Julie was full and leaned back in her chair and so did Louis while William just stared at them awkwardly since he had no idea if he should eat or not.

"Will, just eat it."

"I am not sure if I should, Louis!" He rolls his eyes.

"Why not?"

"What if I got fat?" Will gulps as Julie cocks a brow at him.

"That's a stupid thought, Will. Who cares if you get fat, we'll still love you as our best friend. Besides, you wanted to come here." Will sighs, eating the burger he was staring at.

"Okay, so both of you have had breakfast so I'll leave now." She gets out of her seat but stops when Louis holds her wrist.

'Can earth swallow me up right now?'

"Wait," Louis stands up as Will watches and eats even louder. "Maybe you should come over?"

"Kind offer. But I am sorry, I'll have to get back home." She says, pressing her lips into a smile.

It was a bit wierd for Will. He wasn't expecting that kind of reaction, but knowing that she has mood swings sometimes, he didn't say anything.

"Don't mind her, mate. Jules has mood swings." Will pats Louis' shoulder who nods in understanding.

"Let's get back home as soon as your done eating." Louis says.


As soon as they were back home, Louis quickly took his phone and started scrolling through it.

"Louis, what are you doing? We literally just got back." Will chuckles.

"Just wish me luck." He says instead in response. He was really nervous for what he was going to be doing next.


I don't really know
how to be all fancy
and shit when you like,
tell this so I am just
going to be simple

Okay so, here I go

I fancy you !

Zoe says !
Julie, you okay?
